Methods for wiring the heating system in private houses

Heating distribution in a private house can be equipped in various ways. The suitable one must be chosen at the design stage. The method is selected taking into account the financial capabilities and parameters of the room.

Heating system wiring methods

The number of heating circuits in the house depends on the number of rooms and the size of the premises.

The most important characteristic for a heating system is its layout. This concept means the installation of a heating main and the method of connecting radiators and heat exchangers to it. Using the wiring, a route is planned along which the coolant will move from the heating device to the room.

The method of connecting heat transfer devices also depends on the type of wiring. There are two types of heating system wiring: horizontal and vertical.


With a vertical distribution system, vertical risers will be workers. Heat transfer devices are connected to them in a horizontal position. Risers will pass through all rooms that are located one above the other. If a one-pipe view is used, hot water flows from the riser through the battery. Then she goes back to the riser. Thus, there is movement across the floors.

The two-pipe system provides for the installation of two risers located parallel to each other. One of them will be the server, the second will be the reverse. The work is structured in such a way that the cooled heat carrier does not pass into the supply riser.


With horizontal wiring, the main pipe performs the function of a riser. It is laid through all the rooms, then heat exchangers are connected. With such a wiring, both two-pipe and one-pipe systems can also be used.

The vertical view is only used in buildings with more than one floor. For small one-story houses, horizontal wiring is used.

Varieties of systems based on the principle of coolant movement

Heating of the room will occur if hot water moves along the circuit. On the basis of the principle of movement of the coolant, two types of systems are divided. They can be natural (gravitational) or forced.


If natural circulation is installed, the heated coolant is accelerated. There must be enough force for it to go through the entire contour. To do this, a booster collector is installed in the system after the heat generator. It is a vertical pipe section. Descending from it, the coolant picks up speed under the influence of its gravity.

To maintain the speed gained during the descent, the pipeline is laid with a slope of 3%. With such an angle, the coolant will move downward without obstacles.


To create forced circulation, it is necessary to install special pumps on the return pipe. Thanks to the installation of such a system, the movement of water along a route of any complexity is ensured. But circulation directly depends on the supply of electricity. If there is no power supply, the system stops working.

One-pipe and two-pipe routing

Depending on the way in which the coolant is supplied to the radiators, the distribution of heating pipes is divided into one-pipe and two-pipe.

One pipe connection

The one-pipe system is used in small spaces

A single pipe system is a single pipe that forms a closed loop. Heating devices from all rooms are connected to it. The advantages of this method lie in the possibility of organizing the natural movement of the coolant through the pipes. There is no need to purchase an additional circular pump for operation.

Also, the advantages of a one-pipe system include:

  • the opportunity to save money, since the connection requires a minimum amount of materials;
  • the wiring diagram is very simple, even beginners can cope with it;
  • simple calculations of the load on the elements.

But such a system has a big drawback. All heating devices that are located farther from the boiler heat up worse. This happens because during the movement of the coolant, its temperature decreases. Rooms in an apartment or house that are farther from the boiler will not have enough heating.

The problem can be solved in the following ways:

  • In the back rooms, increase the number of radiator sections.
  • Embed valves in each radiator that will regulate the pressure.
  • Insert a pump into the system, which will facilitate the rapid movement of water and its even distribution over all devices.

A single-pipe distribution system is a good option to heat a private house up to 100 square meters. This does not require additional devices.

Two-pipe connection

With a two-pipe system, the room heats up faster

The two-pipe connection system involves the connection of devices to the return and supply pipes. This leads to a significant increase in material costs. A positive point is the ability to adjust the temperature separately on each radiator.

The most commonly used vertical layout of the heating system of an apartment building. A two-pipe system for a private house is mounted as follows:

  • Pipes are installed at floor level on the first floor. The pipeline itself must start in the boiler room next to the boiler.
  • Vertical pipes are installed. Through them, water will be supplied to heating devices;
  • From each radiator there is a branch pipe for the coolant.

When installing a two-pipe system, it must be borne in mind that with the lower wiring, it is necessary to organize a regular outlet of air from the system. For this, additional units and an expansion tank are mounted.

Radial heating distribution

Beam routing is possible with a collector

The radiant system is used in multi-storey buildings for the organization of apartment heating. In this situation, a heat meter is installed in each apartment. Beam wiring allows you to install separate heat meters with a pipeline outlet. Thanks to this, residents can only take into account and pay for the heat that they have consumed.

In individual houses, the scheme is applicable to the distribution of pipelines across floors, which reduces heat loss.

Selection of the heating distribution method

When choosing a heating system, you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. The system should be as automated as possible to ensure the required level of security.
  2. Wear resistance of elements - it is necessary to choose equipment taking into account its reliability in operation.
  3. Budgetary: one-pipe schemes are 1.5 times lower in cost than two-pipe schemes.

It is important to take into account the height of the house, the area of ​​the room, the stability of the power supply. An important role is played by the purpose of the house. If it is intended for living all year round, it is recommended to install a wiring with forced circulation.

DIY installation

Before buying materials, a heating scheme is made and the number of pipes, fittings is counted

One of the most costly work in the construction of a private house is the installation of a heating system. Therefore, many home owners try to do the wiring on their own.

All work with heating systems must begin with the creation of a project. It prescribes the power of the boiler, is tied to the layout of the building, area, ceiling height.

The type of fuel to be used in the system must be taken into account. It can be gas, electricity, wood or diesel fuel.

Wiring systems drawing

After drawing up the project, a pipe layout diagram is drawn. The drawing contains the number of radiators, their location, the type of heating devices used. The drawing is very important to get started, as it helps to visually represent the system and plan the required amount of materials.

Do-it-yourself installation errors

Incorrect heating calculation leads to unnecessary costs

When installing a heating system, preliminary calculations play an important role. The routing of heating pipes in a private house, laid with flaws, can lead to large financial costs for correction. When choosing a gas or electric boiler, you must first focus on the area of ​​the room. But this is not enough. If you install a boiler whose power level will exceed the required parameters, additional equipment costs will be required.

The main mistakes that beginners make when installing a heating system with their own hands:

  1. The pipes are incorrectly selected. If pipes of different diameters are used, this will lead to a violation of the pressure at the joint.
  2. Wrong choice of heating scheme. This is an important point that is calculated for each project individually. The scheme can be ordered from the designers.
  3. The power of the radiator must strictly correspond to the area of ​​the room. It is recommended to make calculations separately for each room.

Often, beginners face the difficulty of choosing a circulation pump. There are programs that calculate the resistance created by the devices. Heating will not work if the pump pressure is less than the resistance.

The organization of heating in your home is a complex of measures that are physically and financially difficult. To avoid unnecessary expenses, you need to carefully plan each step.
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