Ways to properly insulate mineral wool for siding in a wooden house

The base of the structure is exposed to ground moisture and temperature fluctuations. Insulation of a wooden house outside with mineral wool for siding is necessarily carried out in the area of ​​the basement in order to reduce heat loss through cold bridges and extend the life of the house.

Types of mineral wool

Mineral wool is a breathable material that prevents wood walls from growing moldy

The structure of the insulation depends on the raw material and differs in the different direction of the fibers, which affects the properties of the material. Technologically, there is a spatial, horizontally layered, corrugated or vertically layered structure.

There are three types of mineral wool:

  • glass;
  • stone;
  • slag.

The material is used for insulation from heat leaks through walls, ceilings. Minvata is used to sheathe the surface of high-temperature industrial furnaces, insulate pipelines, airfield sites, embankments on the railway. Also suitable for cladding facades and plinths of wooden log houses and serves as an additional protection against penetrating noise.

Physical characteristics of mineral wool:

  • Thermal conductivity (λ) is in the range of 0.036 - 0.041 W / mK. The indicator depends on the density and structural features. The transmission of energy becomes greater in the course of work, since the material gets wet and loses its original qualities. Thermal conductivity decreases by about 40% after three years of operation.
  • The limit of heat resistance occurs when the temperature reaches +600 - 700 ° C.
  • The vapor permeability index is equal to one, if an additional barrier is not installed to retain humid air.

The use of resin as a binder is not more than the regulation and does not exceed 4%. Substances that are resistant to operating conditions are allowed. The purpose of the regulation is to ensure that the content of harmful components in the environment does not exceed the volume of the maximum concentration of toxic substances (MPC).


Stone wool is the most suitable material for a wooden house, as it starts to melt at 700 degrees

Isolation is made by melting erupting rocks, gabbro-basalt species and similar in chemical composition metamorphs and marls are used as raw materials. The acidity index is an indicator of the quality of the material and expresses the ratio of oxides and acidic bases. The water resistance of cotton wool depends on this module and increases with an increase in the indicator.

Binders are used to hold fibers together:

  • bituminous;
  • synthetic;
  • complex substances;
  • bentonite clays.

Stone wool belongs to non-combustible categories of materials, upon reaching + 700 ° C, the fibers melt and disintegrate into dust. The high porosity helps to effectively retain heat, the trapped air particles are contained inside in a static state. The density varies from 30 to 220 kg / m3, so the physical and mechanical properties vary depending on the species. Rigid slabs withstand impacts up to 700 kg / sq. m.

Products are covered on one or both sides with kraft paper, aluminum foil, glass fiber. The material is distinguished by its durability, environmental friendliness, good air permeability, high thermal insulation values. Cotton wool is produced in the form of slabs and mats, formed according to the type of segments and cylindrical products.


Glass wool for siding can be used in rolls

For the production of glass wool, raw materials are used, similar to those taken for making glass, the use of fine cullet is allowed. The category includes soda, limestone, sand, dolomite, borax. Binding polymer solutions of phenol-aldehyde with the inclusion of urea are used to bind the threads after melting and blowing up with steam.

Moisture is removed in the temperature compartments, and the cotton wool gets hardness. Material enters the cutting conveyor after cooling, where mats are formed or rolls are rolled. The insulation has a large volume due to the internal air, therefore it is pressed for transportation and restores its original volumes after being installed in the structure.

Glass wool has fibers that are 3 times longer than other types of mineral insulation. Products are distinguished by increased strength and elasticity, effectively resists vibration, and does not sag when working in a structure. The disintegration of fibers begins when the temperature reaches + 450 ° C.

The material is produced in the form of soft plates and mats, rigid panels that can withstand loads. At the end of the products, tongues and ridges are provided for a reliable connection without gaps. Soft panels are rolled into rolls by pressing. The production technology provides for the production of glass wool with a protective layer of foil or fiberglass to prevent fibers from scattering.


Ecowool does not lose its properties during cyclic moisture accumulation and drying

The material is a loose insulation of light gray or gray color with a light fibrous structure. For production, recycled waste paper (80%) and flame-extinguishing non-volatile components are used, more often borax and boric acid are used, which are of low toxicity. Ligin in the composition of the mass works as an astringent when moistening ecowool.

Cellulose insulator withstands open fire, thanks to additives, it has high sound insulation and heat retention indices. The material retains up to 20% moisture in the outer layer, which has little effect on the thermal insulation qualities. Ecowool easily releases moisture into the surrounding space and, after drying, retains the declared properties. The density is 27-65 kg / m3.

