Problems with the tightness of heating can come at any time. There are many reasons for this - from improper installation to exceeding the operational life. Regardless of this, we first eliminate the leaks in heating: pipes, radiators, batteries. And only then can you make a comprehensive repair of the system.
Reasons for the appearance of a leak in radiators and methods for finding it
What to do if the heating radiator is leaking, and the water in the pipes is clearly higher than room temperature? To be prepared for such a situation, you should find out the reason for the loss of tightness of pipes and batteries.
The appearance of a leak in the heating system is due to special operating conditions. Water adversely affects the metal components of the system. And then the question arises - how to close the leak in the heating battery? You also need to take into account thermal effects and periodic pressure drops in the lines.
There are several objective factors due to which the heating battery leaks:
- System malfunction... A critical increase in temperature provokes an increase in pressure. This can lead to rupture at the joints of pipes or thin-walled batteries;
- Corrosion of steel system components... The relatively high air content in the water causes rusting of the inner surface of metal pipes and radiators;
- Freezing water, which leads to the appearance of ice plugs, which expanding to rupture the pipes.
Before sealing a leak in a heating pipe, it should be detected. If visually everything is in order with the system, this does not mean that there is no hidden impulse. How to find a leak in the heating system and what indicates its presence? The first indicator is a constant decrease in pressure and volume of the coolant in the system. If the automatic mixing unit turns on at a constant frequency, it means that somewhere the coolant is gradually decreasing.
How to detect a leak in the heating system yourself? To do this, a pressure gauge should be installed in advance on certain sections of the line - a pressure measuring device.
If signs indicate a loss of tightness, and visual inspection has not yielded results, the entire system should be turned off. That is why it is recommended to check the heating beforehand outside the heating season. Then you need to do the following:
- The system is filled with water to the optimum pressure level;
- With the help of shut-off valves, the exchange of coolant is blocked in all sections of the line;
- After a while, the readings of the manometers are checked. Where the pressure is lower, there is a leak in the heating system.
In the future, its search will be much easier - you just need to find a place where moisture constantly appears. This indicates the presence of a microcrack. This heating component is then replaced.
You can use regular toilet paper to find a leak. Where there are microcracks, its surface will become wet. Before checking, it is necessary to remove condensation from the surface of pipes and batteries.
Heating pipes repair
Most often, leaks occur precisely in heating transport lines. This is due to increased pressure drop readings and possible installation errors. How to stop a leak in a heating pipe if the water in it is still hot?
The best option is to purchase a repair kit in advance. It consists of an overhead wide clamp and a rubberized gasket. With its help, you can eliminate the leak until the system stops completely and subsequently replace the faulty part of the pipeline.
Before sealing a leak in a heating pipe, the following measures must be taken:
- Stop the flow of coolant into the damaged heating area. For this, the shut-off valve is closed.
- Switch off the boiler. This is difficult to do with solid fuel models. It is recommended for them to limit the air flow through an ash pan or other ventilation duct.
- Install a temporary clamp.
- Wait until the water has cooled down completely and replace the damaged area.
There are several ways to effectively seal a leak in a heating pipe. The choice depends on the availability of repair tools and pipe material.
Often the reason for a decrease in pressure in the system is a rupture of the diaphragm in the expansion vessel. Outward signs are very similar to a latent impulse. Therefore, you should first check this heating element.
Repair of steel heating pipes
The most common cause of leaks in steel pipes is corrosive processes. The gradual destruction of the metal layer leads to a thinning of the pipe and, as a result, its burst. To seal a leak in a heating pipe, you must first follow the steps described above.
If a factory repair bandage is available, temporary repairs are greatly simplified. A rubber gasket is first installed on the damaged area, and then a wide clamp is placed on top of it. The adjusting bolts on it are tightened until the water flow from the leak in the heating system stops.
The absence of a bandage does not mean the impossibility of performing prompt repairs. You can make it yourself using materials at hand.
