Technical characteristics of extruded polystyrene foam

There are many polymer sheet insulation materials for construction work on sale. Each type of polystyrene is designed for specific thermal insulation purposes. An incorrectly selected product can bring undesirable consequences after its installation: a weak insulation effect, dampness on the walls and even destruction of load-bearing structures. In order to avoid problems, it is necessary to study the characteristics of the products and know the required density of extruded polystyrene foam.

What is the material

Strength and low thermal conductivity due to the fine-mesh structure of the material

Among all expanded polystyrene, extrusion is the most durable. This polymer is produced in the form of sheets of a certain size. The structure itself is obtained by foaming polystyrene, while it undergoes a heating stage in an extruder until it melts. Then it is squeezed into a certain shape and cut after cooling.

The high strength of such a heat insulator is due to its fine-mesh structure obtained at the time of sintering. The pores inside the polymer have a closed circular shape, so that extrusion plastic (EPPS) does not allow steam and moisture to pass through.

Class characteristics

EPS of different types has different characteristics. All known extruded products can be divided into three large groups:

  • Class 30. The product is used for thermal insulation of structures that are not subjected to mechanical stress: underground communications, vertical parts of foundations, roof surfaces.
  • Class 35. The product can be used both outside and inside the premises when insulating walls, ceilings and floors. Plates differ in the content of flame retardant additives in the structure for better fire resistance.
  • Class 45. Extrusion plastics in this category are the most durable in terms of the compression exerted on them. They can withstand loads up to 0.5 MPa. The main application of such a product is found in the construction industry in the construction of routes, air transport take-off strips, in the insulation of monolithic slabs.
Technical indicators of extruded polystyrene foam

Characteristics of Penoplex available on the domestic market:

  • The sheets are 15.12, 10, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3 and 2 cm thick.
  • Canvas size: 120x60 cm and 240x60 cm.
  • Thermal conductivity index 0.032-0.030 W / m * С.
  • The indicator of the strength in compression is 0.5-0.2 MPa.
  • Moisture absorption is about 0.40%.
  • Flammability index G4.

Penoplex is a domestic product produced in carrot color. The polymer is intended for industrial use and for household purposes.

Technoplex is extruded polystyrene foam, which has fewer varieties in terms of web thickness, represented by 10, 5, 4 and 3 centimeters. Standards for sheet dimensions for these products: 118x58 cm and 120x60 cm. The thermal insulation characteristics of the material are worse by about 0.002 W / m * C than Penoplex, but moisture absorption is 0.2% less. Due to the presence of graphite inclusions in the polymer structure, the heat insulator has increased strength. It can be used for heavy building structures.

Extruded URSA plastic is produced by an import manufacturer. The company makes polymer insulation with a standard sheet size of 125x60 cm and a thickness of 10 to 3 cm.In terms of strength and flammability, the product is similar to Technoplex.

Strengths and weaknesses of extruded polystyrene foam

Extruded polystyrene foam should not be left in direct sunlight - it loses its characteristics

Among the advantages of XPS are excellent thermal insulation characteristics, strength, moisture resistance and lightness of the sheets.

It is easy and convenient to work with the material, no powerful lifting equipment is required to supply insulation to the upper floors of the construction site.

From the disadvantages of the product, flammability is in the first place. At an ambient temperature of more than 75 degrees Celsius, harmful vapors begin to be released from the structure. Also, you can not leave the heat insulator in direct sunlight, which destroys it. Rodents can settle in the thickness.

Comparison with foam material

Compared to extruded insulation, polystyrene foam (PS) has a completely different manufacturing technology, which ultimately makes differences in these two products:

  • In terms of strength, foam of any brand is very fragile and can withstand a maximum pressure of only 0.2 MPa.
  • The structure consists of individual spheres of different sizes, bonded by sintering on a press.
  • The cells have micro-slots between each other, which contributes to the partial absorption of water by the foam.

PS is never used to insulate structures that may be subjected to any mechanical stress. The color of the foam is always snow white.

If we compare EPSP with ordinary plastic PPP, the advantage of the latter can be considered a cheaper manufacturing technology and vapor permeability, which is also higher, due to which insulated buildings have the ability to exchange gas with the environment. In all other respects, the material is inferior to extrusion insulation.

Product application

The material is used for interior work

Extruded insulation is used mainly in the construction industry for insulating various objects and communications. As a thermal insulator, XPS is suitable for furnishing:

  • walls of the building outside and inside rooms, except for rooms where the temperature exceeds 60 degrees Celsius;
  • foundations, basements and monolithic slabs of various designs, both from the ends and under them;
  • warm blind area around the house;
  • heating mains and heating mains;
  • any underground facilities and communications.

In addition to all of the above, EPPS can be laid in the base of heated roads and tracks. There is also such a thing as a sandwich panel, the inner space of which is filled with a foamy polymer.

Making at home

Extruded polystyrene foam is obtained from foam granules

It is impossible to obtain XPS at home; this requires expensive equipment - an extruder and a production line. You can make ordinary foamed plastic from polystyrene granules. At the same time, attention should not be directed to the independent production of plates - it will be unprofitable. Such an undertaking is suitable for obtaining bizarre shapes for the purpose of practicing Hand Made. The technological process is as follows:

  • The granules are poured onto the fifth part of the bucket and the steam generator hose is directed into them.
  • The raw material is doused with steam and simultaneously mixed until it increases in size.
  • Balls are laid out in a pre-prepared form and they continue to heat in it with a hot stream until the moment of sintering.

At the end of the process, the mass is allowed to cool. The mold is opened or broken to get the finished product. The more elegant the thing is, the smaller the initial balls should be in diameter.

Heat insulator installation

On the walls, expanded polystyrene is attached using dowels with wide caps

Fixation of sheets of extruded insulation to horizontal surfaces is carried out using glue on a cement-polymer basis. To withstand wind and other loads, it is imperative to strengthen the fastening of each plate using plastic dowels with umbrella-shaped hats.

If the EPS is laid on horizontal concrete substrates, the best way is to lay it on bitumen mastic.

It is necessary to carefully study the characteristics of bituminous glue before use. Not all brands of this substance are suitable for the polymers in question. The result of an incorrect selection may be the dissolution of the surface of the insulation.

All EPPS sheets have smooth surfaces, as a result of which they do not adhere well to concrete and plastered surfaces located vertically. It does not matter which side of the slab is the inner or the outer - they are the same in structure. It is recommended that for better adhesion to the supporting structure, brush one side of the foam with a metal brush to achieve a roughness.

In the process of installing insulation, one of the operations is cutting parts to size in those places where the dimensions of the product go beyond the enclosed structure. To cut the XPS, all you have to do is use a utility knife with replaceable blades. Cutting is convenient to carry out on a flat surface such as chipboard or OSB.

Popular manufacturers

Expanded polystyrene has a lot of advantages, so many foreign and domestic manufacturers have included this building insulation in their product line.

Thermit is a Krasnoyarsk plant for the production of effective thermal insulation. Produces XPS for various insulation tasks. The products are made in accordance with GOST 32310-2012 and have earned many medals at exhibitions.

Comfort is XPS, which is one of the Penoplex brands. It comes in different thicknesses with sheet dimensions of 585x1185 mm. The delivery comes packed with a special film that protects against UV radiation.
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