A warm water floor is installed dry using heat exchange elements made of aluminum or steel. The heat distribution plate for underfloor heating is equipped with a groove along the entire length for laying the water pipe and stiffening ribs on the side parts. The element is heated by the water circuit and transfers heat evenly to the floor covering.
Features of the heat distribution plate
The energy carrier in the underfloor heating pipes does not need to be heated to high temperatures, in comparison with radiators, thanks to the use of heat-reflecting plates. Aluminum or steel elements are simple in structure and have no restrictions on their use.
Products from different manufacturers differ in configuration, but the overall structure remains the same:
- the omega-shaped gutter runs from beginning to end and serves to install the water pipe;
- protruding strips on the flyaways provide rigidity and compensate for thermal expansion.
Heat transfer elements are placed in the floor structure so that the grooves coincide. During installation, a hacksaw or metal scissors is not used, since the plates have convenient notches. The metal is broken off at the marks to the required length and placed in the design position.
The plate is divided into sections:
- 4 pieces of 115 mm;
- 2 pieces of 135 mm;
- 1 piece 270 mm.
Installation of thermoplates directly into the screed is allowed, but the heat will go down to heat the concrete. A polystyrene underlay with a downward-facing foil layer is placed on the surface prior to installation of the system.
Heat exchangers work efficiently when mounted on insulating material such as extruded polystyrene foam or foam. This limits the transmission of energy to the floor and heats up the upper floor covering. Expanded polystyrene boards are used grades FT 20/45 or FT 20 / 45L, the density of the foam must be at least 30 kg / m3. Grooves are cut in the insulation using a gutter knife.
Purpose of plates
A metal thermoplastic is used if it is not possible to make a traditional screed (buildings with wooden floors, walls from a foam block, and others). Sometimes the height of the ceilings does not allow raising the base to the thickness of the warm floor. The date of completion of the object affects the choice of a screed or dry installation method. The concrete gains strength for 28 days, and the system with thermoplastics is ready for use after finishing the installation of the finishing layer.
Heat-reflecting structures are an alternative to a water floor on a cement-sand base. The lightness of the design allows the elements to be used on any floor, since the load increases insignificantly.
The water pipes are tightly wrapped in the metal in the groove and heat the element. Aluminum and steel belong to the group of efficient heat conductors, therefore they transfer energy to the floor covering. Convection in the form of streams and jets is completely absent, the surface heats up evenly. Heat is transferred more efficiently if the side parts of the thermoplate are tightly attached to the base and top layer.
To calculate the required amount of material, 4 - 6 plates are taken per square square. There are no swivel parts in the product range. This is because the heat dissipation in these sections is negligible and the price of the corner piece will significantly increase the cost of the system. The pipes are laid out along the "snake" or "snail" contour.
Indicators of plates for underfloor heating:
- the size of the element is 1 m long;
- width - 130 or 110 mm;
- the groove is made for a pipe with a diameter of 16 mm;
- one item weighs 500 g.
The total weight of a heated floor with a coating is reduced by 5-7 times compared to the option on a concrete base. The power of the system is from 50 to 200 W / m2, the indicator varies depending on the type of floor finish, the installation pitch of the pipe (not less than 125 mm). Heat-reflecting elements transfer up to 94 - 95% of heat.
Advantages and disadvantages
Dry flooring has advantages over traditional wet pipe installation. The high thermal conductivity of the metal allows the surface to be heated in a short time.
Positive aspects of using thermoplastics:
- the number of plates and the weight of the structure can be easily calculated independently, since the step and mass of the plates are known;
- the system simply fits with your own hands after drawing up a pipe layout plan;
- the load on the parts of the floor is reduced in comparison with the wet versions;
- the size of the room is not significantly reduced in height.
The disadvantage is that after the boiler is turned off, the metal plates cool down immediately, and the concrete keeps heat for some time. The cost of thermoelements is high, but with the wet method, additional materials are also purchased, and the labor intensity of the work increases.
