Which pipes are best for a warm water floor

Autonomous heating of a private house involves not only the installation of a boiler, but also the installation of a "warm floor" system. One of the functional elements of the structure is the underfloor heating pipe, through which the coolant is transported. The efficiency and durability of the system depends on the material of the pipes, so the choice should be approached responsibly.

What are the criteria for making a choice

When choosing a pipe, you need to pay attention to the cross-section, resistance to pressure and temperature drops, fur. loads

The principle of operation of a water heating system is simple and straightforward: the circuits are laid on the floor in the room and warm water is let through them. However, the correct operation of the entire system is influenced not only by the laying of pipes, but also by their technical properties, material of manufacture and thermal conductivity.

When choosing which pipe to choose for a warm water floor, the following criteria are taken into account:

  • the optimal section of the pipe is 16 mm when laying it in a screed;
  • use material with appropriate markings;
  • resistance of pipes to pressure drops of the coolant;
  • the material must easily withstand high temperatures;
  • resistance of pipes to mechanical stress;
  • maintainability and simple operation of the pipeline.

Water loop pipes ensure trouble-free operation of the heating system and its durability.

Requirements for pipes for underfloor heating

To understand which pipes for the coolant are best purchased for warm water floors, you need to understand the requirements that they must meet. In most cases, the contour is laid along the floor and poured with a concrete screed. Therefore, one need not think about the periodic revision of the state of the channels through which the water circulates.

The screed reliably protects the system from mechanical damage, but significantly complicates the identification and elimination of leaks. Therefore, it is so important to choose the right consumable:

  • Products must resist corrosion, not decompose over time under the influence of high temperatures and the composition of the coolant.
  • When laying one circuit, the pipe must be monolithic, since each connection point is a potential threat of leakage and blockage.
  • When laying channels with a “snake” or “snail”, no creases should form in the turning sections, therefore the flexibility should be high.
  • A pipe with a cross section of 16 mm allows you to lay a single contour, the length of which will be 50-80 m.Products with a diameter of 25 mm allow you to mount contours up to 100 m long.
  • The durability of the system is influenced by the strength of the pipe material - they have to withstand the external load from the screed and the internal load from the hydraulic pressure drops.

The smooth inner surface of the channels will guarantee the silent operation of the system.

Materials and their characteristics

Cross-linked polyethylene is not subject to corrosion and aggressive substances

For the installation of a warm floor, several types of pipes are used. They differ in the material of manufacture and operational properties.


XLPE pipes are the most common type of contour. They are distinguished from ordinary polyethylene by an improved structure that is resistant to thermal influences. XLPE has the following properties:

  • characterized by chemical and electrical inertness;
  • resistant to aggressive media and corrosion;
  • the smooth inner surface of the circuit affects the reduction of hydraulic resistance, reduces the likelihood of blockages inside the channel;
  • the material is very durable, not afraid of high temperatures;
  • high elasticity makes it possible to set the contour of the required radius without the use of special tools.

XLPE has a "structural memory" - this is its main difference from other materials. Due to this property, during mechanical creasing after heating, the contour takes on its original shape.

To connect pipes, fittings made of polymers, brass and bronze are used. The connection is reliable and durable. The light weight of the products and their winding in compact spools simplifies the process of transportation and installation.

Stainless steel

The main advantage of stainless steel corrugation is ductility and strength

Corrugated stainless steel pipe has high performance characteristics that put it one step above products from other materials. Plasticity and strength are the main criteria for choosing a contour for a warm floor.

The service life of a corrugated stainless pipe is at least 20 years, which allows it to be mounted in a screed and not to worry about maintenance and repair for many years.

The advantages of steel corrugation include:

  • flexibility and elasticity for easy installation;
  • reliable connection using fittings;
  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • resistance to temperature extremes;
  • resistance to high temperatures;
  • resistance to corrosion formation;
  • resistance to pressure drops;
  • affordable price.

One of the advantages of steel is the unpretentiousness of the material. During its entire service life, it does not need to be cleaned or changed. An online calculator can be used to calculate the amount of material.


The composition of the metal-plastic pipe

The best choice in terms of price and quality is metal-plastic. It is a multi-layer material in which an aluminum spacer connects two polyethylene layers of different thicknesses. Polyethylene in the composition of the pipe provides high heat transfer and high-quality heating of the base.

The advantages of metal-plastic include:

  • flexibility and pliability, allowing you to form the required radius;
  • resistance to corrosion formation;
  • resistance to high temperatures;
  • chemical resistance;
  • smooth inner surface.

The weak point of the metal-plastic pipeline is the connecting fittings. They can accumulate scale, therefore, for ease of maintenance, they are placed above the screed near the walls.


Copper has all the qualities for long-term trouble-free operation, therefore it has a high price

Copper piping has a full range of positive properties that will ensure long-term and trouble-free operation of the warm floor. Copper is ductile, therefore, products made from it are distinguished by their mechanical resistance. Copper is one of the most durable materials, whose chemical composition is able to resist corrosion.

In the manufacture of copper pipes, their inner surface is covered with a polymer film, which extends the service life of the product by tens of years. Copper circuits, despite all their advantages, are not often used. This is due to complex installation - to give the pipe the required radius, you need to use a special tool. Therefore, the cost of such a warm floor increases significantly.


Polypropylene is the least preferred material for arranging underfloor heating

The only plus of this material is its low cost. He has enough minuses not to even consider such an option. Polypropylene pipes have a short length, therefore, when connecting them, it is necessary to use welding. Multiple connection points pose a real risk of leakage. With such pipes, it is impossible to create contours with a small radius.

In favor of polypropylene, it is worth noting the high thermal conductivity, material resistance to corrosion and chemical inertness.

How to calculate the diameter and footage of pipes

The calculation of pipes is performed using the formula S / h x 1.1 + d x 2 = Lwhere:

  • L - the required length of the contour in meters;
  • S - the area of ​​the room in m2;
  • h - pipe laying step;
  • d - the distance between the room and the collector.

During installation, there is a possibility of scrap formation due to improper cutting of the material, therefore it is necessary to provide a margin of 10%. This value in the formula is included in the coefficient 1.1.

The step of laying the contour is determined depending on the required heat transfer and the cross-section of the pipes.

If there will be massive furnishings in the room, it is not recommended to lay the system under them. Then the formula is slightly modified: the area under the furniture, which will not be used (S - S1), is subtracted from the total area.

Popular manufacturers rating

There are proven brands of water floor pipes that are recommended by professionals:

  1. Valtec. Chinese manufacturer of XLPE pipes with an outer protective layer Evoh (ethylene vinylol). The material is intended for indoor use in heating systems.
  2. Knauf. The German manufacturer produces not only drywall, but also Therm Pert Evoh pipes with rust protection. Contours can be used to pour screed and lay on mats.
  3. Rehau. It produces products equipped with a slip-on sleeve for a tight connection.

When choosing all elements of a water heating system, it is necessary to focus on the quality of products. This is the only way to ensure the correct and long-term operation of the warm floor.

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