Each technical room, especially a boiler room in a private house, requires additional space. This must be taken into account, since it is often simply impossible to do without a heating boiler. It is important to study in advance the possibilities of using units of this type and observe a number of conditions when creating a boiler room project and installing all communications.
In what cases is a boiler room necessary
The territory of the boiler house is a place where, in addition to the boiler and the corresponding equipment, systems for water treatment, heating control, and hot water supply are located. A boiler room or boiler room in a house is necessary in cases when large floor-type boilers are used for heating. The best option is to install a powerful chimney, which helps to eliminate combustion products and attract the air flow necessary for the functioning of the boiler. The presence of a gas analyzer helps to prevent gas leakage in time, so it is also advisable to install it additionally.
If the area of the building is more than 200 square meters, you definitely cannot do without a boiler room, since stationary equipment will be needed to supply heat to such a large room. Often in private houses, floor-standing boilers and ventilation systems are installed, which require air from the street to heat up. It is advisable to place such devices in specially designated areas inside the building, and not in an extension on the street.
The question of the location of the boiler room should be decided by specialists at the stage of building design. The type of project depends on the power of the boiler and hot water consumption, the availability of special systems for water treatment and ventilation.
Requirements and Regulations
Regardless of the version of the room, it is necessary to install units for heating and water heating in combination with additional communications strictly in accordance with the new requirements and standards for heat and water supply. The current rules are posted on the Rostekhnadzor portal, but it must be taken into account that the norms may differ, taking into account the type of boiler and fuel, for this reason they need to be updated. The walls of the boiler room are made of bricks or concrete, the floor is predominantly made of concrete with a cover of metal sheets. During the renovation, the walls and floor are tiled or the top is covered with non-combustible plaster.
Boilers should not fit snugly against walls; for safety reasons, there should be additional space around them. Even the smallest change in the design of the room must be in accordance with the current regulations. The design of the ventilation system and the chimney is calculated according to the power and parameters of the unit, while no more than two devices can be placed in one room. The front door must open strictly outward, it is made of materials of a fireproof type. All heating units and boiler systems are located taking into account the following requirements:
- the device can be placed in a separate room on any floor, including basements and semi-basements;
- total system power cannot exceed 350 kW;
- the installation of the unit requires the placement of ventilation, the calculation of the system of which is carried out taking into account the area.
JV boiler plants with a capacity below 150 kW are installed in rooms suitable for the operation of such units. The room must be fenced off from adjacent rooms with reflective walls, equipped with high-quality hoods and a personal chimney. In the absence of ventilation, a space is left under the door and more often the territory of the boiler room is ventilated.
Minimum area
The area norms for gas boiler houses must be observed at the stages of construction and use of the premises. If heating installations with a capacity of up to 150 kW are installed on a separate territory, the volume and area of the room for them must be at least 15 m3 and should be designed depending on the maintenance standards and the size of the main and additional devices. If a heating unit and an instantaneous water heater with a volume of not more than 60 kW are installed in the kitchen, its area should also be at least 15 m3 with 0.2 m3 per 1 kW of unit power.
Distance to facilities
In terms of dimensions, the ceiling height in the boiler room should not be less than 2.5 m and 2 m if the power of the units is less than 60 kW. Wall-mounted appliances are placed on walls made of non-combustible materials while maintaining a distance of at least 2 cm from the wall. If the walls are made of combustible and non-combustible building materials with non-combustible insulation, the gap between the base and the boiler should be at least 3 cm. In passages, the space from protruding parts of the equipment should not be less than a meter.
Types of boiler rooms
There are several options for creating boiler houses for home installations, they are divided into types, taking into account the location of the boilers and types of boilers. Most often, in large houses, separate rooms are organized, which are specially built for this purpose. The equipment is connected to the building using utilities, this is a good option for those who do not want to endure the inconvenience of having a unit located inside the building.
