Corner fireplaces for a private house

With the help of a fireplace structure, two tasks are solved - saving space in a small room and creating a cozy atmosphere. A corner fireplace stove is appropriate in a private house or small apartment. In the conditions of high-rise buildings, you can pick up products without ignition from firewood, and in a country cottage you can make a stone model yourself.

Advantages of corner fireplaces

Corner fireplaces have a higher efficiency than wall fireplaces

Compared to frontal heat sources, fireplace structures have a number of advantages:

  • Compact dimensions, due to which a small room is not overloaded with objects.
  • High-quality heating of adjacent rooms.
  • High efficiency - the corner stove reflects heat flows from the wall.
  • Even distribution of heat as it occupies a corner.
  • Effectiveness - the fireplace fits into any interior, creates an atmosphere of tranquility and comfort.
  • The possibility of organizing a place for a family or romantic getaway, when a live, soothing fire burns in the hearth.
  • Saving materials when building a stone model in a corner compared to island or wall models.
  • Ease of self-creation of a false model.
  • Easy ordering. Masonry in the presence of a scheme is easily performed by a novice master.
  • Functionality. The design heats the room, provides the house with hot water, and is equipped with a hob.

Corner models for 1 hour of operation provide high-quality heating of a room from 120 m3.

Types of corner fireplaces

An electric fireplace can be installed in an apartment

The classic corner fireplace consists of a portal (body), a firebox, an ash pan, a grate, and a smoke exhaust system. Today there are several types of heating facilities.

Electric fireplace

Floor-standing and back-to-wall models are installed in apartments without permission. The device looks like a standard heater with simulated flames and embers. A corner electric fireplace is inexpensive and easy to operate.

Fireplace stoves

They support long-term burning, work on solid fuel. The facade is semicircular, which provides an extended view of the fire. At the moment of combustion, heat is reflected from the walls and evenly distributed throughout the room. The following brands are included in the user rating of fireplace stoves:

  • Teplodar, wood-fired. The difference between the structure is its compact dimensions, the efficiency is 95%. Suitable for baths, combined with steam generators;
  • Bavaria with the upper outlet of the smoke ducts. A slightly elongated device has a power of 9-12 kW and is designed for a room volume up to 180 cubic meters. A decorative look is created by a heat-resistant tile cladding, and functionality is created by a high-quality hob;
  • Eurokom, which maintain a long burning mode. The Polish cast iron apparatus is equipped with a hob;
  • Godin with futuristic or classic designs. French products are manufactured in cast iron, steel, with a tile lining. Thanks to the secondary afterburning system, the living room, kitchen or the entire home is heated qualitatively;
  • Neva from a Russian manufacturer. Firewood is used as fuel.The cast-iron stove has small dimensions (0.87x0.64 m), but it will warm up the house by 60 m2 with high quality.

All fireplace stoves are suitable for installation in country cottages, summer cottages, in the private sector.

Bio fireplaces

Brick fireplace stove can be equipped with an oven, hob, water circuit

They run on alcohol fuel, therefore, they require compliance with the operating rules. The mixture for ignition is poured only into a special compartment, and then ignited. The biofireplace is economical - you only need to refuel once every 3-7 hours. Manufacturers offer a modern way to control the intensity of combustion - from a smartphone or remote control.

Brick models

To consider the device and features of brick modifications is the example of the Annushka model, designed by E. Doktorov. The structure is mounted at the outer or inner wall of the building.

In the classic project, the furnace hole was 0.2 m2, and the width was 2/3 greater than the height. For good heat transfer and no smoke, the depth and height of the firebox are correlated as 1: 2 or 2: 3. The chimney is 8-14 times smaller than the firebox. Other features of the author's fireplace include:

  • the presence of a foundation is 15-20 cm more than the fireplace space;
  • arrangement of screening made of galvanized iron. Its size is 100x200 cm;
  • the protrusion of the upper edge of the screen 35-36 cm from the firebox and 7-8 cm from the walls;
  • use of ceramic insulators;
  • the presence of a heat-resistant layer near wooden walls - asbestos or fire-resistant drywall is used;
  • primary laying of materials dry;
  • thermal insulation of the chimney exit point to the attic or second floor
  • outlet of the pipe head 50 cm from the roofing.

The brick unit is finished after complete drying.

Gas devices

A gas fireplace requires a permit and a working chimney

The structures are connected only after obtaining permission from specialists. Installation takes a lot of time, but the finished product almost does not emit combustion products, does not require frequent cleaning from soot or soot.

Metallic options

You will need wood-fired fuel for the bookmark. Similarly, brick ones require the construction of a chimney, but the foundation is made in the form of a layer from below. The factory door made of fireproof glass allows you to view the flame.

