How to insulate an aerated concrete house correctly and with what materials

Gas silicate blocks are a popular building material from which residential buildings, summer cottages, sheds, garages and other low-rise household structures are erected. The walls are durable and protect buildings well from temperature extremes. However, this is not always enough to provide a comfortable environment for living indoors. Thermal insulation of aerated concrete is a procedure that is necessary to protect load-bearing structures from the destructive effects of external factors and to extend their service life. This is a simple enough event to be done by hand. To do this, you need to make the right choice of insulation and observe the technology of its installation.

At what stage of construction is it advisable to insulate the house

Aerated concrete shrinks, therefore, it is not recommended to insulate it during construction

There is a strong opinion that the insulation of the gas block must be performed at the stage of the construction of the object. We can agree with this, proceeding from the fact that after the completion of construction, a lot of difficulties arise associated with the need to leave the premises or damage to landscape design. On the one hand, this is correct, but there are other aspects against such a decision.

Thermal insulation of an aerated concrete house from the outside directly in the process of removing the walls has the following disadvantages:

  • The gas silicate is brought to the construction site in packaging that protects it from moisture. During installation, the material absorbs moisture. After isolation, it penetrates into the finish, condensation occurs, fungus and mold develop.
  • Aerated concrete has strong shrinkage. If clinker brick finishes are used, this difference will cause the outer cladding to crack and fall off. This is an extremely undesirable situation, especially during the cold season.

It is necessary to carry out insulation of walls made of aerated concrete from the outside either in the warm season with low humidity, or to preserve them and wait for the onset of such conditions.

Conservation is a procedure that consists of arranging a drainage system and covering the walls with a moisture-proof film. The situation must be constantly monitored, as damage to the protection by wind, people, birds and animals is possible.

The best time for thermal insulation is the summer period, when the weather is sunny without sudden cold snaps at night. If this is not possible, you need to wait until the walls dry out and only after that start insulating the aerated concrete house from the outside.

The need to insulate walls from aerated concrete blocks

Characteristics of aerated concrete D500 and D600

For the construction of walls, aerated concrete with D500 and higher marks is used. Everything below is a heat insulator that is not used for the construction of load-bearing structures. The building blocks have a honeycomb structure, which in itself contributes to good protection against temperature extremes. The question of the need to insulate walls from this material is quite logical.

The need for thermal insulation of gas silicate walls is determined by the following parameters:

  • The material is highly hygroscopic. The absorbed water expands in winter and tears it apart from the inside. This causes the wall to lose thickness and strength. 5-6 years and the structure will collapse.
  • Even the porous structure of the stones is not a guarantee against the penetration of heat or cold into the room. The thickness of the walls cannot be infinite, in most cases it is limited to 30-40 cm, otherwise it is economically unreasonable.
  • Harsh climate. To withstand extreme frosts, you need a wall thickness of aerated blocks of at least 60 cm. For this, you need a foundation of appropriate width. These are high costs that far exceed the needs.
  • The price of the issue. Insulation materials and their installation cost significantly less than brick and foam concrete. It is cheaper to insulate the supporting structure than to increase its thickness.

Despite the advantages of aerated concrete, its thermal insulation is a technological necessity.

Recommended heaters

Penoplex insulation

On construction sites, a lot of materials are offered, differing in price, reviews and performance characteristics. To make the right decision, you need to carefully study the features of each product and the technology of its installation. This will help you avoid mistakes and build a comfortable, durable and solid structure.


Penoplex is a product of an exothermic reaction and subsequent extrusion of polymer raw materials. The material obtained in this way is a slab of 100 × 100 cm and 100 × 200 cm with a thickness of 25-50 mm. The edges of the elements are made in the form of steps, which ensures their reliable seamless connection in the masonry.

Extruded polystyrene foam has the following advantages:

  • Water vapor permeability. This is achieved by creating open cells in the slabs. This indicator is not inferior to supporting structures. Due to this, after the aerated concrete is insulated with foam, the building retains its ventilation properties.
  • Average density. The elements are characterized by sufficient strength, elasticity and resistance to mechanical stress.
  • Low thermal conductivity. This quality makes it possible to make EPSP boards of lesser thickness than slab, roll and sprayed counterparts.
  • Durability. The material does not decompose from contact with moisture, temperature extremes, salts and alkalis. The design life is 100 years.

The disadvantage of penoplex lies in its cost, justified by a complex and expensive production technology.

Polyurethane foam

Insulation with polyurethane foam

It is a modern outdoor insulation with an impressive list of advantages and benefits.

Polyurethane foam has the following characteristics:

  • There is no need for preliminary leveling of the base. The foam penetrates into all cavities and fills in depressions.
  • Excellent adhesion. The material adheres well to any surface, including film, oily and painted.
  • High speed of application to the surface. In this respect, PPU has no equal among analogues.
  • Low thermal conductivity. It is comparable to the best extruded PCB models.
  • Water vapor permeability. This property is possessed by materials with an open cellular structure.

If a decision is made to insulate the gas block from the outside with polyurethane foam, you should immediately think about the options for the exterior of the building.

Mineral wool

Mineral wool

Mineral wool is a traditional material used in private and industrial construction. It is produced in the form of slabs and rolls, made of broken glass, steel-making slag and natural stone. The most popular is basalt wool, surpassing analogues in almost all respects.

Product advantages:

  • Ecological cleanliness. Does not contain substances harmful to humans.
  • Excellent vapor permeability.
  • Absorbs street noise.
  • Resistant to fungus, mold. Not subject to decay.
  • Almost unlimited service life.
  • Lightness, flexibility and resilience.

The disadvantage of mineral wool is its hygroscopicity. When moisture accumulates, the insulating qualities are reduced.

How to insulate aerated concrete walls with your own hands

Thermal insulation for siding

The choice of facade insulation technology is determined by the landscape design of the territory, its own aesthetic priorities, financial capabilities and construction skills.

Insulation for siding

The procedure is performed in the following sequence:

  1. The markup is in progress.
  2. Planks or metal profiles are attached to the wall. The lattice parameters must correspond to the dimensions of the insulation.
  3. Mineral wool slabs are laid inside the frame or polyurethane foam is sprayed on.
  4. A windproof film is attached on top of the lathing.

The final stage is the siding of the frame. This is done in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. For decoration, plastic or metal panels of the selected texture and color are used.

Insulation under plaster

Insulation under plaster

This option is used when a decision is made to insulate the gas block with polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam or stone wool without using a rigid cladding.

The process is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. A steel profile or a wooden bar is fixed on the base. This part is needed to set the initial level of work and prevent the slabs from sliding down.
  2. Laying the fragments begins from one of the lower corners. They are glued to the walls with cement or polymer mortar. Each subsequent top row is made with an offset of half the slab.
  3. Holes are drilled in the masonry elements at the corners and in the centers. Plastic disc dowels are driven into them.
  4. If mineral wool is used, it is sheathed with plastic or steel grating. Foam plastic is pasted over with a mounting mesh.
  5. The surface is covered with plaster. Depending on the design of the site and the surrounding buildings, the surface is made smooth or corrugated.

The final step is the application of the finishing cladding material. The wall is covered with acrylic or dispersion paint. To do this, use a brush, roller or spray gun.
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