Central heating riser: characteristics, installation requirements, material selection parameters and shutdown procedure

The distribution of the coolant in multi-storey buildings takes place using vertical pipes. They run through all floors of the house, and radiators and batteries are connected to them. Therefore, you need to consider the characteristic features that heating risers have: shutdown, replacement, thermal insulation.

Appointment of heating risers

Heating circuit with a riser
Heating circuit with a riser

Riser piping is an outdated scheme. However, given the large number of old-style buildings, it is quite laborious and expensive to modernize heating for them. Most often, you have to replace the heating risers in an apartment building with more modern ones made of polymer materials or install additional thermal insulation and make repairs.

The performance of this heating element depends on the geometric dimensions and material of manufacture. The main diameter of the heating riser must be equal to the same size of the connected pipes. Otherwise, a pressure drop will occur, due to which the thermal balance throughout the house will change, and the noise level will increase.

In order to replace the heating riser in the apartment as professionally as possible, you need to know its main functional purposes:

  • Coolant distribution among consumers... At the entrance of each apartment building there can be from 4 to 8 risers. In some cases, in one apartment, their number reaches 4;
  • Depending on the heat supply scheme, the riser can perform functions of delivering hot coolant and, at the same time, transporting the cooled... This is typical for a one-pipe system. In a two-pipe one, at least 2 similar elements are required;
  • Balancing hydraulic load... Despite the inevitable bending of the heating riser, it must still distribute the pressure evenly over its entire height.

But the consumer is more concerned with household issues than operational ones. How to turn off the heating riser and what needs to be done for this? This question arises with the possible replacement or repair of batteries, radiators and heat supply pipes in an apartment. To solve this problem, you first need to decide on the adaptation of the new components to the already installed heating riser.

Do not connect the warm water floor to the central heating through a riser. This will lead to an imbalance in the entire system.

Installation of a heating riser

Installation of heating risers
Installation of heating risers

Moving a heating riser or replacing it is a complex procedure in terms of labor intensity and design. It is best to carry out these measures not during the heating season, when the system is not functioning. But this is not always possible.

To replace the heating riser in the apartment, you will need to solve two issues:

  1. Obtain permission.
  2. Choose the right components and installation diagram for a new vertical pipeline.

Only then can the heating riser be changed. In winter, this issue must be coordinated not only with the management company, but also with the residents of the house, through whose apartments the heat supply riser passes.

The circulation pump must not be installed on a heating riser.This will lead to a change in water pressure and, as a result, to a violation of the thermal mode of operation of the heat supply at home.

How to disconnect a riser from heating

Disconnecting the heating riser
Disconnecting the heating riser

The legal shutdown of the heating riser during the heating season is a big problem when carrying out repairs or installing new radiator pipes. The difficulty lies in the fact that the flow of the coolant completely stops in this circuit.

A similar procedure is necessary when carrying out repairs and installing new components of the heat supply system. Turning off the heating risers in winter is not done immediately. To do this, you need to write an application to the management company, agree on the date and time. Otherwise, the following problems are possible if you shut off the heating riser without these actions:

  • Lack of heat supply along the entire heating circuit will lead to a decrease in temperature in the apartments of other residents.
  • Failure to comply with the standardized degree of air heating in living quarters will completely fall on the person who has arbitrarily turned off the riser. When filing claims, he will have to pay moral and material compensation;
  • If the heating riser is disconnected during the heating season for the installation of new components without permits, it is possible to temporarily shut off the heating supply in the apartment by representatives of the management company.

How do you correctly turn off the heating risers in winter? First, it is necessary to state the reason for initiating this action along with the application. It may consist in replacing already installed heating components with new ones, but with the same parameters. To shut off the heating riser in connection with the modernization of the system, you need to perform the following actions:

  1. Obtain Technical Conditions (TU) from the management company. This document specifies the technical parameters of the new components as well as the piping layout.
  2. After fulfilling the TU, all the necessary components are purchased, including for replacing the heating riser.
  3. The time for turning off the heat supply is agreed. The installation can be carried out both by the residents of the apartment themselves, as well as by employees. After checking by the representatives of the management company, the heating system starts up again.

Often, for a new scheme, it is necessary to transfer the heating riser. In practice, this procedure will be extremely problematic. Unlike the shutdown of the heating riser during the heating season, in addition to permission from the tenants and the management company, redevelopment of heat supply in all apartments along this circuit will be required. It will be impossible to do this, since for this it is necessary that in each apartment not only the heating riser be turned off in winter, but also the configuration and location of the heating devices should be changed.

If the heating riser shut-off time is short, you can negotiate with a local plumber. He will do it without unnecessary red tape for a reasonable fee.

Rules for installing a new heating riser

Sleeves for installing pipes
Sleeves for installing pipes

Before turning off the heating riser for installing a new design or replacing batteries, you should find out the rules and recommendations for its installation. They are described in detail in SNiP 3.05.01-85.

Each heating riser in an apartment building has been installed in accordance with these standards. Therefore, it must be replaced with a similar design with the same technical and operational parameters:

  • The inner diameter of the pipe should not differ from the previously established one;
  • The maximum possible bending of the heating riser cannot exceed 2 mm per 1 lm. its length;
  • For the passage of pipes through the floors, it is necessary to install special sleeves. They should be flush with the ceiling and 30 mm higher than the finished floor.

