Technology of insulation and cladding of a house for siding

The cladding of a residential building with siding is becoming more and more popular due to the low cost of the necessary materials, the practicality and aesthetic appearance of the finished buildings. To sheathe a house with do-it-yourself siding with insulation, it is enough to choose the appropriate type of thermal insulation, as well as study the step-by-step instructions that include all stages of work.

Varieties of siding and their characteristics

Ventilated facade made of insulation and siding

Siding is a panel designed for finishing facades of buildings and additional structures. In addition to the decorative function, such panels are used as part of a multi-layer wall covering, which is created as waterproofing. They reduce noise and help improve building performance. A large number of types of such cladding are on sale, each of which has its own characteristics.

Wood-polymer composite

Composite panels are manufactured using a technology that includes a pressing method under the influence of high pressure and temperature. The fibers of the composite are bonded with special resins, the boards are covered with a layer of paints and varnishes for additional durability and durability. This type of siding has many advantages, including the environmental friendliness of the material, resistance to low temperatures and the absence of problems during installation. The list of disadvantages of wood composite includes high cost, shorter service life, and the need for special care.

Metal sheet

This type of canvas is based on metal coated with a primer in combination with a polymer material. Metal siding can be steel, aluminum or galvanized. Most often it is used as a cladding for public buildings and commercial buildings. Due to its high cost, this material is rarely used in individual construction, but it is well suited for the construction and quick repair of high-rise buildings. The list of its advantages includes low weight, low flammability, increased strength and long service life.

Fiber cement boards

There are many types of decorative siding made from different materials.

Fiber cement slabs are made from a mixture containing cement, cellulose fiber and water. This is an environmentally friendly siding with good decorative properties, due to which it can replace expensive stone for decoration. It is distinguished by ease of installation, has a natural appearance, does not corrode and the development of biological organisms. Fiber cement slabs are resistant to precipitation, do not burn and do not require special maintenance. This facade material has practically no drawbacks, but it is rarely used in Russia.

Lining and analogs

PVC lining and vinyl siding are considered the most popular cladding options, as they are suitable for both brick houses and structures made of wood or timber. Both materials differ in terms of manufacturing specifics, installation and fastening methods.Both types of siding are based on polyvinyl chloride, a colorless plastic that is resistant to acids, alkalis, mineral oils and solvents.

Vinyl siding contains titanium dioxide, which is absent in the lining. It makes the material more durable, fixes its dye and protects the surface from the influence of the external environment. Vinyl finish can withstand temperatures ranging from -50 to +50 degrees. The composition of the lining, in addition to the main components, includes chalk, due to which it is a more environmentally friendly material, but at the same time less durable due to the cellular structure.

Plastic products

Plastic cladding panels are popular due to their low cost and quality, which is not inferior to more expensive counterparts. Plastic cladding makes the external appearance of the facade more accurate and protects it from environmental factors. It is a strong and durable material with high indicators of incombustibility, moisture resistant and does not cause problems during the maintenance process. It does not emit substances harmful to health, it is easy to install, and it is also lightweight.

Selection of thermal insulation materials

Polyurethane foam under the siding does not grow moldy, does not rot

Before cladding the walls, it is worth taking care of thermal insulation. Without insulation, dampness and fungus can form on the walls, for this reason it is advisable to install siding with heat-insulating material. This installation method allows you to preserve the decorative properties of the facade. When choosing a material, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • the thermal conductivity coefficient should be kept in the range from 0.03 to 0.045 W / M K;
  • optimal rigidity of the material and retention of its shape;
  • the level of hygroscopicity;
  • low flammability and resistance to decomposition.

Most often, experts use several types of materials, the list of the most popular includes mineral and ecowool, as well as polyurethane foam.

Mineral wool

Glass wool does not attract rodents and insects, so it is recommended to install it under siding

Mineral wool is a pressed square or rectangular slabs of regular shape, made of basalt fiber by melting. For greater strength, components based on phenol-formaldehyde resin are added to their composition. To improve the environmental friendliness of mineral wool, the plates are subjected to heat treatment in order to neutralize phenol. Mineral wool is one of the most common materials, its thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.036-0.041 W / M-1 K-1, strength is 0.05 kg / cm2. It absorbs moisture with a percentage in the range of 1-1.5%, has a flammability class NG and is not affected by mold and microorganisms.

Polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam consists of polyol and isocyanate, these components react and form a foam mass that exceeds the original amount of substances in volume. The thermal conductivity coefficient of polyurethane foam varies in the range of 0.019-0.028 W / M-1 K-1, the strength is 0.15 kg / cm2, the flammability class is G1. Polyurethane foam is not susceptible to mold and microorganisms, and is also chemically neutral.


Ecowool is made from recycled cellulose with the addition of boric acid and potassium tetraborate, which prevents the development of microorganisms, fungus and mold. The thermal conductivity of the material ranges from 0.036-0.043 W / mK, the density is 25-90 kg / m3, the heat resistance category is G2. Cotton wool is characterized by optimal sound insulation, low density and perfect penetration.

