Ways to flush the heating system

Flushing heating pipes is an activity that should be carried out regularly, regardless of the form of ownership of the property and its configuration. If not properly maintained, the lines become clogged, which can cause a critical situation. At best, the circulation of the coolant worsens and it becomes cold in the apartment. The worst-case scenario is a system breakout or freeze. With the right approach, you can clean the heating pipes yourself, saving a considerable amount on the services of professionals. To do this, you need to understand the causes of pollution and methods for self-cleaning pipes.

Signs of poor heating system maintenance

In soft water regions, the heating system is flushed every 5 years.

Experts recommend flushing the heating system every 5-6 years. In areas where the water is characterized by increased hardness and acidity, this procedure should be carried out more often.

The fact that pipe cleaning is necessary is evidenced by the following phenomena:

  • Uneven heating of batteries. In some apartments or rooms the temperature is correct, in other places the radiators are cold or slightly warm.
  • High blood pressure. Information about this can be obtained in the basement of the house, where pressure gauges are installed on the risers. Pressure arises from the difficulty of fluid passing through narrowed areas.
  • Loud noise in the highway. It occurs due to turbulence in the pipes caused by the difference in the volume of water in different places in the system.
  • Safety valve actuation - drain valve and air vent.
  • Leak at the joints. In some cases, due to extremely high pressure, it breaks off taps, pipes burst in weak points.

If such signs are detected, it is necessary to act promptly. The situation will deteriorate further, and exponentially, as old deposits collect new plaque faster.

Contamination reasons

In cast iron batteries, scale and dirt accumulate faster

The prerequisites for clogging the heating system can be chemical, technical, physical. Also, the human factor cannot be ruled out.

The causes of blockages:

  • Chemical composition of water. The liquid circulating through the pipes does not undergo electrolytic cleaning. Under the influence of high temperature, metals are released from it - iron, calcium and magnesium, which form a dense sediment.
  • Iron corrosion. Almost all the wiring in the old houses is made of steel. Only recently have polypropylene products been used for this. Rust accumulates on the pipe walls, gradually reducing their internal section.
  • Emergency situations. When the highways break through, dirt, plants and small stones get into them. After the completion of the repair, foreign inclusions are carried along the pipeline, sticking to its surface.
  • Errors during construction and repair. These include poor-quality welding at the joints, as a result of which narrowed places appear, where dirt collects faster. Sometimes craftsmen drop gaskets, tow, small metal parts stuck at corners and joints into pipes.
  • The shape and size of the radiators. Cast iron products have a large volume, water flows in them more slowly, which contributes to precipitation.

To determine the causes of clogged communications, they should be diagnosed.This can be done using a probe or ultrasound scanner. Determining the nature of the contamination will help you choose the best way to eliminate the malfunction.

Heating system flushing options

The choice of technology for flushing the heating system in an apartment building depends not only on the composition, number and size of blockages. It is necessary to take into account the composition of the materials from which the closed loop is made, its scheme and the types of applied crimping. Products made of iron, cast iron and polymer plastic can be installed on one riser. Strong chemical agent or pressure can damage one of them. Therefore, it is necessary to act so that flushing does not cause the destruction of the system and its expensive repair. This process can be carried out according to one of the options available today, which is selected individually.


Mechanical flushing is more focused on radiators - risers and pipes are not affected

This method is more focused on radiators than piping and risers. The advantage of this approach is that it can be carried out at any time of the year, regardless of whether the heating system is on or off for the warm season. The main condition is the presence of taps in front of the radiators and the effective thread at their ends.

After blocking the water, the heating element must be disconnected from the piping. It must be removed carefully so as not to damage the floor and walls. Then the product must be taken out into the street or placed in a trough. The battery can be cleaned with a plumbing cable with a removable brush of the appropriate size. You can blow through the sections with a powerful compressor. If the heating is turned off, it makes sense to perform similar manipulations with the strapping. The cable with a brush is pushed to the riser, which is less prone to sediment formation than the horizontal sections.

After mechanical action, the radiator and pipes are rinsed with water until all impurities have been removed. After installing the heater in place, check the tightness of the connection.


The essence of the chemical method is to dissolve the deposits inside and wash them under pressure

The chemical method for cleaning the circuit is the most accessible of all that can be done by hand. Another plus is that in the presence of a branch pipe with a tap, flushing can be done with the heating system running. The essence of the method lies in the fact that chemical reagents, acting on the precipitate, cause its softening, disintegration into small fragments and dissolution.

