Forced circulation heating schemes for a private house

If a heating scheme for a one-story house with forced circulation is selected, a pump cuts into the system. The pump is responsible for the speed of movement of water, and its work depends on electricity. Heating of the dwelling can be provided without a circulation pump, but the slope of the pipeline will need to be observed so that the energy carrier can move in a natural way.

Advantages and disadvantages of a forced circulation heating circuit

Forced circulation of the coolant is carried out by a pump

The speed of the coolant increases in an organized supply system, the water consumption increases, and the diameter of the collectors can be reduced.

System advantages:

  • radiators heat up faster, there is no inertia;
  • pipeline branches are made longer and laid in convenient places;
  • the minimum slope of the collectors is arranged, which is required only for draining the coolant;
  • the expansion tank is located in the boiler room;
  • there is a possibility of connecting a heating branch of a warm floor.

The disadvantage of a circulating system is its dependence on the supply of electricity. Stopping the pump leads to rapid cooling of the radiators and overheating of the boiler. Fallback supply options are used to avoid an emergency. Electric pumps make noise during operation.

For a one-story private house

In residential buildings, a one-pipe or two-pipe heating system is arranged, the water supply to which is organized using a pump. Labor costs for the installation of circuit elements are reduced, since there is no need to construct an inconvenient upper wiring.

The piping according to the collector circuit ensures the simultaneous heating of the batteries, even if they are located far from the boiler. The pump is placed in front of the heating unit on the return branch. There you also need to connect an expansion tank, which is necessary in a closed-type system.

Elements of the compulsory system

Closed expansion tank

The expansion tank can be open or closed (expansomat). A closed system with a compensator is used more often, since water evaporates in an open circuit. In such a system, atmospheric oxygen enters and leads to corrosion of internal steel parts.

Elements of the heating system of a private house with forced circulation:

  • boiler for gas, solid or liquid fuel;
  • membrane expansion tank;
  • circulation pump of appropriate capacity;
  • batteries;
  • pipes;
  • connections and adapters;
  • valves for various purposes, taps;
  • air vents;
  • filters;
  • fasteners.

The pumping equipment must ensure the movement of the energy carrier, therefore, it is selected according to power. An excessively strong pump creates additional noise and wastes electricity.

In a closed line, a safety group is provided, which is placed at the outlet of the supply line from the heating unit. It coordinates pressure and relieves excess pressure in an emergency, and normally removes air from the pipeline.

Principle of operation

Circulation pump parts

The pump in the design has a stainless steel casing with a rotor and a shaft with an impeller located inside. The electric motor is driven by a rotor.The energy carrier is sucked in on one side, and on the other hand is pumped into the line. The pump pushes water if resistance appears in the pipeline.

In forced systems, heating is regulated by rooms and by battery groups. The sophisticated system contains multi-way taps and valves, automatic regulators and thermostatic units that facilitate the control of heating at home.

The breakdown of the heating main into sections does not affect the quality of heating, convectors, radiators are selected for rooms, you can connect water floor heating circuits. With an organized supply of energy, you can make many branches from the main circuit and connect different floors separately.

Heating options

Combined scheme with underfloor heating and radiators

In a private building, you can use one heating system or combine several types. The choice is determined by the climate, the material of the walls of the building, and economic feasibility.

As a result, the optimal system is selected that meets the requirements:

  • uses convenient and affordable fuel;
  • maintained and operated inexpensively;
  • intelligently gives off the heat generated in a highly energy efficient home.

The owner is considering various options for systems, depending on the time spent in the building (summer cottage or residential building). This takes into account the power of the boiler, its efficiency, the number of storeys of the dwelling.

Single pipe

The one-pipe system is used in small houses

Such schemes do not provide for the return supply and reception of the spent coolant. Vertical single-pipe heating is easier to install, requires less costs and belongs to economical systems. Radiators are connected in series, there is no possibility of coordinating heating during operation.

The single-pipe scheme requires high water pressure, therefore more powerful pumps are installed. Increasing pump power leads to higher operating costs, increases the risk of leaks and requires regular replenishment of the energy carrier.

Single-pipe heating is arranged according to the principle of the top spill, when the expansion tank is placed in the attic or at the highest point of the room under the ceiling. If such a system is installed in a two-story house, additional automation is required to equalize the temperature on each level.


A two-pipe system works more efficiently in a large house

This arrangement contributes to an even distribution of heat. One line supplies the heated energy carrier, the second takes it back. The view allows you to set the temperature in the rooms with a control valve, suitable for a building of any size and different number of storeys.

A two-pipe system is:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical.

The horizontal scheme is used more often, since the buildings have a large length, and the risers of its branches are arranged in utility rooms, staircases and corridors. Batteries of one tier are connected to a common riser. In the vertical version, a larger number of pipes are used, installation is more expensive, but the appearance of air locks in pipelines and radiators is excluded.


The manifold system allows separate regulation of the temperature of each circuit

In this system, the pump evenly distributes the energy throughout the house, it is possible to adjust the temperature of each radiator. The collector is connected to the batteries using a pipeline, a slight difference in heating is noted at the outlet and inlet to the line. The system uses pipes made of different materials, more often metal-plastic ones are installed.

German engineer Tichelman developed a reverse reverse action system, while changing the principle of return feed. According to his method, the first heat exchanger to receive a hot energy carrier became the last in the return circuit, and the first in the return line received heated water last.As a result, the liquid circulated throughout the system and the radiators were heated evenly. The technique made it possible to heat the system in the same way at different points and to abandon the use of regulating automation.

Water heated floors

A water heat-insulated floor with a collector circuit allows you to change the temperature in each room

The system refers to low-temperature types of heating, uses an energy carrier with a temperature that is 2 times less than the indicators for a radiator circuit (+30 - 35 ° C and + 70 ° C). The room is heated by transferring heat from the pipes to the surrounding space. Materials with low thermal conductivity are placed under the branch, and layers that transfer energy well are arranged above the collectors.

Water intake comes from the general heating system, the water temperature is regulated by automatic equipment at the entrance to the underfloor heating main. This type of heating acts as an additional or is the main one in the room. On staircases and in vestibules, it is not always possible to perform warm floors, so a branch with radiators is installed.

Heating boiler selection

The type and power of the boiler depends on the area of ​​the house and the climate in the region.

For a one-story private house, a heating system with a boiler that meets the required characteristics and parameters is optimal. The capacity of the unit is calculated so as to meet the heating needs in the harsh conditions of the local climate and a small margin is provided (10 - 20%). In conditions of forced circulation of water, it is easier to foresee the boiling of water in the heat exchanger of the unit.

Parameters taken into account when choosing a boiler:

  • pipeline length and diameter;
  • the speed of movement of the liquid.

Electrical units do not require a chimney device, are easy to operate and control. Liquid fuel boilers use diesel fuel, they are installed if there is no access to the gas main and there is no electricity. Gas units are almost 10 times more economical than the first two types, but fuel supply is needed. Solid fuel boilers run on coke, coal, wood, and the automation regulates the afterburning of residues and emitted gases.
Add a comment

  1. Vasya

    pipes near the ceiling are better insulated

  2. Vlad

    Why a pump if the boiler is lower or on a level with the heating elements? The heated air is not in the pipe, and the water is exactly the same, the speed is already decent.



