Installing a thermostat for a warm floor - connection diagram

To control the operating modes of heating systems, a special remote element is required that does not directly contact the sensitive elements of the structure. This is a thermostat for a warm floor that allows you to maintain the desired temperature of the floor covering, depending on the current needs. Knowledge of the principles of operation and types of devices will allow the user to choose and correctly mount the device in his apartment.

How thermostats for warm floors work

The principle of operation of the thermostat is to monitor the state and adjust the operating mode of the underfloor heating system

The main purpose of a thermostat for a warm floor is to monitor the state and adjust the operating mode of the system of the same name. It consists of a control module and one or more remote sensors that record the current temperature distribution over the floor surface. With their help, information is transmitted to the regulator, which controls the connection and disconnection of individual sections of the water pipes.

Thanks to the presence of this device, a comfortable temperature is maintained in the premises. In addition, the rational use of heat allows you to save on the consumption of electrical energy.

Controllers for underfloor heating offered by domestic and foreign manufacturers are distinguished by their simplicity of design and ease of connection to existing systems. There are no difficulties when connecting them to the apartment electricity network. In the presence of such devices, the operating mode of the system can be adjusted several times a day without worrying about the operability of the device itself. The minimum floor temperature is set for each room separately. In addition, in some "advanced" models of regulators, it is possible to set the operating mode for a certain period.

Is it obligatory to use them

With the help of the thermostat, you can choose the most comfortable temperature

If the main task of the buyer is to save on the arrangement and operation of a warm floor, the purchase and installation of a thermostat is not at all necessary. But when making this decision, the user is deprived of the following features:

  • set the required temperature, which is considered the most comfortable for the feet of adults, and especially children;
  • change (correct) the picture of the distribution of thermal zones, depending on the current situation;
  • do not waste energy unnecessarily on heating areas of the floor covering that do not need it.

Using a properly configured thermostat avoids another uncomfortable situation when the floor is overheated. This usually happens when the temperature exceeds 25-27 degrees. In addition, strong heating has a negative effect on the upper (final) floor covering, since even the most heat-resistant varieties have a permissible temperature limit.

When the limiting temperature values ​​are exceeded, irreversible processes begin in the material, leading to linear expansion and deformation. At the same time, drying out, warpage and divergence of the seams are observed, followed by breakage of the tool joints.

A well-tuned thermostat allows significant energy savings

The following important points should be considered regarding energy savings:

  • with proper installation, accurate tuning and competent operation of warm floors, the elements built into it consume energy unevenly;
  • the maximum occurs at the time of starting the system and the initial heating of the coating to the specified temperature;
  • during the subsequent operation, only short-term switch-ons follow, allowing the required level of surface heating to be maintained.

Even without the use of an “intelligent” regulator, the total consumption is very insignificant. By installing a well-tuned thermostat, savings will reach record levels, since the floor will then only be heated when it is really needed.

Varieties of regulators

Mechanical thermostat diagram

The classic thermostat is a compact device presented in the following versions:

  • Wall-recessed model that connects to hidden electrical wiring.
  • In the form of an "open" product intended for installation directly on the wall (overhead samples).

For work in underfloor heating systems, this device is equipped with a special thermal sensor and signal cable. Some models also have their own, built-in thermostat that controls the ambient temperature. They are used in situations where the electric floor system is the main source of heat (used instead of heating batteries).

The whole variety of modern thermostats for underfloor heating is divided into the following groups:

  • electronic regulators;
  • electromechanical devices;
  • programmable devices with remote sensors;
  • devices with a remote control.

Electronic regulators

Electronic thermostats

Devices of this class have a design different from mechanical models, especially noticeable in their appearance. They are equipped with a digital display located on the front panel and buttons designed to precisely set the desired heating temperature. As an example of such a regulator, the Danfoss model is considered, through which it is possible to accurately set the control parameter and visually track its current value. However, the functionality of the described sample is limited by this.

Electronic devices from well-known manufacturers (Electrolux, for example) are much more convenient to use in comparison with mechanical counterparts. However, their capabilities only slightly exceed the functionality of the latter. They do not provide any additional options (programming modes, for example, or non-volatile power supply), which are available only to "advanced" models. This limitation is the main reason for their low popularity.

Despite the relatively high cost, it is not possible to obtain significant savings in electricity consumption when using electronic devices.

