Features of insulation of wooden floors between floors

Horizontal structures in houses are isolated from the transfer of energy from the first to the second tier and vice versa. Thermal insulation of interfloor floors using wooden beams reduces heating costs and creates an optimal climate for residents. Plank horizontal coverings along timber purlins are found in new or reconstructed buildings and require additional thermal insulation.

The need for insulation

Thermal insulation cuts off cold air flows from attics, basements

Not only the outer walls are protected from heat loss, but also the overlap between floors. The heat flow path has a complex configuration, so ceilings, floors, and attic coverings are insulated.

Horizontal insulation has the following effects:

  • Cold air flows from the basement are cut off if an interfloor insulation is placed on the floor between the basement and the first residential tier. Temperature and humidity are normalized.
  • The costs of autonomous heating in the room are saved if the overlap between floors is insulated in a timely manner using wooden beams. The temperature regime is differentiated, and energy losses are minimized.
  • Heat remains in the apartment if insulation is made between the living space and the unheated attic. Saves up to a third of fuel per season, because internal energy is not spent on heating the cold technical floor.

Heated air rises to the ceiling and partially penetrates into the upper room if weak thermal insulation has been made.

Types of materials

A timber frame house is considered insulated if horizontal protection gives tangible results. The choice of materials for the thermal insulation device matters, since each type differs in properties and technical indicators.

Criteria by which the quality of thermal insulation is judged:

  • there are no temperature fluctuations in the room;
  • the average value of heat indicators approaches similar indices of other indoor premises;
  • the attic protects from the summer heat and winter cold, in winter there is no condensation inside;
  • fuel costs and air conditioning costs are reduced.

With good insulation in winter, there is no ice on the roof, there are no icicles along the edges of the roof, and the coating material is cold. The principle of warming the interfloor overlap consists in laying a thermal insulation material between the wooden beams, which must be selected taking into account the quality indicators.


Insulation of the attic floor with penoizol

The material is a type of foam, but is produced at the construction site and solidifies directly in the design position. Work is carried out only in the warm season, attention is paid to the quality of raw materials. The structure of penoizol contains open cells, so the material belongs to vapor-permeable types and is used to insulate the wooden floor between floors.

The positive qualities include the following properties:

  • effectively removes condensate;
  • firmly adheres to the surface;
  • does not rot, is not damaged by fungi and rodents;
  • is inexpensive;
  • has a high tensile strength;
  • resists temperature extremes;
  • does not support the combustion process.

The disadvantages of penoizol are manifested in the fact that if the laying technology is violated, the material shrinks in several stages in winter and summer due to the porous open structure.Equipment for on-site release is selected so as not to disrupt the foam production technology.


Polyfoam is one of the most budgetary materials

The material is a foamed polymer mass, in which almost the entire volume is occupied by air or gas. Low density provides high-quality thermal insulation.

Depending on the type of raw material, the following types are distinguished:

  • polyvinyl chloride foams;
  • polyurethane;
  • polystyrene;
  • urea-pharmaceuticaldehyde;
  • phenol-pharmacaldehyde.

The first three types are allowed in construction, they are non-toxic and safe. The material is lightweight, easily mounted in the ceiling. The weight of the structure after laying almost does not increase, no reinforcement of the base or the installation of an additional foundation is required.

The disadvantages include the degradability of the foam under the action of technical substances, for example, acetone, benzene or their vapors. Contact can occur with some types of varnishes and paints. Styrofoam is cut with a saw or hot wire, but people should work in a ventilated area. When heated or burned, almost all species release harmful substances.

Mineral wool

Insulation of interfloor overlap on wooden beams with mineral wool

Insulation belongs to the group of materials of fibrous structure, which effectively work as insulation of the floor between the first and second floors along wooden beams.

Depending on the initial raw materials, the types of mineral wool are distinguished:

  • glass wool - made from molten glass;
  • stone wool - obtained by melting rocks;
  • slag wool - produced from blast furnace waste (slag).

The material does not conduct heat and sound well, and is environmentally friendly. In case of fire, all types of mineral wool are non-flammable and prevent the spread of fire. The durable material is distinguished by chemical and biological inertness, protects the room from negative influences.

The structure of mineral wool is represented by horizontal and spatial fibers, layers, the threads can be arranged vertically, be corrugated. Specifications depend on this. The disadvantages include the ability to get wet in wet conditions, therefore, additional waterproofing of the floor is made during the device.

Other heaters

To avoid shrinkage, expanded clay of different fractions is poured

Gas-filled polystyrene foam is placed in the floor between the timber beams to prevent heat loss. The material dies out when ignited, does not get wet and prevents the development of colonies of microorganisms. The disadvantage of penoplex is that harmful substances are released when heated.

Expanded clay is produced by firing clay shale or clay directly. Distinguish expanded clay gravel, crushed stone and sand, depending on the size of the granules and their shape. For insulation, medium and large modifications are used. Environmentally friendly porous material is suitable for insulating wood houses, since it belongs to the category of vapor-permeable materials.

Ecowool is a natural insulation made from cellulose. In production, impregnations are used to increase fire resistance. The material is poured into the space between the wooden floor girders, requires a waterproofing and vapor barrier layer.

Material selection criteria

The preference is given to insulation with a high degree of efficiency. The safety, durability of the material and its durability and cost are taken into account.

Indicators for comparing insulators:

  • strength and ability to withstand compression, creases, deformation under loads;
  • performance in cold weather, the ability to withstand thawing and freezing cycles;
  • moisture resistance, since thermal conductivity increases when wet;
  • vapor permeability plays a role for wooden floors, such houses are breathable types;
  • lack of organic matter in the composition, which causes the development of mold and other microorganisms.

Before the insulation device, an insulation scheme is selected and the type of material is determined. The bulk, slab or spray type is used, depending on the design features of the interfloor partition.

Calculation of materials

Laying the vapor barrier

Interfloor horizontal partitions are finished on both sides. Underneath, as part of the finishing layer, insulation from household vapors is placed so that moisture does not enter the ceiling and insulation.

As a result of the calculation, the amount of materials for installation in the structure is determined:

  • The vapor barrier is made of a pasting or coating type. Cellophane film or cold and hot compounds are used. The film is calculated by area, taking into account the overlap of layers on each other by 10 cm and with lowering on the walls by 15 cm, and the solutions are calculated taking into account the consumption indicated on the package.
  • The thickness of the insulation is taken according to the project materials, and the area is taken according to the actual areas of contact and summed up.
  • Roll materials for waterproofing, films or technological membranes are calculated by area, taking into account the entry of the strips by 10 cm and the rise on the walls with a strip of 15 cm.

The number of wooden or metal slats for the frame is calculated, which will separate the waterproofing from the insulation. It is placed in 50 cm increments, the thickness is taken at least 20 mm.

Insulation technology

Basement floor insulation cake

The multilayer construction of interfloor insulation is carried out according to the technology. A horizontal vapor barrier is placed below, which is attached directly to the wood purlins or to the rack frame using an electric drill. The last is the final finishing of the ceiling.

The top layer above the boardwalk is made of insulation, which is placed, poured or sprayed in between the runs. Waterproofing is done on top of mineral wool or cellulose so that the membrane does not touch the material, sometimes a rack frame is required.

If the insulation extends beyond the edges of the beams or is flush with them, slats are placed on which a waterproofing film is nailed. On top of the multilayer structure, a layer of chipboard, OSB, boards is made, which are finished with the selected floor covering.

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