Solid fuel boilers for a private house

The solid fuel boiler is a popular heater that has replaced outdated stoves. Owners of country houses that do not have a centralized heating system use just such devices to heat the room. You can choose a suitable boiler knowing the main characteristics and properties of heating devices. You can also make a homemade device according to diagrams and drawings.

Varieties of solid fuel boilers

Classic steel solid fuel boiler

To buy a solid fuel heating boiler suitable for a home, you need to figure out what types there are. By functionality, the devices can be divided into two categories:

  • Double-circuit. These are devices that can heat a room and water. Hot water models are actively used in private houses with a constant power grid.
  • Single-circuit. They only give out heat for heating rooms.

Also, all solid fuel devices can be divided into 4 types - traditional, pellet, long burning, pyrolysis.

Classic solid fuel boilers

These are devices that outwardly resemble an ordinary stove with a window for placing coal or firewood in it. The main part of the structure is a heat exchanger that transfers energy to the coolant. According to the material, cast iron and steel solid-state boilers are distinguished.

The positive aspects include stability of work, unpretentiousness, durability and low cost. The boilers do not have automation systems that often break down, which saves on maintenance. It can stand without adding firewood for about 8 hours.

Pellet boilers

Pellet boiler design

Compared to classic models, pellets have a special hopper and an automatic system that supplies fuel. You need to fill such a boiler with special raw materials that are made from wood waste. They provide more heat and are cheaper than coal. Main advantages:

  • High efficiency. Reaches 85%.
  • Unpretentiousness. There is no need to constantly monitor the boiler and spend money on its maintenance.
  • The duration of operation depends only on the size of the fuel supply hopper.
  • The presence of a temperature sensor and regulator. Allows you to monitor and regulate the temperature regime inside the device.

The cost of such devices is higher than that of classic boilers.

Long burning boilers

TT long burning boiler

This type of solid fuel boilers is also called top combustion devices. Air is supplied to them in such a way that the fuel burns only in the upper part. Thanks to this technology, you can load a large amount of firewood, which will burn out gradually, increasing the operating time.

Different brands are engaged in the production of devices. Solid fuel boilers Zota, Buredus, Lemax and other companies in Russia, Ukraine and Europe are popular. The main manufactures of TT furnaces are located in the Russian cities of Pskov, Moscow, Cherepovets.

Pyrolysis (gas generating) boilers

Pyrolysis boiler

The operation of devices is carried out in several stages:

  • Drying of wood.
  • Degassing. During the process, 85% of the substances are converted into a combustible gaseous state, and 15% into coal.
  • Combustion.The temperature in the oven reaches 600 ° C. The gases are oxidized to form a layer of coal. Upon reaching 900 ° C, low gases are saturated with oxygen and withstand a temperature regime that promotes the decomposition of charcoal.

The design has a fan that directs the flame downward. This makes it possible to control the combustion process. The efficiency of such devices is higher than that of traditional boilers.

Heat exchanger material selection

Cast iron model

The range of boilers from various manufacturers is represented by models with a cast iron or steel heat exchanger. Each of the materials has its own pros and cons, so it is difficult to say with certainty which variety is better.

Products with a cast iron heat exchanger are of sectional design. In case of breakage, any part can be easily replaced. Such options are convenient to use in private homes during transportation and in the event of repairs. Cast iron is more slowly exposed to wet corrosion, so the heating element can be cleaned less often. Thermal inertness is higher, cast iron boilers take longer to heat up and cool down more slowly, therefore, they are considered economical. The devices are unstable to sudden changes in temperature conditions. If cold liquid enters a hot heat exchanger, thermal shock can occur and cause cracks.

The heat exchanger made of steel is a one-piece monoblock that is welded in an industrial environment. There may be problems with cleaning and maintenance, as it is impossible to disassemble the boiler. The steel device is not afraid of temperature fluctuations due to its elasticity. Heats up quickly and cools down quickly.

Boiler fuel

The choice of model for fuel is just as important as for material. In case of problems with the supply or storage of firewood, it makes no sense to take a wood-burning stove, it is better to give preference to a device with other raw materials - for example, with coal or fuel briquettes.

