Mounting methods for various types of heating radiators

You can see a wide variety of heating devices in stores, but classic types of batteries that are attached to the wall have been in greatest demand for many years.

Installation rules and regulations

Materials for fastening radiators are selected in accordance with the weight of the products

The location for installing batteries is usually chosen near a window. To prevent cold air from glasses from spreading throughout the room, there are norms under which heat transfer is performed in full:

  • the distance between the wall and the radiator is from 3 to 5 cm;
  • height from the floor 8 or 12 cm;
  • the distance from the windowsill is 8-12 cm.

The heater should occupy at least half of the window sill, this will allow heating a large area. In country houses, it is additionally recommended to insulate a room with an entrance door.

Radiator Brackets

An important role is played by the fastening of heating radiators to the wall. Brackets are selected taking into account the type of battery. There are the following types of radiators:

  • cast iron;
  • steel;
  • aluminum;
  • bimetallic.
In rooms with plasterboard walls, floor mounts are used

The mount for cast iron radiators is used in the form of powerful pins and paired hooks, since cast iron is a very heavy metal. To lighten the severity of the structure, floor stands are used - this significantly relieves the load on the hooks. The number of holders depends on the sections. For 7-10 compartments use 2 at the top and 1 at the bottom, add 1 bracket for additional 4-7 sections. The question of choosing a mount for cast iron batteries must be approached with all responsibility, otherwise emergency situations are inevitable.

Steel batteries are divided into panel and tubular. Panel hooks are anchored into the wall, just like cast iron models. Due to its low weight, only 2-3 fasteners are enough. For tubular batteries, canopy brackets are used. The bottom of the battery is secured with clips, which allows the structure to remain upright.

Fastening of aluminum radiators to the wall is similar to bimetallic ones, it is done with the help of special brackets. If it is not possible to mount the battery to the wall (made of plasterboard, glass or other fragile material), you can use the floor mounts.

Installation of radiators

The greatest stress on the mount occurs when installing a cast iron radiator

Even a novice locksmith can carry out the installation of batteries, with instructions and little skills. The most optimal time for work is summer. However, usually repair work is carried out at the time of their need. First of all, you should correctly and accurately make the markings at the installation site of the radiator. If you make a mistake in the calculations, the process of fluid circulation in the radiator will be disrupted.

To fix a cast-iron battery to the wall, pins are used in stone structures, which have a thread at the end - it is screwed into a wooden dowel.

A pin is mounted in monolithic walls with a plate at the end, which itself is fixed at 4 points in the hole. Often, structures are attached to reinforced brackets, consisting of a strip and two points of support. When mounted vertically, they make it possible to evenly distribute the weight of the radiator over the entire wall surface.

Steel panel batteries are mounted on hooks or strips. The hook is fixed to the wall with anchors, while on the other side it has special slots for hanging.Plastic strips and clamps make installation work much easier. It is worth attaching the retainer to the wall and inserting the bar; due to the low weight, there is no need for additional behavior. The installation of tubular batteries is also carried out: the radiator is hung on two brackets evenly spaced at the support points.

Fastening of bimetallic radiators to the wall is carried out in accordance with the document for the unit. Most often, the brackets are attached to dowels and all this is securely fixed with cement mortar.

After carrying out the work, it is worth making sure that there is no gap between the mount and the hole. The slope of the radiator should not be less than 1 degree and exceed 1.5.

Features of mounting the radiator to the wall

When fastening, the method of connecting radiators to the heating system is taken into account

When attaching the radiator to the wall, first of all, it is worth considering the location of objects around the battery so that there is no damage.

It is necessary to use drills of the same size as the dowel. Mounts should be taken with a margin to avoid unforeseen situations. The method of connecting to the system is taken into account in advance:

  • unilateral;
  • diagonal;
  • saddle;
  • lower.

If a one-way connection is used, a radiator with a large number of sections is not installed, since all segments will not be able to fill. This negatively affects the heat transfer rates and significantly reduces the service life. On a radiator, more than 10 sections use a crossover connection to fill all sections.

For bottom connections, use floor brackets. The number of sections must be taken with the calculation of the quadrature. In a small room, you should not mount a large radiator. But if the room has more than one window, you should install batteries under each of them.

In order not to damage the protective coating on the radiator, it is not recommended to remove the protective film before the end of construction work. After installation, it is important to ensure that the air release valve is at the top.
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