The principle of operation and varieties of street gas heaters

The owners of summer cafes and shopping pavilions are trying to create warm areas in the street. The site can be either open or closed with partitions and glazing. Street gas heaters are successfully operating in all types of such territories. An overview of the characteristics, properties and the best manufacturers of devices will allow you to make the best choice for specific operating conditions

Purpose of gas heaters

An outdoor gas heater serves to heat and illuminate the surrounding space

The gas street heater is a multifunctional appliance. It serves to heat the open area, illuminate it and create a comfortable atmosphere. Such devices differ in their size and stylish appearance, stylized for any theme. Usually they act as a backup heater.

The main area of ​​application is maintaining a comfortable temperature on terraces, gazebos, recreation areas, parks. They are also a decorative element. Many establishment owners put outdoor heaters at the entrance to their cafes or restaurants to emphasize respectability.

Also, devices operating on gas fuel can warm up household blocks, summer kitchens, and construction sites.

Gas heaters can be divided into several groups:

  • heat guns;
  • ceramic;
  • stationary converters;
  • catalytic devices;
  • portable devices;
  • infrared models.

The principle of operation of all types is similar.

Heaters are made of stainless steel or other metals. Stainless steel is weather resistant and durable. If a coated metal appliance is used, purchase a protective cover or install the heater under a roof.

Complete set and principle of operation

Gas street heater device

An outdoor heater is a self-contained device that runs on liquefied or mains gas. There are models on sale that combine both functions. The general principle of operation is infrared radiation. It is most effective because it heats objects rather than the surrounding air. Also, it is not blown away by the wind and has a stable impact zone. Depending on the model, the thermal regime is created at a distance of 2-6 meters.

According to the method of installation, the technique can be in the form of hanging lanterns, pyramids, products on a stand, mobile compact devices. Regardless of the version, any heater contains the following elements:

  • Emitter. Gives IR radiation.
  • Reflector. Directs heat to the desired area.
  • Heating element. It is a source of heat.
  • Lattice. Protects fragile elements from damage.
  • Gas cylinder chamber.
  • Burner.
  • Control block.

When gaseous fuel is burned, heat is generated, which is transferred to the heating element. The temperature of the radiator rises, as a result of which infrared waves are generated. They travel through the air like rays of the sun and heat objects in their path. When reflected from objects, some of the heat is transferred to the air. Thus, a comfortable temperature is created in the outdoor area.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is not recommended to stay under the influence of infrared rays for too long

Gas-fueled models have the following advantages:

  • Aesthetic appearance.You can buy a gas lantern-heater for the veranda and the street with any color and any design.
  • Fuel availability. Natural bottled gas is one of the cheapest raw materials.
  • Mobility. Can be moved thanks to castors on large models.
  • Several power modes.
  • Simplicity of design. The absence of complex elements increases the service life of the devices and improves their reliability.
  • Good efficiency due to high efficiency.
  • They work in the range from -40 ° С to + 40 ° С.
  • Environmental friendliness. Gas combustion products are harmless to the environment.
  • Ease of operation.
  • Heating rate. The devices quickly adapt to changes in parameters.
  • Safety. The heaters have a multilevel protection system, so that the risk of fire and other dangerous situations is minimal.
  • Durability. The validity period may exceed 10 years.

The disadvantages are as follows:

  • The need to control the availability of fuel. Periodically, you need to replace the gas canister after it ends.
  • Cost. How much the device will cost depends on its functions, design and purpose.
  • Risk of gas leakage. The gas itself is toxic, so leaking it is harmful to health and can be fatal.
  • Limiting the time spent near the heater. Infrared rays negatively affect a person when they are in their area of ​​action for a long time.
  • It is necessary to carefully consider the ventilation system when installing it yourself. Otherwise, the chamber will not receive enough oxygen required for combustion.

Despite the shortcomings, street gas heaters do their job well and have established themselves as reliable and high-quality equipment.

Criterias of choice

The choice primarily depends on the operating conditions

If you need to buy a gas heater for a summer residence, you should use the following tips:

  • Determination of the main task of the device. Heating a terrace, an outbuilding or a walk-through area requires different power, so it is necessary to decide in advance what the heater is for.
  • If people will live in a private house on a permanent basis, it is better to take a gas heater for a stationary street. It will be a more economical and durable device that will maintain a given temperature regime. The device will light up after a short period of time.
  • With infrequent visits to the house, it is better to give preference to a ceramic model. It is easy to transport by car, heating will start immediately after switching on.
  • For tourist trips, choose a miniature outdoor gas infrared heater.
  • The power depends on the intended use. For larger areas, more powerful equipment will be required.
  • It is recommended to select appliances with thermostatic controls. In them, the user himself sets the optimal temperature regime, which is maintained by the heater. Such products save fuel and money. This is due to the fact that when a certain temperature is reached, the gas fungus for heating is turned off, and when it falls below the declared value, it turns on again.
  • The ability to smoothly adjust the heating power. This function reduces the consumption of raw materials, as outdoor heaters will operate in a sparing mode.
  • The presence of a security system. There should be sensors that turn off the device in case of overheating, lack of oxygen and other emergency situations. In expensive models, there is an auto-off function when falling or tilted. It is better to choose appliances with a removable reflector, thanks to which you can protect the heater from bad weather. Also, for better stability, you should purchase a device with a wide base.
  • Dimensions, weight, mobility are determined by the purpose of the heater.

It is important to choose a gas heater from trusted manufacturers in specialized stores.Otherwise, there is a risk of buying a counterfeit device that does not meet the declared characteristics. Prices for heaters start from 1 thousand rubles, go up to 30 thousand or more, depending on functionality, brand and other indicators.

Determination of heat output

Power is chosen depending on the climate, in particular, wind roses

When choosing a heater, you need to pay attention to its electrical power. The standard ratio is as follows - 10 sq.m. areas with ceilings up to 3 meters high will require 1 kW of energy. These are average values ​​that do not take into account the individual characteristics of the territory, as well as the climate of the region.

When calculating the power of an outdoor heater, adjustments should be made due to constant winter winds. Knowing the location of the winter wind rose will help you to more accurately find out the necessary parameters for effective heating of the territory and choose the best mushroom heater. If it is not possible to find out the exact wind rose, you should take into account the unfavorable weather conditions typical for the region. The calculation also takes into account the minimum temperature in winter and average values ​​at other times of the year.

The resulting value is expressed in watts and kilowatts. You need to be guided by it when choosing a street gas heater.

Popular models

Outdoor heating devices are manufactured by Ballu, Hyundai, Aesto, bellagio and others. The production forces of Russian companies are located in different large cities - Moscow, Irkutsk, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar.

One of the safest models is Ballu BOGH-15. For the outdoors, it is better to choose NEOCLIMA 09 HW B. The most economical country heater is Timberk TGH 4200 M1.
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