Choosing a place for installation

Before installing a corner fireplace, brick, gas or electric, you must choose the installation location, functionality and type of fuel. The rules allow you to mount stoves in the hall, bedroom, bathhouse, kitchen or street, but it is worth considering a few points.

In the corner of the living room of the house

The seating option can be decorative, to solve the problems of heating or hot water supply. When installing, you need to take into account the power of the firebox - the cubic area of ​​the room is divided by 25. That is, for a room with 50 cubes, you will need a model with a capacity of 2 kW. Steel or cast iron combustion channels are justified in areas with cold climates.

In the apartment

A false fireplace is most often installed in apartments.

An open type of firebox is unacceptable here, as is a brick structure with a chimney. The best way is a false fireplace in the form of a plasma screen with a picture of a flame. It is fixed to the wall with a latch. The budget option is a construction for which cardboard is used.

In the country

A fireplace stove with ventilation, channels for the circulation of air masses is suitable. Installed only after wall cladding.

For home heating and hot water supply

Factory models with a closed firebox provide high-quality heating through the use of a secondary afterburner system. When arranging brick heaters, you can make a circuit for heating water in the form of a water jacket.

DIY fireplace construction

In a private house, a chimney is installed for a fireplace

Self-arrangement of a fireplace requires good traction for the absence of smoke and quick ignition. The heat transfer of the structure should contribute to the rapid and uniform heating of the rooms.

Corner heater proportions

In terms of shape, fireplaces are symmetrical and asymmetric. In the first case, the sides are made even, which ensures the versatility of the structure. Asymmetric are used for interior zoning in large rooms. Regardless of the shape, the proportions are selected:

  • width and height of the combustion channel - 3: 2;
  • vent depth with height - 1: 2
  • chimney pipes to the size of the furnace from 1: 8 to 1:15;
  • the diameter of the round nozzle pipe is from 10 to 15 cm.

When choosing dimensions, the quadrature and volume of the room are taken into account. All data are entered in the table.

RoomPortal, cmFirebox, cmChimney section, mm
QuadratureVolumeWidthHeightDepthNeckBack wall

The size is selected through calculations and compliance with the ratio of parts.

Tools, materials, nuances

Fireclay brick is needed to build a firebox

To independently build a corner fireplace-stove for a house or a summer residence begins from the foundation, then they move on to the portal, firebox and chimney. At the last stage, finishing with plastering compounds or ceramic tiles is carried out.

For construction work, you will need the following materials:

  • roofing material, plastic wrap, medium-fraction crushed stone, sand, boards or metal sheets, reinforcement 8-10 mm in diameter - for making a foundation;
  • red and fireclay solid bricks (360-600 pieces), cement, sand and clay (1: 1: 3), metal corners 50x50 or 60x60, plywood, wooden assemblies, a 5 m long pipe, a ready-made valve, asbestos - for the oven;
  • stone cladding, ceramic tiles, textured plaster - for decoration.

In the process of building a fireplace, you will also need:

  • level to check the horizontal seams;
  • tape measure or ruler;
  • a trowel for using the solution and removing its excess;
  • rubber mallet;
  • grinder with diamond / corundum wheel;
  • a pickaxe for breaking bricks;
  • buckets or other containers;
  • spatula and plumb line;
  • rule - levels the screed;
  • angle for checking the perpendicularity of the seam;
  • jointing and shovel.

All tools should be at hand so as not to be distracted by searches.

Erection of the base

Base for brick corner fireplace

The foundation is equipped with an 8-10 cm protrusion from the chimney base. Before pouring, a pit is dug 50-70 cm deep in the shape of the future building. Then they work like this:

  1. Tamping the bottom of the pit, backfilling it 10-12 cm with sand and subsequent tamping.
  2. Laying crushed stone on top of sand to a thickness of 10-12 cm and tamping.
  3. Installation of reinforcing mesh or rods with further wire bundling.
  4. Installation of asbestos strips near walls to protect the surface from overheating.
  5. Formwork manufacturing. For a round base, you need a metal sheet 1-2 mm thick. Planks fastened with nails are suitable for a direct oven. A plastic wrap is laid on top of them.
  6. Solution preparation. The first layer of concrete is poured from a gravel-sand mixture (3 parts) and cement (1 part) to a thickness of 10-15 cm.
  7. Pouring the second layer of mortar based on 3 parts of sand and 1 part of cement.
  8. Waiting for the concrete to set and daily moistening the surface with water.

The concrete composition fully gains strength in 4 weeks.