So when replacing a heating riser in an apartment, you must observe the minimum distance from its outer surface to the wall.If this condition is not met, additional heat losses are possible, since the structure is most often located at the outer wall of the building. This distance directly depends on the diameter of the heating riser.

Riser diameter, mmMinimum distance to the wall, mm
More than 50According to working documentation

If there is a partial replacement of the heating riser in one apartment, the ends of the pipeline should go to neighboring rooms located above and below. Otherwise, the conditions of SNiP 3.05.01-84 will not be met, which will cause the representatives of the management company to reject the project.

When installing the bend of the heat supply riser, it is forbidden to make pipe connections, which, after installation, will be located in the interfloor overlap.

The choice of material for the manufacture of a heating riser

Heating made of polypropylene
Heating made of polypropylene

In the vast majority of cases, heating pipes in an apartment building are made of steel pipes. After several decades of operation, their condition will be unsatisfactory. If pipes are replaced with new ones in the apartment, you also need to install a riser made of high-quality materials.

However, this can be difficult. The technical characteristics of the new pipe material must meet the requirements. You can learn about them from the technical specifications from the management company, or by consulting their representatives by phone. Most often they are as follows:

  • Correspondence of pipes to the temperature mode of heating operation... Those. the new structure must withstand the maximum possible thermal effect without the occurrence of emergency situations;
  • System pressure... For centralized heating, it can be from 3 to 6 atm. But it must be remembered that water hammers can periodically occur (when filling the system). Therefore, a margin of 25-30% must be added to the normalized pressure value. That is why it is impossible to install a circulation pump on a heating riser;
  • Ensuring proper thermal insulation of the pipe... This should be done only if it passes through a non-residential area where exposure to negative temperatures is possible. For this, thermal insulation of the heating risers is done.
Soldering polypropylene pipes
Soldering polypropylene pipes

Several classes of pipe materials meet these requirements. The easiest way is to install the same steel one. But most often, the choice is stopped on polypropylene models.

For arranging a heating riser, it is best to choose a high-strength polypropylene pipe - PN25. It is designed for high maximum pressure readings. The problem may lie in the temperature mode of the heating operation. If the upper limit exceeds the value of + 90 ° C, the installation of polypropylene is impossible. Then the only option is steel pipes.

In no case should metal-plastic lines be installed. Despite the good performance of thermal insulation, heating risers from them will be extremely unreliable. This is due to periodic pressure drops in the system. Gaps most often occur in joint assemblies that are made from clamping fittings.

After turning off the heating riser, before starting it for the first time, it must be pressurized. Only then can the coolant be supplied to the circuit.

Rules for connecting radiators to the riser

Ways to connect a radiator to a riser
Ways to connect a radiator to a riser

Replacing a riser is most often associated with a general modernization of the heating system. At the same time, not only new pipes are installed, but also radiators and batteries. It is important to choose the right scheme for their connection with the heat supply system.

First you need to complete the radiator so that it can effectively perform its functions. Its piping should include the following components:

  • Shut-off valves... With its help, you can completely limit the flow of coolant into the battery for its repair or replacement;
  • Thermostat... It is necessary to reduce the heat flux in order to lower the surface temperature;
  • Mayevsky crane... A device for removing air plugs.

In addition to the possible thermal insulation of the heating risers, the layout of the supply lines is taken into account. For a one-pipe system, a bypass is mandatory. This is a piece of pipe that connects the inlet and outlet pipes of the radiator. The diameter of the bypass must be one size smaller than that of the heating riser. In this case, it is possible to avoid the formation of a low pressure zone in the system.

Experts recommend using the same pipes to connect the drain to the battery. This is necessary to normalize the operating parameters of the entire system, besides, it will greatly facilitate the laboriousness of installation. As an additional measure, pressure and temperature sensors can be installed. In this way, the quality of the heating service can be monitored.

To prevent premature battery clogging, it is recommended to install a strainer. It is mounted on the supply pipe in front of the thermostat.

The neighbors have blocked the heating riser - what to do?

Heating riser blocked
Heating riser blocked

Despite the fact that heating repairs are best done outside the heating season, some do not adhere to this rule. What if the neighbors blocked the heating riser and one of the heating circuits does not function?

There are many recommendations for dealing with this issue - from general censure to calling the police. As a result, this will lead to the desired result - the air temperature in the rooms will be normal. However, such methods are not correct. If there is a suspicion that the neighbors have blocked the heating riser, you need to perform the following actions:

  1. Call the Management Company and make sure that no repair or maintenance work is currently being carried out in the house.
  2. No need to run around apartments and look for the reason for the shutdown. Representatives of the management company should be called to resolve this issue. It was with her that a contract was concluded for the supply of heat to the apartment.
  3. After the culprit has been found, he can be threatened with a fine for unbalancing the heating system. This item is mandatory in the heat supply agreement.

Only by such methods can the heating be resumed. All others require too much unnecessary effort, and will also lead to wasted time and nerve cells. Everyone must fulfill their contractual obligations. This primarily concerns the management company.

In the video, you can familiarize yourself with the features of replacing a heating riser:

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