Features of the floor mounting of the water circuit
The system is mounted on a wooden or polystyrene base with grooves for the location of the convex grooves of thermoplastics. Laminate, carpet, parquet or tiles are laid on a moisture insulating layer. Polyethylene with a density of 200 microns is used for waterproofing.
The strips are laid out with an overlap of 10 - 15 cm and fastened with tape between themselves, the perimeter is made out with a damper tape glued to the polyethylene and the wall. If a room with increased steam generation, for example a bathroom, is additionally placed with a vapor barrier layer or a material with combined protection against moisture and steam is selected.
Insulation is done 2 times:
- by the area of the overlap before laying the insulation;
- on the surface of the mounted pipe and plate system.
On sale there are solid plates without grooves for pipes, then the grooves are made independently. Used plywood and a piece of pipe with a diameter of 16 mm. A groove is made in the sheet, the plate is placed on the plywood, and the groove on the metal element is pushed through by the pipe. The edges of the thermoplate are leveled with improvised means.
The procedure for assembling a warm floor:
- the coating is cleaned of debris and leveled with putty or self-leveling mixture;
- the waterproofing layer is laid out;
- insulating mats are laid;
- grooves are made and heat distribution plates are mounted;
- water pipes are laid;
- thermal insulation is laid between the grooves.
The second layer of waterproofing is mounted after checking the system's performance. The final finishing of the floor is done.
Features of wooden water underfloor heating
This type is arranged in a wooden house or a dwelling with a beam ceiling made of natural material. The dry method involves a rack or modular stacking system.The first type is done using boards or bars, and in the second, ready-made fiberboard blocks with ready-made grooves are used.
The support layer 20 mm thick is made of wood, the moisture content of which is not more than 6-10%. Hardwood boards should be 80 mm wide and up to 1200 mm long.
Composition of the underfloor heating structure for wood:
- base with a layer of waterproofing;
- boards, modules or bars laid out according to the plan;
- pipe routing using plates;
- isolation from steam and moisture;
- gypsum fiber sheet 10 mm thick;
- flooring.
Boards can be laid in a continuous layer, but you have to make a groove in each of them for the protrusion of the thermoplate. This method is laborious and expensive, since the wood is processed on a machine and there are not always conditions at home.
Another option is that the boards are laid out with a gap that corresponds in width and length to the convex groove of the plate. The base area for underfloor heating is leveled horizontally so as not to disturb the energy carrier current.
Heat distribution plate selection criteria
The choice of products consists in studying the technical characteristics and parameters. It is believed that the high thermal conductivity of the metal affects the efficiency of the system. But the degree of floor heating depends not only on the material of the plate. A high heat capacity has a bad effect on the control equipment, since the heating rate will be high.
Heat transfer is affected by:
- the layout system and pipe material - plastic give off energy longer than metal;
- type of lower insulation and compliance with the technology of its installation;
- type of floor finish - ceramics, laminate, heats up faster than linoleum-based or carpet.
It is a misconception that the plates are hot and not corroded. During the operation of the house, household vapors penetrate through the finishing coatings to the base and structure of the water floor. Condensate in a heated state is more destructive.
Pay attention to the presence of an anti-corrosion layer on the surface of the heat-reflecting plate - then you can not put a layer of waterproofing when laying the system. The seller provides a quality certificate from the manufacturer to confirm the reliability of the product.
The choice is influenced by the functionality of the room. When laying on polyurethane foam in the kitchen and bathroom, steel plates with an anti-corrosion layer will do. If the base is a concrete floor slab, copper or aluminum products will work better.
Scope of use
The piping system with heat distribution elements is suitable for new and renovated buildings. The plates are quickly assembled and serve for a long time. Thermal distribution structures do not create problems in buildings with weakened foundations, since they add insignificant weight to the floor.
Dirt and dust from the use of materials for concrete screed is eliminated and labor costs for installing a warm floor are reduced, therefore dry laying is used in working offices, trading floors, workshops and residential buildings. There is no need to close a company or organization to install a floor in one room.