Fuel consumption is reduced if the insulation of the bath from the foam blocks from the inside is done correctly and the goal of saving heat is achieved. The comprehensive cold protection process is carried out differently for the steam room and relaxation room. Significant heat loss reduces the service life of the building, provokes the development of moisture, and contributes to the appearance of an unpleasant odor.
Rationale for the use of foam blocks for insulating a bath from the inside
Foam concrete blocks belong to a group of materials that retain internal heat, but freeze at freezing temperatures, so visitors to the bath feel discomfort. The material is hygroscopic and absorbs moisture. It is necessary to insulate the bath from the block inside using technology, since the process has its own characteristics.
Comprehensive thermal insulation includes moisture and steam protection. The protective layer is mounted inside and outside, preventing the foam concrete from getting wet. Foam blocks are chosen of the M25 brand, the density of the material should be D700.
Features of different materials for insulation
Bathrooms are divided into types depending on the internal microclimate. The washing room, steam room and combustion chamber have high humidity and temperature, and in the rest room and dressing room the usual conditions.
Insulation is used for the premises of the bath:
- jute felt;
- mineral wool;
- expanded clay;
- Styrofoam.
Materials are intended for different premises, because differ in properties and characteristics. When choosing, the hydrophobicity of the insulation and the ability to emit harmful substances when heated are important.
Jute felt
The production uses natural fiber of the plant of the same name. Natural resins protect the threads from decay, the material is durable, environmentally friendly, uniform density in the mass. For bonding, polyester fibers are used, which give elasticity.
The peculiarity of jute is that in the heat it does not emit toxic substances into the surrounding space. Requires a film vapor and waterproofing device, since the fibers get wet when in contact with moisture.
Mineral wool
For production, rocks, glass, blast furnace waste are used, which are melted in high-temperature chambers and form fibers.
There are types of mineral wool:
- glass wool;
- stone wool;
- slag.
Glass wool absorbs less moisture than the other two types, but it is also used in bath rooms in combination with steam protection. Mineral wool reacts firmly to the action of chemicals; in case of fire, it forms a barrier to the spread of flame. Getting wet reduces the heat-shielding properties.
Expanded clay
Porous insulation is made from clay shale by firing. During subsequent processing, material of different bulk density is obtained. Expanded clay can weigh from 150 to 850 kg / m3.
Environmentally friendly insulation is divided according to shape and size:
- crushed stone;
- gravel;
- sand.
The first two varieties have a large, medium and small fraction. Sand and small-sized elements are not used to insulate a cinder block bath from the inside, because because of the high density in the mass, it conducts internal energy faster.Large and medium-sized granules are used, which require a special frame device, into which the material is poured.
The material belongs to the group of foamed polymers. Gas occupies a large volume in the mass, therefore the structure contains insulated balls glued together during the production process. The insulating properties are due to the low conductivity of the internal elements.
Polyfoam is well suited for insulating a bath from blocks from the inside with your own hands, because easily mounts on walls and does not require a frame. The material is inexpensive, while effective insulation from the cold is obtained. Polyfoam does not absorb moisture well and retains its properties for a long time.
Siding application
Finishing elements reliably serve in the bathhouse in combination with insulation. The panels are produced in different colors and textures, so they copy different natural materials, for example, brick, wood, stone.
Microbes, harmful microorganisms do not breed on the siding plane, rodents do not spoil the finish. The panels are suitable for finishing the wall surface after insulation from the inside of a brick bath or a structure made of foam block, wood.
Features of the technological process
Insulation materials have low thermal conductivity, which is maintained due to the use of vapor barrier and moisture-proof films. Before work, you need to study the step-by-step instructions for insulating a brick bath or a sauna made of foam concrete blocks from the inside with your own hands.
Insulating the walls alone will not work, since the energy escapes through the walls and ceiling of the steam room. Horizontal and vertical structures are insulated according to the rules in order to reduce fuel consumption and reduce heating costs.
Floor insulation
Foam or extruded polystyrene foam is more commonly used. The earth under the floor is dug to a depth of 40-50 cm from the level of the clean floor, then a layer of sand-crushed stone filling is poured to a height of 20-25 cm.A cement and sand screed is made along the pillow or spillage is made with cement milk to fasten the components.
Waterproofing consists of a triple coating layer of bitumen or 3 layers of roofing material are laid on mastic. After that, a heater is placed, which is protected by a vapor barrier membrane and a waterproofing film. A cement-sand screed is made, on top of which a final floor covering is made.
Wall vapor barrier
Most often, plastic wrap is used for the protection against the ingress of humid air, but there are other materials that are effective.
Depending on the type of premises, the following are used:
- foil insulation is installed in the steam room, which additionally reflects infrared waves;
- foil or cellophane, kraft paper with a moisture-resistant layer and lavsan coating are mounted in the shower;
- the rest room and the vestibule are finished with plain kraft paper, membrane insulators, glassine.
In a steam room, flexible foam plastic with a foil covering on one or both sides works well. The material can simultaneously remove moisture and properly insulate the bath from the inside from foam blocks, if the thickness is selected in accordance with the calculation.
Ceiling insulation
To fasten the insulation to the ceiling, a frame is made of their wooden slats or a metal profile that supports the layer. Elements are placed with a gap of 50 cm.
Steam and waterproofing is placed below the material so that the film does not come into contact with the insulation. Condensation forms on the waterproof membrane, which is transferred to the thermal protection and reduces its properties. Ceiling trim is mounted on the frame.
Insulation of the attic
If the bathhouse is built with a technical upper floor, it is insulated along the covering, walls and slopes.
For the horizontal layer, materials are used:
- slag;
- expanded clay;
- felt;
- Styrofoam.
Insulation of the walls and ceiling in the attic is done according to the scheme of insulation of similar surfaces in the bath room.