Varieties and advantages of bulk insulation

Great attention is paid to the warmth of the premises. With an uncomfortable temperature regime, it will be impossible to live in the house, therefore, already at the planning stage, a heating system is being developed. To increase efficiency, walls, floors and ceilings are additionally insulated. For this, various insulation materials are used - loose, in the form of paints, mats and others. Before starting work, you should figure out what a bulk insulation is, how it works and in what conditions it is installed.

Varieties of loose insulation

When choosing a heater, you need to pay attention to its characteristics and the place of filling

Materials from the group of loose insulation materials are used when repair work has already been completed and it is necessary to fill the voids in the built structures. There are different types of heaters, which are characterized by the following parameters:

  • the degree of vapor permeability;
  • material;
  • weight;
  • quality and durability;
  • flammability;
  • thermal insulation;
  • price.

The place where the insulation will be installed also has an impact.

The most important parameter of bulk heat insulators is the material from which they are created. These can be polymers, clay, resin, stone chips and other natural and artificial materials.

Expanded clay

Expanded clay is made from light-alloy clay

It is one of the oldest and most popular raw materials. It is actively used in modern construction as an insulator. It has an important advantage that simplifies installation - low weight and porosity. Loose expanded clay insulation is made from light-alloy clay. It is an environmentally friendly and safe raw material. Resistant to combustion, does not enter into chemical reactions, does not absorb water. Also, in the expanded clay heat insulator, rodents, mold and fungi do not start. The disadvantages include the accumulation of moisture, which can lead to the destruction of the structure.

It is produced in three types - loose (sand), gravel and expanded crushed stone.

Insulation made from expanded clay is cheaper than analogues. Can be used in conjunction with sawdust.

Granular polystyrene foam

Granular polystyrene foam - combustible material

Such insulation is also called polystyrene foam. It consists of a large number of balls, which, when loosened, lose their density and increase their volume. It is used for insulation of ceilings, roofs, floors and cellular installation.

The positive qualities of bulk insulation for the ceiling and floor include the lightness of the material, resistance to moisture. Disadvantages - flammability, toxicity, poor study of properties. Not suitable for high temperature applications.


Vermiculite is made from mica

The heat insulator is based on mica. This results in a layered structure. During production, no chemicals and impurities are added to the insulation, so it can be used in residential buildings. Environmental friendliness, non-toxicity, incombustibility and safety allow you to install a heat insulator even in children's rooms. The service life is unlimited.

Fungi and other pathogenic bacteria do not form in vermiculite. This is due to the fact that it evenly distributes moisture over the entire surface and removes it completely to the outside.


Backfill insulation is obtained from recycled wood residues. Outwardly it looks like wood dust.It has been used for a long time for the insulation of houses. The main disadvantages are moisture absorption. Over time, the water can rot sawdust. To reduce this effect, the material is mixed with other heat insulators.

Only small sawdust is used for insulation. They are obtained when working on modern equipment with a high speed.

Cellulose insulation - ecowool

Ecowool is made from muculature, antiseptics and fire retardants.

Ecological cotton wool is a mixture of shredded newsprint, antiseptics and fire retardants. Boric acid is used as antiseptics, and borax acts as a fire retardant. The absence of harmful and toxic substances makes ecowool filling an environmentally friendly raw material for home insulation.

The main drawback limiting the mass use of ecowool is the rapid absorption of liquid. As a result, the insulation shrinks, so it is not used in regions with high humidity levels. It can be used in the construction of complex structures, since the fibers of the cellulose heat insulator can fill the voids in the finish.

Foam glass in granules

Foam glass consists of crushed glass with charcoal

The material is made from broken glass, which is crushed to tiny particles, melted and mixed with coal. During the process, carbon dioxide is released, which is why air bubbles appear in the structure. The production cost of such an insulator is high, therefore the cost of the product itself is high. Because of this, foam glass is practically not used in private construction. Popular areas of application are industrial facilities and the construction of multi-storey buildings.

Insulation is made in bags in two fractions - granules and crushed stone. The advantages include incombustibility, resistance to water and steam, high strength in compression and bending. The low weight allows the use of the material for insulation of ceilings. It can also be used to create cement slurries.

Aerated concrete crumb

Aerated concrete crumb - a mixture of sand, aerated concrete and crushed stone

In terms of composition, the material is a mixture of sand from aerated concrete blocks and porous crushed stone. Fractions from concrete crumbs come in different sizes, up to 3 centimeters. The forms are various, but this does not affect the quality of insulation.

Backfill insulation for walls can also be used as an additional bedding to rid the room of noise. Aerated concrete crumb well maintains the necessary humidity and air exchange. The price of the material is low, so it is often used for insulating road surfaces.

When filling aerated concrete, a large amount of dust and small particles are formed, which get into the eyes and respiratory system. Wear protective goggles and a respirator.


Perlite is produced from volcanic ore

It is made from molten volcanic ore at a temperature of 1000 ° C. When heating to such values ​​occurs, water evaporates from the material and porosity appears. The volume of raw materials thus increases to 90%.

The resulting granules are capable of transmitting steam, but do not absorb liquid. To make the insulation good, bitumen mining is additionally carried out. It allows the particles to be glued together into a single insulating structure. Also, non-flammability, chemical inertness are distinguished from the advantages. When insulating a house, the material does not allow the use of a membrane, since dust is clogged into it.

Granular penoizol

Granular penoizol

The material is known under other names: thermovata, foam-insulating crumb. It is based on a hardened urea resin. The polymer material is broken into small fractions 10-15 mm in size. Granules of this size retain their elasticity. Does not absorb liquid, does not burn. When grinding, it significantly increases its volume.

The main disadvantage is the complexity of installation. For work, you will need special equipment - a blowing machine, with the help of which the insulator is filled up.

Advantages of bulk insulation

High-quality home insulation is the basis for a comfortable stay. Therefore, it is important to pay enough attention to the material before choosing a heater. Loose heat insulators have the following positive characteristics:

  • minimal heat loss;
  • resistance to sudden temperature changes;
  • minimum weight;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • Fire safety;
  • long service life;
  • the ability to retain heat for a long time;
  • ease of installation.

To insulate the walls with bulk basalt wool or other bulk insulation, no special tool is required. All work can be performed by a home master without the help of professionals.

It is important to pay attention to the manufacturer of thermal insulation materials. A popular Russian company engaged in the supply of quality products is Ecover.
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