Extensions or attached boilers are very popular due to their low cost, they are installed as tightly as possible to buildings. There is also a built-in type option, it is more budgetary, but at the same time quite laborious in terms of designing and developing a room layout. Laying communications in such a room should be as simple as possible, additionally take into account the cost of noise insulation, since some types of boilers make a lot of noise during operation.
Gas supply boilers are considered the safest and are intended for installation in settlements with a gas supply main. Gas boiler houses do not cause difficulties during operation, since the process is fully automated. They can be used to heat buildings of any area, they are also quite economical, because gas boilers give off more energy than they consume. The modern device ignites automatically and is equipped with a system that stops operation in the event of an accident.
Such boilers have a service life of up to fifteen years and at the same time are environmentally friendly due to the minimum emission of harmful substances, the absence of soot and soot. The list of disadvantages of a gas boiler room includes the mandatory installation of automation in order to prevent leaks and special requirements for rooms.
For gas equipment, chimneys and steam generators need to be created, all units must be checked and cleaned annually. Their installation is allowed only after agreement with the specialists of Gaztekhnadzor.
Solid fuel
Rooms with solid fuel boilers can be equipped in any country houses in the absence of gas supply. In such units, energy sources are wood waste, for example, linden, firewood or coal.A solid fuel boiler house is a good budget option, since cheap fuel is suitable for it, including wood processing waste. It is also safe and environmentally friendly, it does not require electricity during operation, and the combustion coefficient is more than 80%, due to which ash and soot are practically not formed.
Devices of this type serve for more than fifteen years without the need to change additional parts. They also have disadvantages, including the mandatory presence of a high-draft chimney when installing the boiler, as well as a separate room for the device. They need to be charged regularly with fuel and often cleaned as they become dirty. In addition to allocating a separate area for placing a solid fuel boiler, you will need an additional place where you need to store firewood, coal or pallets.
Designing a technical room
The equipment of a boiler or boiler room in a private building, as well as in an industrial building or at an enterprise, requires adherence to the SNiP standards in the 2019 edition of the year, the 2012 and 2017 versions are considered outdated. First, a list of norms must be taken into account for creating a boiler room project in a private building. The units are installed taking into account the layout of the house in the basement, in the attic, or in a separate room. If desired, it is permissible to use containers with mini-boiler rooms, to build separate buildings or annexes. It is also possible to use a ready-made boiler room assembled from sandwich panels and finished with non-combustible materials. Primary requirements:
- compliance with the dimensions of the premises during construction;
- competent approach to door installation;
- availability of permanent access to all units;
- installation of a window with a vent and sash opening outward;
- the presence of a chimney and ventilation;
Important! Wooden walls of outbuildings or individual boilers are finished with non-combustible building materials. For structures of any type, it is best to use concrete blocks or bricks.
Project approval
The largest will be the cost of building a gas boiler house, since such a project will have to be coordinated in several institutions and hire specialists to develop it. In addition to project documents for approval, you must provide a technical passport for the device, a sanitary-hygienic conclusion, a certificate for the equipment, as well as instructions for its operation.
Installation of equipment
Installation begins with the arrangement of equipment on a plan or diagram and the allocation of zones where heating, sewerage, cold and hot water supply systems will be located. The next stage is the installation of building-type engineering systems, all inputs into the boiler room are mounted depending on the location of the devices. The boilers are connected to distribution manifolds and additional units are installed. The installation of all systems and elements should be carried out by professionals who have the appropriate permission, comply with the norms of SNiP 89.13330 or 89.13330.2012 and recommendations from the instructions of Sidelkovsky, Yurenevy, Tretyak and Roddatis.
Boiler room arrangement
A boiler room or boiler room is a room in which a large number of devices are installed in order to organize hot water supply and heating. It should contain the main boiler, boiler, distribution unit, hydraulic accumulator and parts of the security system. The best choice would be a room with an area of at least 6 square meters, a maximum volume of 15 cubic meters, with a ceiling height of at least 2.5 m, walls and floors made of non-combustible substances.
When installing a boiler room in a private house, design standards must be observed. Only in this case the system will work in an uninterrupted mode and will not be at risk of possible accidents.