Warming a house with mineral wool for plastering is an effective technology that is available even to a novice master. Carrying out this event will significantly reduce heating costs, create a comfortable microclimate in the room with an optimal level of humidity and temperature.
Why mineral wool
Mineral wool for the facade for plastering is produced in the form of slabs with dimensions of 50 × 100 cm and 60 × 120 cm, with a thickness of 50 mm, 100 mm and 150 mm. The most popular material among builders is Knauf and Rockwool products 100 mm thick.
The choice of mineral wool for insulating walls from the outside under the plaster is due to the following advantages of the insulator:
- Low thermal conductivity for excellent heat and frost protection.
- Low density. Provides low weight, so that undue pressure is not created on the supporting structures.
- Excellent soundproofing. Street noise will not penetrate the room.
- Refractoriness. The insulation does not burn, in the event of a fire it will become a barrier in the path of the flame.
- Water vapor permeability. Plates are good for gases and provide effective removal of moisture from the building. Minvata for plastering can be installed on walls made of wood, brick, aerated concrete and other materials with ventilation properties.
- Biological inertness. The material does not start fungus and mold, animals and insects avoid it.
- Ecological cleanliness. Thermal insulation does not emit substances harmful to humans. Caution is only needed during the installation process, when a lot of volatile fibers are released.
- Durability. If you properly insulate a wooden house from the outside with mineral wool under the plaster, the finish will last the entire period of its operation.
- The ability to do the work with your own hands, since it is not particularly difficult.
The disadvantage of high-quality Knauf products is only their high cost. Wetting and shrinkage occur in the event of a violation of the installation technology, when vapor barrier and reinforcement are ignored.
Insulation types
The trade network presents an extensive range of products designed for outdoor work on various surfaces. When making a choice, you need to take into account the features and performance characteristics of each material. This will help you avoid mistakes and achieve the best result.
Glass wool
Glass wool is made from glass production waste and used containers. To improve performance, dolomite, technical soda and limestone are added to the main raw materials. Manufacturing is carried out by inflating the mass heated to a high temperature. Long, thin threads are formed, which stick together when cooled.
The material has excellent insulating properties, resistance to decay and chemical reagents. The downside is that when squeezed, glass wool breaks and shrinks, which reduces its insulating properties.
The basis of this type of mineral wool is blast furnace slag. Due to the properties of the raw material, the size of the fibers is small, which negatively affects the rigidity of the mats, which is the lowest among analogues. However, the affordable price and low thermal conductivity contribute to their high popularity. Mats quickly absorb moisture, but this disadvantage is compensated for by installing a vapor barrier.A feature of the material is the lack of elasticity, which leads to difficulties during its installation. Cracks are formed that need to be sealed with polyurethane foam. In addition, the boards are prone to shrinkage. To prevent it, a reinforcement method is used.
Basalt mineral wool facade for plastering is the best insulation of this type in terms of performance. Products made of dolomite are distinguished by high insulating qualities, vapor permeability and resilience. The material has an almost unlimited service life, as it is not subject to shrinkage. The cost of a product is more influenced by the cost of its production, since basalt is a by-product of the mining industry. The elasticity of the plates has a positive effect on the ease and speed of installation. The outer insulator enters the openings prepared for it, there are no gaps after laying.
The main stages of installation
Insulation of the facade with mineral wool for plastering is a simple process that does not require professional skills.
To work, you will need such a set of tools and materials:
- roulette, level;
- long blade knife, hacksaw for metal;
- puncher;
- hammer, screwdriver, plastering spatulas, scissors, marker, stapler;
- paint brush or roller.
- steel profiles, corners;
- Ceresit glue;
- membrane film;
- primer, antiseptic;
- reinforcement mesh;
- facade plaster on mineral wool, acrylic paint;
- fastening hardware.
When working with mineral wool, a large number of small fibers are released. You need to work in overalls, a mask and rubber gloves. A reliable and stable ladder or scaffolding kit should be purchased.
Preparation of the base
This event must be treated carefully and responsibly, since the walls will be closed without the possibility of access and repair.
The preparatory stage is carried out in the following sequence:
- Removal of all objects that protrude more than 2 cm. Cleaning the surface from dirt, dust, oil and grease stains.
- Examination of the substrate for rot and mold. Such areas should be scraped off to a clean layer.
- Surface treatment with antiseptic and deep penetration primer. This will minimize the chances of developing mold and mildew.
- Fastening the starter profile to the base. This part will serve as a support guide for the first row of slabs, protecting them from insects and rodents.
- Marking. It is carried out according to the dimensions of the plates so that they are fixed in a checkerboard pattern.
The completion of the preparation of the walls is the installation of a vapor-permeable canvas on them. The fabric is nailed to wood and aerated concrete blocks with staples, and to brick and concrete it is glued pointwise with fast-acting glue.
Fixation of mineral wool
It is advisable to insulate the building with slabs using special through-fix anchors. This method will allow you to avoid the construction of an expensive lathing, parts of which are cold bridges.
Fixation is carried out in the following sequence:
- Holes are drilled in the wall. Pins are inserted into them, on which the plates will be mounted. Anchors should be placed in the corners and in the middle of each rectangle at a distance of no more than 50 cm. In this case, an amendment of 3-4 cm must be taken in order to install the insulation against the edge.
- Through holes are made in heat insulators. To quickly find them, a black marker is used.
- The workpieces are pushed onto the pins. Immediately after that, they are rigidly fixed with movable caps.To ensure a tight fit of the plates, you can use a special glue, applying it pointwise, in a snake or in a spiral.
- The edges are sealed and the last row is set. Fragments are cut out so that they enter the openings with effort, leaving no gaps.
In conclusion, sheathing of the insulation with a membrane film is carried out. Its edges are connected to the fabric previously installed under the plates and sealed with adhesive tape.
Reinforcement of thermal insulation
The reinforcement is designed to create a good adhesion of the plaster on the mineral wool, as well as to prevent it from sagging.
It is performed in this order:
- Dowels are installed at the top of the wall, to which a mesh or lattice is suspended.
- The reinforcing fabric is fixed on the insulation with a special glue.
- The edges of the net are folded over the starting profile, which gives the structure strength and tightness.
- Application of a durable vapor-permeable composition to the reinforcement.
Before starting the next stage, you need to wait until the glue is completely dry, and then treat it with a primer.
Plastering should be done from the bottom up to prevent the mortar from slipping. A plaster should be used, the consumption of which is up to 1000 g / m². It is not necessary to make a thick layer so as not to make the structure heavier. In order to reduce the working time and not paint the facade after the mixture has solidified, you can add pigment to it during the mixing process.