Technical characteristics and types of thermal insulation Korund

When constructing residential buildings, great attention is paid to high-quality thermal insulation. It allows you to maintain a comfortable temperature in the house at any time of the year, and also eliminates drafts, mold, mildew. Thanks to the insulation, the owner of the house will be able to save money on heating. Thermal insulation can be made using different materials, a wide range of which can be found in hardware stores. Such heat insulators include Korund. Insulation has its own technical characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

Distinctive features

Thermal insulation Corundum consists of ceramic particles with additives of acrylic and water

Outwardly, the material looks like paint and is applied in the same way, but its properties and tasks are different.

Liquid thermal insulation Korund is made from a mixture of ceramic fillers and a water-acrylic-based solution. Ceramic particles play the role of insulation, and the solution allows you to distribute the insulating elements over the entire surface in an even layer. Such a composition can be quickly and conveniently applied to any area in an even layer. The composition contains various connecting additives that improve the characteristics of the heat insulator. The most popular are rubber and silicone.

Scope of application and characteristics

Thermal insulation with Corundum can be done on any surfaces. Heat insulating paint adheres well to brick, plastic, metal, stone and other materials. The main areas of application include:

  • Housing and communal services objects. These can be walls and facades of buildings, pipelines, windows, roofs, balconies.
  • Transport industry.
  • Heat power structures.
  • Building.

Thermal insulation characteristics Korund:

  • The temperature range of the paint is from -65 ° C to + 260 ° C. Liquid insulation can be used both in cold regions and in high heat.
  • Low thermal conductivity 0.0012W / m ° С. A 2 mm layer is sufficient to retain heat.
  • Flexural elasticity is 1 mm.
  • Moisture resistance. The material does not absorb liquid and is not destroyed by water.
  • Heat transfer 4 W / m ° C.
  • Water vapor permeability 0.03 mg / mh Pa.
  • Drying time - 24 hours. Dries faster when applied to warm pipes.

According to the given characteristics, one can judge that Corundum is one of the best heat-insulating materials.

Advantages and disadvantages

Corundum can be used as a topcoat, as it is not afraid of ultraviolet radiation

The main positive features of Korund liquid thermal insulation:

  • Versatility. Suitable for all surfaces.
  • Duration of operation. Retains its characteristics unchanged for 15 years. With proper care (cleaning and performing a high-quality topcoat), the operating time increases by 2 times.
  • Corrosion protection.
  • Short complete drying time - 24 hours. Coating hot piping will dry the surface faster.
  • Easy to apply. The heat paint is applied to the surface by hand using a roller or special devices.
  • Economical consumption. The ultra-thin layer insulates the room efficiently and effectively.
  • Light weight. The paint can be applied even to fragile structures, without the need to create an additional reinforcing frame.
  • It is laid on the surface with a seamless layer. This additionally protects the room from cold, which could get inside through the joints.
  • Resistant to UV rays and corrosive environments. It is not exposed to the formation of mold, fungi, insects and rodents.
  • Resistant to combustion. Withstands temperatures up to 260 ° without changing characteristics. Above 600 ° C, it decomposes into carbon and nitric oxide.
  • High environmental friendliness. The material is completely harmless to humans. It can even be used in homes where people with allergies live.
  • Can be used as a topcoat.
  • The paint has received all the necessary quality certificates in Russia.

The disadvantages include the high cost of a heat insulator. The material has recently appeared on the market, so not all characteristics have received sufficient practical confirmation. Corundum must be applied promptly, as the layer hardens quickly.

Varieties of heat insulator

Simultaneously with insulation, it acts as an anti-corrosion coating for metal pipes

The manufacturer of liquid thermal insulation Korund offers the following varieties:

  • Classic. The material is used in roofing and facade works. Suitable for thermal insulation of building interior surfaces. Differs in versatility and high degree of efficiency.
  • Anticorrosive. It is used as an anti-corrosion coating on metal structures. It can also be applied to rusted areas without pretreatment.
  • Facade. Designed to cover all types of concrete pavement. It is applied in a thick layer. The most common application is for finishing the facades of houses.
  • Winter. It is used in the case of repair and finishing work in the winter season. The material can be used at temperatures down to -10 ° C.

There are also other types of material, but they are practically not used or have a narrow scope.

Regardless of the brand, all thermal insulation properties are preserved and are of high quality.

Application method

Large areas of liquid insulation are applied with a construction spray gun

The method of applying thermal insulation differs depending on its type. There are two main ways - manual and with the help of special painting devices.

Regardless of the type of paint, it is necessary to prepare the base on which it will be applied. The surface should be cleaned of debris and various contaminants. All fragile areas need to be replaced, the old painted coating is cleaned. Slots and cracks are sealed with sand-cement mortar. The last step in preparation is surface treatment with an abrasive material (circle, metal brush, sandpaper).

Heat insulating paint is mixed according to the manufacturer's instructions. It is necessary to stir manually so as not to damage the ceramic particles during the mechanical method.

Surface application is straightforward. You can lay Corundum insulation for walls in several ways:

  • air spraying devices;
  • airless spraying;
  • by hand using a roller or brush.

During work, the use of personal respiratory protection is not required, since the Korund insulation is completely safe for human health.

Features of choice

It is recommended to buy thermal insulation from the official representatives of the manufacturer.

Ceramic thermal insulation Korund has high performance characteristics, regardless of the type. To choose the right type of insulation, you need to consider the following features:

  • The density of the composition. A good quality heat paint should have a value of 0.6 kg per liter of product.
  • It is necessary to look at the container with the solution in the light. A high-quality thermal insulator with ceramic spheres should have a thick top layer.
  • The structure of the solution also influences the choice. In a high-quality suspension, granules are felt when a few drops of paint are passed between the fingers.
  • Paint color. The original heat-insulating paint Korund is produced only in white.

You should buy thermal insulation in specialized stores.
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