Fire resistance depends on the production technology:

  • moderate flammability - G2;
  • average flammability - B2;
  • with moderate smoke formation - D2;
  • spread of fire on the surface - RP-1.

Ecowool has low air and vapor permeability, moisturizes by 16-18% in three days in a wet environment. The material is characterized by low acidity and does not lead to corrosion of metals in direct contact.

Cellulose insulation goes on sale in a pressed (2-3 times) form, packed in a polyethylene package. It is initialized before installation when using blower mechanisms.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Mineral Wool

So that the mineral wool does not accumulate moisture, waterproofing is laid on it under the siding

Minvata is used not only for insulating a wooden house for siding, but also for insulating pipelines and equipment with high temperatures. This becomes possible due to the high fire resistance limit. The structure of the mats allows the use of mineral wool to insulate curved structures.

Positive material properties:

  • low thermal conductivity due to the fibrous structure;
  • effective thermal insulation;
  • high vapor permeability;
  • resistance to damage;
  • durability;
  • ease of installation, allowing you to do the insulation yourself.

The material has drawbacks. Manufacturers characterize mineral wool as insulation that allows moisture to pass through, but does not accumulate it. The material is characterized by the property of retaining water inside, which reduces its characteristics. It is necessary to make a waterproofing gasket.Some types of cotton wool contain hydrophobic additives that reduce absorbency.

Tools and materials

Special tools and devices are required to insulate the outside of the house with mineral wool for siding. The material is procured based on the required number of layers. A layer of waterproofing is taken, a pasting material, for example, roofing material, is used as it. Protection from moisture is done by coating - bitumen or modern compounds are used for work.

The next material is mineral wool. For the basement, stone wool or fiberglass variety is used. You will need a metal profile on which you want to attach the siding. For fixing to a brick base, foam block or aerated concrete, hardware is used.

Tools required:

  • assembly knife with spare blades;
  • building level, tape measure;
  • electric hammer drill, drill, grinder;
  • bitumen finishing brush.

It is not recommended to make a frame from a bar, since the material absorbs moisture and can bend over time. Siding is taken as a finish.

Insulation of the basement in the house outside

It is better to insulate the base with penoplex - a moisture-proof material

The foundation of a log house is in direct contact with the ground and the structure, therefore it transfers moisture and low temperature to the frame. The dew point shifts into the basement when thermal insulation is installed inside, in the basement or under the floor, humidity rises, dampness and mold are formed. Outside correct insulation excludes the formation of dew outside and inside, additionally protects the plane from the action of the sun, rain, snow, wind loads.

Insulation of the basement is done simultaneously with the construction of the house, but protection is not always carried out on time. To make thermal insulation after the completion of the construction of the house, you need to dig out the foundation and make a trench next to it. Insulation together with siding will create additional thickness, which will significantly protrude beyond the base.

The walls of a wooden building will not freeze, since the basement will not transfer cold to them. Bacteria, germs, rodents do not live in the base layer of mineral wool insulation. The optimal internal microclimate is created in the basement room if the foundation is a building envelope for it. At the same time, the floor in the living space does not cool down and maintains a comfortable temperature.

Stages of work

Basement insulation trench

The trench next to the foundation should be wide enough to accommodate a worker and do the work. The underground surface is only insulated with insulation, and part above the ground is finished with siding. The plane of the base is cleaned of layers and leveled. According to the instructions, such preparation is needed so that the metal rails of the frame are easier to attach to the plane and level.

Step-by-step technology of work:

  1. Waterproofing is applied to the surface of the foundation in two layers. The bitumen is preheated, the plane is coated with it with a brush. The second layer is performed after the previous one has hardened. The work is carried out at an air temperature not lower than + 5 ° С, otherwise the material will harden for a long time.
  2. Mineral insulation is attached to the surface using fungal dowels (with a wide head). The overlap of the sheets is done with a 10-15 cm overlap of the ends.
  3. One more layer of insulation is made with roofing felt after the installation of a heat-insulating insulator. The roll material is fastened with dowels.
  4. The underground part is covered with soil to the soil level. After that, a blind area with a width of at least 80 cm is performed at an angle from the wall of the house.
  5. The siding frame is made on the above-ground part of the basement. The slats are fixed in thickness with dowels. The distance between the vertical elements is 60 cm.
  6. The surface of the plinth is finished with siding, and the material is also attached to a horizontal surface.

A galvanized canopy is made over the horizontal ledge of the base so that rain does not flow between the wall and the protective insulation.The perimeter visor cuts into the wooden frame of the wall. At the bottom, the siding with the frame is on the blind area, so there will be no leakage, moisture will roll down the blind area in the direction from the house.

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