Ways to insulate the ceiling from the inside in a private house

Ceiling insulation guarantees warmth in rooms in winter and coolness in summer. This should be dealt with even during the construction of the building. If the structure was purchased ready-made, insulation of the ceiling in a private house with your own hands from the inside can be done at low cost.

The choice of insulation

Expanded clay and vermiculite - natural bulk insulation for attic floors

Several types of materials are used to insulate ceilings. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages. To make the right choice, you should understand their features.


Natural materials are considered environmentally friendly:

  • Expanded clay. The most affordable insulation, which is light, rounded dark brown granules, which are made from a special type of clay. Since expanded clay has average thermal insulation characteristics, in the case of its application, a layer of at least 0.2 m is required. The main advantage is strength, allowing it to withstand a concrete screed. However, expanded clay is afraid of moisture and has a lot due to its large volume. If applied, a solid overlap is required.
  • Vermiculite. This is a rock that becomes porous after firing and keeps heat well. By weight, vermiculite is lighter than expanded clay, but much heavier than mineral wool. Based on practice, vermiculite is the best option for bulk insulation. It does not burn, is not afraid of moisture, does not allow air to pass through.
  • Ecowool. Appeared on the market recently, it is a waste paper recycling product. To prevent the cotton wool from igniting, borax is added to it. When using, it should be borne in mind that ecowool gives insignificant shrinkage (about 15%). One of its advantages is lightness. Ecowool can withstand any kind of overlap.
  • Sawdust. Their cost is a penny, but there is a small nuance. The material should be kept dry for over a year. To protect against rodents and fungus, sawdust must be mixed with slaked lime in a ratio of 10: 2.
  • Coal slag. The weight and thermal conductivity is equal to expanded clay, so it will also have to be poured (0.2 m). There is a lot of dirt from the slag and it absorbs moisture.

So that the insulation does not sit down over time, during installation it is worth using bulk materials of different fractions.


Mineral wool needs to be bought with anti-moisture impregnation

The main advantage of such materials is the convenience of laying out between the lags.

  1. Linen mats. They look like mineral wool. They can absorb moisture, but after final drying, the volume is restored. The impregnation protects the insulation from rodents, does not allow fire.
  2. Glass wool. Takes a leading place in the quality of thermal insulation among all types of mineral wool. Another advantage of the insulation is its low cost. However, it is not safe to work with glass wool: particles of the material can damage human skin, and if it gets into the eyes, cause serious injury. Therefore, working with glass wool requires the use of protective clothing.
  3. Mineral wool (basalt). Refers to non-combustible materials, but easily lends itself to moisture, has a fibrous structure. Insulation is popular due to its thermal insulation properties, has a long service life.

The widespread use of cotton wool in residential buildings is due to environmental safety: it is produced only from materials of natural origin.


Basalt wool slabs on the floor can withstand a heavy load if an attic is planned

They can only be insulated with flat surfaces. If there are defects, it is better to eliminate them immediately.

  1. High density mineral wool boards. They are used in wooden houses, for insulation in the kitchen and in the steam room (with a density higher than 100kg / m³). In the case of using a vapor barrier, such plates hold their shape for a long time. The higher the density, the more the thermal insulation will serve.
  2. Natural cork. Belongs to environmentally friendly and efficient heaters, it is not cheap.
  3. Styrene based boards. Polyfoam or expanded polystyrene is one of the most convenient insulation materials used for thermal insulation of surfaces. It provides excellent protection against cold and is not harmful to health. With proper installation, the foam retains its properties for a long time.

Any kind of insulation cannot be squeezed or pressed. In this case, it loses its characteristics.

Tools and materials for ceiling insulation

Tools for working with roll and slab insulation

During the installation, the wizard will need the following tools:

  • screwdriver;
  • scissors;
  • laser level;
  • bars or metal profiles for frame equipment;
  • slats for fastening;
  • scotch tape, foam, glue;
  • steam and waterproofing materials.

Installation is not complete without a stepladder or a solid foundation. The final finishing of the ceiling is carried out with materials at the discretion of the owner.

Insulation of the attic ceiling

To prevent expanded clay from shrinking, different fractions are mixed with each other, then poured

Insulating the ceiling under a cold roof from the outside is much easier and more efficient than from the inside. When performing them, you should take into account some of the nuances:

  • Ceilings made of reinforced concrete slabs or wooden structures are equipped with different methods. In the first case, the surface is covered with a film for the purpose of waterproofing (for example, technical polyethylene). In the second, it is better to lay penofol, and glue the joints with foil tape.
  • In the case of using bulk materials, it is necessary to make wooden logs. This takes into account the depth of the cells, which is about 20 cm. The latter are then covered with expanded clay, sawdust and other types of bulk insulation.
  • Ecowool requires preliminary preparation. It is whipped with a construction mixer or an electric drill with a nozzle. The volume should increase several times.
  • Expanded clay, coal slag, vermiculite - the materials are hard, almost do not shrink. Sawdust and ecowool are poured slightly above the log due to the presence of shrinkage.
  • Stepping on a layer of insulation, it will be difficult to move around the attic. It is recommended to do the floor on top. For a budget option, you can lay out simple uncut boards.
  • Bulk insulation has a fairly large fraction. To ensure their effectiveness, it is advisable to cover them with a vapor barrier membrane.

During the installation of the lag or attaching the expanded polystyrene, you should be especially careful: the holes must be drilled so that the dowel does not subsequently enter the void.

Features of the process of warming the ceiling with your own hands from the inside

Hydro and vapor barrier membranes are laid on both sides of the insulation

If a decision is made to manually install the insulation from the inside, you definitely need to know about such important points:

  • When working with mineral wool, protective equipment should be used. Such materials contain many glass particles. The latter have a harmful effect on the human body when inhaled, causing severe itching.
  • In order to perform high-quality internal insulation in the house, it is required to assemble a frame for the future suspension device. The insulation is laid between the logs, securely fastened with special brackets. After that, you can perform the cladding using drywall.
  • It is not recommended to use a polyethylene barrier indoors. If the ceiling is covered with a film, fungus and mold may appear.

When arranging the ceiling insulation from the inside, it is not recommended to install lamps in a suspended structure.

Choosing insulation for the ceiling for a private house, it is worth stopping at plates made of expanded polystyrene or pressed mineral wool. They have the best ratio of price, quality, speed of work.

Effective ceiling insulation saves up to 30% heat. This has a marked effect on heating costs in winter. The process of warming is not easy, therefore, if you are not sure of a positive result, it is better to turn to professionals.

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