Mechanical models

Mechanical thermostat AURA LTS 230

Mechanical thermostats on the market are inexpensive devices that are simple in design and maintenance. The choice of control methods in these devices is not great. On their front panel, there are usually only two elements - a power button and a temperature controller in the form of a wheel with a scale applied next to it. In addition, it provides a simple indication of the on state, made on a conventional LED.

The advantages of such regulators include simplicity of design and affordable price. However, the accuracy of setting the temperature regime is very low, which does not always allow achieving the desired result. Another significant drawback of these devices is the lack of an option for programming operating modes.

A tangible saving in energy consumed from the mains cannot be achieved through such a thermostat. Despite this, individual users are attracted by the simplicity of their device and the affordable price.

Programmable devices

Multichannel PID thermostat with USB Termodat-19E5

This group includes devices that are usually denoted by the word "smart", since they are distinguished by the presence of a large number of options. As a rule, such devices provide for a separate built-in temperature sensor and the ability to switch state control modes in two environments ("by floor" and "by air"). But their main advantage is the ability to program the device at will, setting the desired temperature within a certain period of time. Usually they are set for the selected hours during the current day or for the days of the week (taking into account weekdays and weekends). In especially "advanced" models of such regulators, it is possible to program via the Wifi network with a simultaneous connection to the Internet.

Remote control (with remote control)

This type of regulator is represented by models from "Eberle", "Gira" and "Livolo", consisting of two interconnected modules - stationary and portable (remote control panel). The first is supplied with electrical wires from sensors and relays of underfloor heating, which determines the choice of a place for its placement within the room. The operating modes of the heating system can be controlled from any zone limited by the range of the radio communication channel.

A number of manufacturers ("Livolo", for example) release special applications for their products, by installing which it is possible to control the switching on of the equipment from a mobile phone. In some models of regulators, the control panel set includes remote thermal sensors that measure the air temperature at their location.

Connecting and configuring the thermostat

Installation diagram of the underfloor heating thermostat

Before connecting the warm floor to the thermostat, thorough preparation is required, which boils down to the following sequence of actions:

  1. Choice of location.
  2. Arrangement of an auxiliary mount or niche.
  3. Installation of the product.

A place that is not exposed to sunlight is suitable for installing the device. It is usually chosen in an area where there are no drafts at a height of about 40 cm from the floor.

Connecting the thermostat

For the built-in thermostat, a niche is cut out in the wall for a standard socket outlet (its diameter is 68 mm). These dimensions are quite enough to fit the thermostat itself and all the groups of conductors connected to the terminals. After the wires are connected, and the body of the product is fixed with the screws supplied with the kit, it remains to connect it, for which you will have to use the user's manual.

If desired, it is easy to figure out the switching of the cable cores on your own. It is enough to carefully study the labeling of the contacts.

Despite the variety of models on the market, most products in this class have the same wiring diagram:

  • the first two pins are for power supply;
  • heating elements of the "warm floor" are connected to the second pair;
  • the third pair of terminals is used to connect the busbars of the sensor signal cable.

The specified order (plan) of commutation is not indicative for all types of regulators. When installing a specific device, nuances often arise, which are important to take into account in advance.

Which temperature sensor to choose for a warm floor

To decide which temperature sensor for warm floors to choose for your apartment, the already considered classification according to the principle of action will help. However, practice has shown that users prefer a slightly different approach to this issue. For many, the choice is easier if the regulators are divided into groups according to the following criteria:

  • affordability;
  • technical level;
  • the latest design solutions.

First, you will need to read an overview of the regulator models offered by the market and try to place them according to the preferences of buyers.

Overview of some models

Devi DEVIreg Touch 140F10 thermostat

The “popular luxury” segment models offered by the domestic market include products presented by the “Devi” company (Denmark). The cost of these regulators is higher than that of conventional samples, but the high quality justifies it. The Danish manufacturer positions its models as an ordinary product without unnecessary frills. It does not form a long line of design solutions (like Legrand's, for example), since the main task comes down to a simple formula: buy a device, install it, and then set it up.

Another thing is the products from the French company Legrand, distinguished by their exquisite design and a variety of models compatible with the Valena series of switches.

The line from "ABB", which is characterized by wide functionality and quite affordable prices, is in high demand among the consumer. Regulators presented by this company are equipped with a complete set of air temperature sensors.
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