Preparatory work for do-it-yourself sheathing

After installing the insulation, a frame is installed for attaching the siding

First of all, you need to prepare the walls for installation, put a vapor barrier and fix the crate, lay insulation, install waterproofing and siding itself.It is important to avoid common mistakes at all stages of installation:

  • Rare installation of frame profiles. Saving material over time will lead to a deflection of the sheathing, it must be fixed in increments of at least 50-60 cm.
  • Lack of counter-lattice. If cotton slabs are used as insulation, they should not be artificially pressed with waterproofing, this can provoke a quilt effect, unevenness of the coating, depression and arching.
  • Avoiding the use of a level or mooring cord for a smoother installation of the planks. Houses, which are finished at a level below the embedded part, have irregularities over the entire surface.

It is recommended to use basalt wool as a heater, which is considered the cheapest and most environmentally friendly product with non-flammable properties. It is quite hygroscopic, so waterproofing and installation of siding on cotton wool are perfectly tight. If there is a threat of dampness, it is better to use polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam or foam foam instead of cotton wool.

House cladding from a bar

A house from an old timber can be updated with siding panels, pre-insulated with polyurethane foam

It is necessary to start insulating a house from a bar by preparing the walls, which are checked for the presence of fungi, mold and microorganisms. Problematic areas must be cleaned or cut out, then the prepared surface is treated with special impregnations against moisture, mold and fire. When installing the lathing, it must be borne in mind that the guides from the timber can be installed only horizontally or vertically, since the lathing itself is a kind of ventilation for the facade.

Sheathing of a wooden house

At the stage of preparation, the main wall material must be freed from old cladding, dust and dirt. Places affected by rot or mold are cut and sanded until clean wood appears. Each site is carefully inspected, even a small amount of microorganisms under the siding can damage the finished building. After the cleaning stage, the walls are lubricated with an antiseptic impregnation and covered with a waterproofing membrane with a vapor-permeable effect. The film must be installed on the correct side, then it is fixed with a frame.

Installing the frame

Before installing the frame, a vapor barrier membrane is mounted on the insulation

Before you start sheathing the structure with siding, it is necessary to form a frame or crate, which can be made of metal or wood. The metal frame resembles drywall profiles and can be fixed to the wall with hangers. The wooden lathing is fixed to the wall using self-tapping screws or hangers. When installing the lathing, you need to observe the distance and fill the frame evenly.

It should be borne in mind that the metal frame will be less rigid, therefore it must be reinforced with horizontal bridges. If you have a metal profile, you can choose a heater of any width by making holes for suspensions in it and in the vapor barrier film. This design avoids cold bridges; it is suitable for insulating walls made of timber, brick and concrete. The lathing is made of wood in several stages:

  1. The bars are fixed on the main crate, the thickness of which must match the thickness of the material for insulation.
  2. Insulation plates are placed in the space between the beams.
  3. From above, the structure is sheathed with a film for vapor barrier and counter-lathing is made, then siding is installed.

The installation of the lathing begins from the corner of the building structure, carefully calculating the fastening step and adhering to it. Taking into account strong winds, the ideal pitch of the frame will be 40-45 cm.If this value is exceeded, the siding will begin to rattle, and its service life will be noticeably reduced. First of all, the corner strips are fixed and the fishing line is pulled between them, then additional strips are attached.

At the stage of installing the frame, you can easily eliminate the existing curvature of the walls. For this purpose, suspensions are attached to the base, on which vertical-type metal profiles are fixed. The ends of the suspension must be bent to the side. In this case, it will be possible to finish and insulate the walls as evenly as possible.

Laying and installation

Installation of siding is carried out from the bottom up

Sheathing with siding of a wooden or brick house with insulation requires utmost attention both at the stage of preparation and during the installation itself. For work, you need to prepare the panels themselves, as well as the starting and finishing strips, platbands, inner and outer corners, decorative strips. First of all, it is necessary to install a starter bar, which is fixed to the crate with self-tapping screws, staples and nails. The rest of the siding sheets should overlap the fastening areas, work begins from the bottom, moving upward.

After fixing the initial plank, proceed to fixing the first siding sheet. Due to the locking system, the starting bar can be easily attached to the sheet, then it is attached to the crate and proceeds to the next row. The material must be secured from the center to the edges with nails or staples placed in the center slot. If the material expands under the influence of temperature, it will begin to move, but will not deform. The heads of nails or screws must not be deepened or tightened, otherwise it will not move.

It is necessary to build up the panels, observing the distances between them with an interval of 5-7 mm, if the installation is carried out in the summer, and 12-15 mm in the winter. The process is carried out until all the elements and cladding of the whole house are fully installed. The insulation is fixed by pressing it between each rail, it is additionally strengthened by hand using dowels with wide caps. Thermal insulation materials are overlapped with a waterproofing film, bending its edges inward. A frame made of wood is mounted on all slats of the crate, on which decorative sheathing is placed.

After installing decorative finishes outside the building, the remaining finishing elements and communication equipment, including downpipes and other details, are installed.
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