Arrangement of the walls of the fireplace

For iron models, the walls of the house are protected with refractory materials.

The fireplace wall should not be exposed to fire, therefore, a heat shield is mandatory. For him you will need:

  • Heat-reflective foil material secured with self-tapping screws. The cover should protrude slightly beyond the chimney edge.
  • Ceramic tile. The layout allows you to protect the structure from fire exposure and provide room decor.

Consider the thermal protection of the walls at the design stage.

Chimney construction

Correct selection of the diameter of the flue ducts will ensure good draft and high-quality removal of combustion products. The optimal parameters of the chimney section are 1:10 of the furnace hole. The standard pipe must be at least 5 m high.

A step-by-step guide to laying a fireplace

Instructions for self-construction of a fireplace provide for the preliminary soaking of bricks in water for 4 weeks. To adjust the size, dry ordering and docking of each row is done. Elements can be numbered. When building a furnace with your own hands, it is allowed to use several schemes.

Bykov's order

Bykov's stoves are distinguished by their simple execution.

A simple scheme is suitable for the construction of a small heater for a room of 30 m2. The specificity of Bykov's technology is the presence of a factory grate 25x25 cm (width 3-5 cm, thickness 5 mm). When laying 1-2 rows, a triangle of 14 bricks is formed, some of them need to be cut. From the 4th row, they begin to assemble the firebox, using fireclay bricks, and work in stages:

  1. An ash pan is mounted in the 5th row. Metal strips are laid on the side walls.
  2. The grate is laid out on the 6th row.
  3. From the 7th to the 12th row, a fireplace portal is built.
  4. In the 13th row, metal corners 60x5x0.5 cm are attached and installed.
  5. When performing rows 14-15, a "mirror" is made that collects and retains heat. The wall has a slope angle of 20 degrees.
  6. On the 16th row, a tooth is removed, coated with clay solution for a smooth surface and ease of use.
  7. From the 17th to the 19th row, a bend-framing of the tooth is created in the form of chipped walls.
  8. From the 20th to the 22nd row, a chimney hail of 14x27 cm is laid out and a smoke damper is installed.
  9. From the 25th row, a chimney is made with an internal channel size of 14x27 cm.

The metal pipe is closed with a casing after installation.

Simple ordering

Simple ordering for a square fireplace

Simple ordering allows you to form a square fireplace. When laying out materials on an even layer of cement, a step-by-step algorithm must be followed:

  1. Form the 1st row in the form of a square of 25 bricks.
  2. Make the base of the firebox, fixing it additionally with a metal 60 cm corner 5x5 cm.
  3. Lay a metal sheet with sides 40x60 cm and a thickness of 2-4 mm.
  4. Completely lay a layer of brick in the 4th row.
  5. Collect the 5th row of fireclay bricks.
  6. Make red brick firebox walls when laying 6-8 rows.
  7. Lay out the bricks at an angle in rows 7-9, forming a tooth.
  8. Assemble the rear wall of the structure in rows 10-11.
  9. Overlap the 12-sided wall using several 5x5 cm metal corners.The length of each element is 60 cm.
  10. Perform a standard row 14 masonry.
  11. Overlap the tooth in the 15th row and form its transition into the flue duct.
  12. Make a shelf by slightly shifting the outer part of the tooth in rows 16-17.
  13. Up to row 20, gradually narrow the smoke outlet.
  14. Make the beginning of the red brick chimney in the 24th row.
  15. Lay the base of the chimney from rows 25 to 29.

The smoke damper is placed in the 27th row.


Facing a false fireplace with decorative stone

Externally, a brick fireplace structure looks inconspicuous. To give the structure a beautiful look, you can:

  • Plaster the surface. The plaster mortar is applied after 14 days - it can crack from wet bricks after drying. It is allowed to paint the plaster layer with fire-resistant paints.
  • Carry out the cladding. Artificial or natural stone looks beautiful. The ability of the material to withstand temperature fluctuations and accumulate heat will provide a comfortable microclimate. To create a drawing, you should be inspired by a beautiful photo.
  • Fasten the gypsum board. Plasterboard sheets are fixed to a metal frame that is welded to the oven. The finish is varnished and easy to clean or dust-free.
  • Lay out the tiles. With the help of heat-resistant tiles, it is easy to create a beautiful motive or settle on a laconic monochromatic cladding.

To get a beautiful pattern, do the initial layout of the cladding materials on the floor.

Corner fireplace models combine the possibilities of an interior item, heating the room and creating a cozy atmosphere. With an understanding of the principle of ordering, knowledge of the technology of work, the structure can be folded up by yourself. In the apartment, stop at fake models or devices with a live flame effect.
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