The following solutions have these properties:

  • lemon acid;
  • alkali (sodium hydroxide NaOH);
  • phosphoric acid (P2O5 • nH2O).

These substances are harmless to metal and plastic, but destructive to foreign objects in the system.

The reagents are pumped into the system using a pump connected to the nozzle, which is responsible for the circulation of the liquid. Depending on the properties of the solution, it takes 2-8 hours to completely remove the sediment. This period is indicated in the manufacturer's instructions.

Waste material is discharged into a separate container and taken for disposal. If this is not possible, a deactivator is added to the solution. It is prohibited to discharge contaminated water down the drain.


A hose is introduced into the system, from where the liquid with abrasive additives comes

The hydrodynamic method is used to flush channels of large volume and length. The use of chemistry for such highways is economically unprofitable. Therefore, a more efficient but heavy-handed approach is being taken. Its essence lies in the fact that a hose is introduced into the pipe, through which liquid with abrasive additives is supplied under high pressure. The destruction of plaque occurs due to friction and impact. If the plaque is thick, it will take a lot of time and effort to remove it. All internal filters must be removed to achieve the desired effect.Unnecessary obstacles in the path of media circulation reduce its velocity and retain the washed-out material.


The hydropneumatic method has been used to service pipelines since the middle of the last century. This technology is characterized by low cost and high efficiency. The essence of the method consists in the complex effect on the deposits of chemicals and pressure.

At the initial stage, the circuit is closed, a compressor is connected to it. The circulation is carried out alternately in different directions, which contributes to obtaining a faster and better result. At the final stage, liquid under strong pressure is discharged into the collector, taking with it all the impurities.


Device for impulse cleaning with water

This technique is based on the impact of water on clogged areas. At the same time, there is no risk of damage to fittings, rupture of plastic and aluminum pipes. Since water is an incompressible substance, this property is the basis of the technology.

Heating flushing is carried out with special equipment of the shock type. A water cannon fires a jet that rips off deposits from the walls, destroys blind bridges and carries away foreign objects. The wave moves at a speed of up to 1500 m / s, creating a pressure of up to 12 atmospheres. The cleaning effect is observed at a distance of 60 meters from the equipment installation site.

Flushing instructions

Do-it-yourself blowing out of the heating system is an event consisting of several stages. First you need to determine the cause and nature of blockages. After that, you should prepare the necessary tools, equipment and materials for work. To save money on the rental of expensive devices, it is advisable to choose a chemical method that requires minimal effort and material costs.

For work you will need:

  • compressor of sufficient power;
  • centrifugal pump;
  • electric pumping station;
  • plumbing pliers;
  • containers for collecting waste liquid;
  • pipes;
  • clamping fittings;
  • soldering iron for plastic;
  • Bulgarian.

Depending on the characteristics of the building and the prevailing circumstances, the list can be reduced or expanded.

To flush the system in a two-story or multi-story building, you will need a pump

To clean the heating system in an apartment building, the following actions are carried out:

  1. An announcement is posted in advance about the need for the presence of residents in the apartments during the maintenance of communications.
  2. The gate valve closes. The coolant is discharged into the waste system.
  3. A centrifugal pump is connected to the metering valve.
  4. Cleaning liquid is prepared in the tanks. The compressor hose is lowered into the container, the circuit is filled.
  5. The pump turns on and circulation begins. After a set time, the condition of the solution is checked. It is discharged into the collector or storage tanks.
  6. The system is filled with clean water, which is run through it several times. Reset is done again. If clear water comes out, the set goal is achieved.

At the end of the process, the condition of the connecting elements is checked. If they are rusty or out of warranty, it is best to replace the fittings.

It is easier, faster and cheaper to flush an autonomous system in a private house due to the incomparability of sizes, distances and volumes. If the building is one-story, cleaning can be carried out without a compressor, due to the natural circulation of the solution when heated. For houses with a height of 2 floors or more, a pump is required.

The work is performed in the following sequence:

  1. The tightness of the pipeline is checked. A rag and a container for collecting spilled liquid are being prepared.
  2. The concentrated solution is mixed. Through the expansion tank, it is poured into the circuit.
  3. The boiler is turned on at low heat. Circulation starts due to the difference in temperature.If necessary, the pump or compressor starts. The condition of the reagent is periodically monitored.

After the end of cleaning, the reagent is drained and disposed of. The system is flushed with clean water and can be used as intended.

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