All types of raw materials have different indicators of power and operating time. The equipment manufacturer prescribes in the instructions which fuel is recommended to be used as the main and additional fuel and how to make the connection. If these recommendations are followed, the service life of the boiler will increase.

Manual and automatic loading of fuel into the boiler

Auger automatic fuel supply

The mechanism for stacking raw materials is of two types - manual and automatic. Boilers with different loading methods have different designs.

Models with automatic loading consist of a main part and a special hopper that holds the fuel. Size requirements are imposed on raw materials. For example, when working on coal, the particles should be less than 25 mm. One load of fuel is enough for 3-5 days, so the user does not need to constantly add raw materials. This makes working with the heater simple and convenient. The sizes of the bunkers are different, the choice depends only on the preferences of the owner. Fuel is supplied either by a screw or using a piston.

Manual uploading is considered to be the more familiar way for people. The chamber must be filled in by yourself. A manual loading oven is larger than an automatic boiler and is therefore not recommended to be installed at home.

An automatic boiler is a more economical, stable and convenient option for home use.

Determination of boiler power

Recommended boiler power depending on the area of ​​the room

Power is one of the main criteria for choosing heating equipment. The comfortable room temperature depends on it. To calculate the power yourself, you need to know the following parameters:

  • The area of ​​the heated room. The higher it is, the more load will be required.
  • Specific power of the heater.
  • Climatic conditions of the region.
  • The presence of insulation.

If the house has high-quality thermal insulation, and the height of the ceilings is below three meters, for heating 10 sq.m. you need about 1.2 kW of power. To this indicator is added about 20% of the stock for fast heating. Thus, for heating an area of ​​100-200 sq.m. will require up to 25 kW.More accurate calculations can be obtained with the help of a specialist. He will calculate all the additional factors affecting the performance, and will help determine the load.

Useful volume of the loading chamber

The amount of fuel that can be used at one time depends on the usable chamber volume. This characteristic shows the ratio of the volume of raw materials to capacity. For cast iron models, this figure is 1.1 liters of fuel per 1.4 kW of power. For steel appliances 1.6 liters per 2.6 kW.

Top-loading boilers have a larger usable volume than other types. In addition, it is more convenient to stack raw materials in them.

Pyrolysis boilers are capable of working for 6-10 hours from one firewood bookmark. The efficiency reaches 90%. The camera is larger than traditional cameras, but this affects the price. The longer the battery life of the oven, the more expensive it will cost. A unit with a small chamber is suitable for heating a small room.

Electricity consumption

Volatile boilers are distinguished by extended functionality

There are two types of boilers according to the way they are fed.

  • Non-volatile. These are devices in which there is no need for a circulation pump, since the process occurs naturally. Non-volatile include classic units and some devices for long-term burning.
  • Volatile. Models containing a fan in their design. It directs air currents into the chamber. Also, devices with automation are powered by electricity.

It is better to install non-volatile boilers in houses where there is no stable power supply. They can act as the main and additional heat source.

Buffer capacity

Heating scheme with a boiler with a buffer tank

There are solid fuel home boilers for heating a private house with a heat-insulated water tank, which acts as a buffer. It is installed between the boiler and the heating system and has the following functions:

  • Protection. Keeps the heating circuit from overheating.
  • Heat accumulation. It collects and stores energy from the boiler and supplies it to the system as needed.
  • Communication in one circuit of several types of boilers (electric, water, gas). Allows them to function within the same system.

The buffer improves the temperature characteristics, increases the efficiency, reduces the consumption of raw materials and the frequency of fuel stacking. When choosing a buffer, the capacity is calculated taking into account that approximately 25 liters are required for 1 kW.

Self-assembly of the boiler

You can assemble a long-burning boiler with your own hands. Drawings, videos and photos of the assembly are presented on the Internet. The diagram should contain the following elements:

  • In the lower part there is an ash pan with a blower.
  • A cast-iron grate is placed above the ash pan.
  • A grate is built into the bottom of the firebox. The camera must have a secure door.
  • The working part of the heat exchanger is made above the furnace zone.
  • Next, the chimney pipe is installed.

Before starting work, you should perform structural calculations, decide on a diagram and draw a drawing of the finished product. A do-it-yourself boiler makes it possible to create a device for your individual requirements.
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