Prado steel radiators are manufactured by JSC NITI Progress. Production facilities are located in the city of Izhevsk. The design of the heating devices was developed by Russian specialists. The first batch appeared on the market in 2005. At a modern enterprise, stamping processes are automated, high-quality welding technologies are used. The production of panel radiators is under constant control. Products are not inferior in quality to foreign counterparts.
The main advantages of radiators
Steel heat exchangers Prado are designed for water heating systems. They are installed in private houses, administrative and public buildings. The products are suitable for one-pipe and two-pipe systems. They consist of two stamped blanks with a thickness of 1, 2 mm, connected by spot welding. Channels for the coolant are formed inside the device. Around the perimeter of the radiator parts are welded with a continuous seam. A grill is installed on top, allowing warm air to pass through unhindered. Finished products are enclosed in a film that protects them during transportation and installation.
Prado radiators have advantages over aluminum and cast iron models of heating devices.
- The devices are made of corrosion-resistant materials.
- Use of steel fins to increase heat transfer.
- Durability and reliability of the painting made by the method of electro-submersible anaphoresis.
- The Prado heating radiator can withstand pressures up to 13.5 atmospheres, a nominal value of 9 atmospheres.
- Attractive and ergonomic design. On an individual order, you can choose a color that matches the range of the interior.
- The low weight of the devices allows them to be fixed to a plasterboard wall.
Antifreeze is allowed as a coolant. Unlike aluminum batteries, Prado products do not have rubber parts that are destroyed by corrosive liquids.
Heating devices are sold in full readiness for use. They are equipped with plugs, thermostatic valves, Mayevsky taps. Mounting brackets are included in the package.
When connecting Prado heaters to the system of an apartment building, it is necessary to find out the connection diagram. With independent water treatment using steel radiators, there will be no difficulties. If the circuit is dependent, they first find out the parameters of the coolant. The products are designed for the following characteristics:
- operating pressure - 0.9 MPa, for models with a 1.4 mm panel - 1 MPa;
- the maximum temperature of the coolant is 120 ° C;
- panel weight 300 mm high - from 2.95 to 119.99 kg;
- weight of a panel with a height of 500 mm - from 8.18 to 89.84 kg;
- permissible pH values - 8.3-9;
- 1/2 ″ female connection holes.
The optimal choice for radiators is closed heating systems. They reduce the effects of corrosion on steel. Instrument dimensions:
- height - 300 and 500 mm;
- length from 400 to 3000 mm;
- depth - 80-200 mm.
Depending on the model, the radiators are equipped with convection fins. The corrugated steel sheet is welded to the vertical channels. The power of the heating device is increased. An air outlet grille and side strips are installed as finishing.The number and parameters of radiators are selected based on the area of the heated room.
The lineup
The company's catalog contains Classic and Universal models. Products are available with side and bottom liners. The manufacturer offers a wide range of standard sizes that allow you to design an optimal heating system. Structurally, the devices consist of one, two or three panels, plus fins. Several types of radiators are presented in the company's catalog. They differ in depth, the number of panels, and the presence of ribbing.
Varieties of Prado batteries:
- Type 10 is the narrowest model (72 mm) and consists of one row of panels. Its plus is its affordable cost. The disadvantages include a small heating power.
- Type 11 - fins are welded to the rear of the single-row panel. The product is equipped with an air outlet grille and side strips.
- Type 20 is a radiator with two panels, but without convection fins. There is a grill on top. Depth 82 mm.
- Type 21 - the model consists of two panels and ribbing between them. The heater has received all the necessary finishing - a grill and side inserts.
- Type 22 - stamped parts are arranged in two rows, a ribbed convector is welded to each. The depth of the product is 108 mm, a grate is installed on top, on the sides of the bar.
- Type 30 is a three-row radiator without fins. The Z model is offered without grille and sidewalls. Version with the letter "V" with vertical connection.
- Type 33 - three rows of ribbed panels form a depth of 172 mm. The radiator is fully equipped with finishing elements.
Prado classic
For institutions with increased requirements for cleanliness, heaters of the Z-hygienic series are intended. They are devoid of ribbing, side walls and grating. When marking products, their type and dimensions are indicated. For example: model Prado Classic 22-500-500 - radiator with side connection type 22, length 500 mm, width 500 mm.
Prado universal
Installation and operation
Installation of panel radiators takes place in a short time. They are sold assembled; all that remains is to hang the device on the wall and attach to the pipes. The placement of devices is carried out according to the norms of SNiP. According to the document, the distance from the floor to the bottom of the panel should be 7-20 cm, depending on the type of product. Batteries are usually installed under windows. According to the instructions, the distance to the edge of the window sill is from 7 cm.
Panel radiators are installed after finishing work is completed. They are mounted on proprietary brackets included in the kit. The details allow you to fix the gap between the wall and the device.
Installation sequence:
- Make markings to fix the fasteners.
- Fix the brackets with dowels or embed them in cement mortar.
- Remove the film at the points where the device is connected to the pipes.
- Hang the radiator on the mounting shelf.
- Connect the device to the heating pipes.
- Install an air vent in the upper branch pipe. Seal unused outlets with plugs.
- A thermostat is installed in the Universal radiators.
- Fill the system with coolant through the return line to avoid air pockets.
When installing devices with a length of more than 1400 mm, experts recommend a diagonal connection. The coolant is supplied from the top and exits from the opposite side from the bottom.
Features of operation
Panel radiators have a small vertical duct cross-section. This affects the sensitivity to contamination of the coolant. A liquid with a large amount of suspended matter and impurities will quickly clog the collectors. In individual systems, it is easy to control the quality of the heat carrier used; in apartment buildings, filters will have to be installed to trap dirt.
The manufacturer does not recommend draining water from appliances for more than 15 days a year. Prolonged exposure to liquid causes rapid corrosion of the metal. Radiators must be washed at least 3-4 times a year. Do not use abrasive materials.
Prado radiators are popular among consumers due to their reliability, long service life and high heat dissipation.