Heating scheme of a private house with a gas boiler and underfloor heating

Using an underfloor heating system for home heating will help reduce energy costs and the space occupied by heating units. The principle of operation of all types of these installations is based on an increase in the temperature of the lower layers of the air, which then move upward, heating the entire room. One of the options for installing the system is to equip the house with a water heated floor from a gas boiler.

Features and types of water floor heating

Tying the water circuit of the underfloor heating connected to the gas boiler

The water installation differs from other options in that the liquid flowing through the pipes acts as a heat carrier. In order for it to heat up to the required temperature, you need to connect a heating boiler that runs on gas or electricity. The circulation of the liquid within the system is provided by a pumping mechanism.

The installation diagrams differ among themselves in the structure, the type of heat carrier used and the requirements for the heated rooms. Which model is better to prefer depends on the characteristics of the internal structure of the home.

For a private house

In this case, it is allowed to install a water heated floor from a gas boiler and use electrical options - cable or infrared. It should be borne in mind that each of the models has certain restrictions for implementation. Cable installations must not be installed under wooden flooring (parquet, planks). Also, some types of wires emit an electromagnetic field that is harmful to residents, but its effect is leveled by the use of a shielding film. Choosing an infrared floor, one must not forget that the coating is thin and easily torn (except for options from carbon rods). Heating with underfloor heating can be combined with other forms - solar or conventional electric heating appliances.

For apartment

Installation of a water floor in a city apartment is impossible, since when the system is connected to the riser, the pressure in the latter drops, which worsens the quality of heating for the users connected to it. In addition, there is an increased risk of leakage and flooding for residents on the floor below.

An infrared film can be mounted on a concrete or brick base in an apartment building - it is easy to install and takes up little space.

The principle of operation of a warm water floor from a gas boiler

Scheme of arrangement of a water-heated floor and a collector

At the heart are interconnected pipelines with a liquid coolant circulating through them. Installation work on the arrangement of the system is associated with the need to dismantle the old floor covering. It is best to install it during the construction of a house or during a major overhaul.

The system includes:

  • boiler for heating: gas units are used, as well as those powered by electricity or solid fuel;
  • coolant: usually hot water, but in the northern regions of the country it is also allowed to use anti-freeze fluid;
  • pipeline for transferring water to and from the boiler;
  • a collector that ensures the uniformity of fluid movement;
  • forced circulation pump;
  • temperature control device (automatic or manual).

For installation, metal-plastic or plastic pipes can be used. The former are distinguished by a longer service life.

Connection features

You can buy a ready-made collector and connect the supply and return pipes to it

For the installation of the system, you can purchase a ready-made manifold cabinet, on which the necessary taps are already placed. The supply and return are connected to it. Floor pipes are connected to the manifolds using connecting devices. It happens that the holes have different sections - then transitional parts are used.

To cool the liquid, a three-way valve is used, through which the supply and return are mixed. It is mounted where the latter leaves the collector. In this case, the pipes coming from the boiler are connected to the collector devices on one side, and the branching elements on the other. The drain cock is located at the bottom of the splitter. A pump can be used instead of a mixing valve. This option is preferable when there is a shortage of natural circulation.

If the return temperature is low, it is recommended to install a condensing boiler.

Advantages and disadvantages

If the boiler is volatile, the system will stop working when the electricity is turned off.

The advantages of the system are its reliability, high speed of response to consumer actions (regulation of the degree of heating). Residents will be able to maintain the optimal temperature in the house all year round. Using the installation with a double-circuit boiler will allow you to have hot water in the house.

The disadvantages are associated with the features of the functioning of the units and the requirements for their installation. If the electricity or gas supply is cut off, the system may stop working. To prevent this from happening, the user needs to pay for resources on time, as well as purchase an uninterruptible power supply if electricity is often cut off in the area. In addition, the installation of the boiler requires a separate room, to which a number of requirements are imposed, the observance of which is necessary to ensure the safe operation of the system.

Safety requirements

The boiler or socket must be grounded.

It is supposed to install a gas heat generator in a non-living room with an area of ​​at least 4 square meters and a minimum height of 2.5 m. It must have a chimney. Some boiler models also require that the room has a window with certain dimensions (information about this is available in the attached documents). During installation, it is necessary to provide grounding and place the unit on a specially prepared fire-fighting base.

The walls of the room must be resistant to fire. If necessary, finish with materials that have this property. The distance from the body to the nearest point of each wall must be at least 0.5 m. Do not place flammable objects near. It will not be superfluous to install a gas analyzer - this will ensure maximum operational safety.

Installation of underfloor heating with a liquid heat carrier in a private house will provide year-round heating of the room with the ability to adjust the temperature. To ensure fire safety, a separate room will need to be allocated for the installation of the boiler, which must meet a number of requirements.

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