After detecting a leak in the heating system, the following components will be needed to eliminate it:
- Bicycle tube rubber or similar. The width of the workpiece must exceed the dimensions of the leak by at least 30-40%, and the length must be such that the rubber gasket can wrap the pipe several times;
- Two clamps, the diameter of which is suitable for the cross-section of this section of the line.
You can temporarily stop the flow in the heating pipe with a large amount of rags. After stabilizing the pressure, moisture is removed from the damaged area and a rubber gasket is installed. It is fixed at the edges with clamps. If the crack width is large enough, additional clamps are mounted.
When a rupture occurs at the joints of pipes of different diameters, thicker rubber is chosen. With the help of clamps, it is fixed to the branch pipes.
Repair of plastic heating pipes
There are many more options for prompt elimination of leaks for plastic heating pipes. This can be done in the same ways as for steel lines, as well as using other techniques.
After searching for a leak in the heating pipe, it is necessary to find out the extent of the damage. If the defect is small, use the cold welding method. In order to seal a leak in a plastic heating pipe in this way, a special two-component compound is required. It is necessary to choose such models that can be applied to polymer surfaces.
Having stopped the flow in the heating pipe, shutting off the flow of the coolant, you should perform the following actions:
- Wipe the damaged surface thoroughly.
- Premix the components of cold welding, softening the resulting composition.
- Stick the mixture onto the defective area. The margin at the edges of the crack should be at least 2-3 mm.
- After waiting for the final solidification, start the heating.
As you can see, it is not enough to detect a leak in the heating system - you also need to choose the best way to eliminate it.Plastic pipes are characterized by relatively simple installation. Therefore, in some cases, it is easier to immediately replace the defective area than to install temporary clamps.
Having found a leak in the heating system, you can install a repair clutch. To do this, use conventional welded plastic fittings or mount a threaded pipe section. In the latter case, you need to know the installation technology:
- Shut off the water supply.
- Using scissors, cut off the defective section of the line, having previously selected a coupling of suitable dimensions.
- Remove moisture from the surface of the pipes.
- Weld or use a threaded connection to install the repair sleeve.
In fact, the elimination of a leak in the heating system is the installation of a new section of the pipe. This is much safer than installing a bandage.
When welding a new section of the pipeline, make sure that the pipe is reinforced, i.e. designed for heating.
Leaking heating radiators
It is much more difficult to fix a heating radiator leak. This is due to the variety of forms of these components of the system. It is not always possible to install a clamp on a cast iron or bimetallic battery.
What to do if the heating radiator is leaking? First of all, it is necessary to localize the problem area. To do this, it is necessary to find the defect and analyze its condition. Experts do not recommend installing temporary "patches" in the following cases:
- Severe thinning of a metal or cast iron surface. Most often, the entire inner plane of the battery is exposed to rust. Therefore, the first impulse is only a sign that in the future there will be more of them;
- Damaged communication pipes in bimetallic or aluminum radiators. They are pressed in at the factory, so if the heating battery leaks exactly in this place, the entire structure must be replaced.
Most often, so-called micro-leaks occur. Those. due to mechanical damage, a microcrack appears, through which the coolant seeps. To effectively eliminate the leakage of the heating radiator, the already considered cold welding method can be used. However, it will only be relevant for the visible areas of the battery. If the problem is inside the structure, you can purchase special sealants.
Their principle of operation is to influence the defect from within the system. They may differ in composition, but the method of application is the same in most cases. A certain amount of sealant is poured into the filled system. After passing through several cycles, the micro crack is sealed. However, when choosing, you should pay attention to the following factors:
- Sealing a leak in heating radiators with a sealant is possible only when using water as a heat carrier;
- Some compounds adversely affect the condition of plastic pipes;
- When a heating battery leaks and a sealant is used, it is recommended to replace the rubber gaskets with paronite ones.
The ideal way to eliminate a leak in a heating radiator is to carry out repair welding work. But this will require a welding machine and some skills to work with it. In addition, welding aluminum or cast iron is a very complex process that requires professional knowledge and experience. Therefore, in most cases, after temporary sealing, it is recommended to completely replace the heating coil.
The video describes the features of the use of sealant for leaks in pipes and radiators: