How to insulate the walls from the inside of a country house with your own hands

The climate of the central regions of Russia is characterized by cold winters and heat in the summer. Household appliances can cope with the challenges of maintaining an optimal indoor climate, but electricity bills are just going to be cosmic. Warming a country house for year-round use is an event that can be done without any special difficulties with your own hands, saving almost half of the construction budget. To make the right decision, you need to familiarize yourself with the materials presented on the market and the technologies for their use.

The difference between insulation inside and outside

With internal insulation, the usable area of ​​the rooms is reduced

Warming of a summer cottage can be carried out in combination - from the inside and outside, or stop at one of the methods. The choice is determined by the peculiarity of the building, the material from which it was built and the landscape of the garden plot. Each option has its own pros and cons, which are worth dwelling on separately.

If you decide to insulate the country house outside with your own hands, this will give the following advantages:

  • The dew point is distant from the supporting structures, moisture forms on the finish cladding, which is waterproof. The walls are always dry and stable.
  • Outside thermal insulation neutralizes high and low outdoor temperatures. Due to this, there are no freezing and thawing processes, the cyclicity of which is limited for each building material.
  • There is no restriction on the thickness of the insulator. You can insulate the building, not counting the centimeters, as it happens inside. This factor makes it possible to create such a powerful barrier to the cold that it will protect the house even in the most severe winter cold.
  • Convenience of work. There is no need to carry out the preparatory steps for taking out and covering things, there is no possibility of damaging any valuable thing or surface.

The external option also has its drawbacks:

  • The arrangement of the building can be carried out in dry and calm weather, and wet works at a positive air temperature.
  • The appearance of the facade changes, which is undesirable if the house is lined with a beautiful timber or brick.
  • It is necessary to buy or rent scaffolding, which affects the repair budget.

The internal method of insulating a summer residence has the following advantages:

  • The work is carried out in comfortable conditions, regardless of the vagaries of the weather.
  • Safety is ensured as there is practically no risk of falling from a height.
  • Wide range of finishes. There is no need to look for a coating that is resistant to moisture and temperature extremes.

Cons of this option:

  • It is necessary to take things out of the premises, put them somewhere and look for a place for temporary residence.
  • The useful area of ​​the rooms is decreasing, there is a possibility that the old furniture will not fit in it after the renovation.
  • The dew point is shifted to the inner surface of the wall, which leads to the formation of dampness, the development of mold and mildew.
  • Load-bearing structures are exposed to destructive environmental influences - ultraviolet radiation, precipitation, freezing and thawing.

Many property owners are leaning towards the internal option of thermal insulation.In most cases, this is done because of the image, when it is necessary to preserve the representative appearance of the walls, which emphasize the wealth and taste of the owner.

Insulation features and suitable materials

Varieties of heaters

When choosing methods and materials for wall insulation, one should not forget about other structures through which cold air can enter the room. You should start with windows and doors. It is necessary to close all the cracks and install high-quality seals on the sash. If finances permit, it is better to install energy-efficient products.

According to the law of physics, heated air rises upward, accumulating near the ceiling. If its surface is not insulated, the air will quickly cool down and go down to cool the rooms. The ceiling must be reliably insulated from the attic using the highest quality materials.

No less attention should be paid to floor insulation. The microclimate in the house and the comfort of living in it depend on the temperature of its surface. Cold floors can adversely affect human health. If it is not possible to install a heating system, an effective thermal insulation layer must be created under the finishing coat.

Before making a choice in favor of one or another method of arranging your home, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the types of insulation for walls inside the house in the country.

Mineral wool

The material consists of tightly compressed fibers, with air trapped between them. On sale are models made of dolomite, glass and steel industry waste (slag). The products are produced in the form of rolls and slabs of rectangular and square shapes. The most popular is basalt wool, which has excellent performance characteristics.

The thermal insulator has the following advantages:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • good acoustic qualities;
  • resistance to dampness, fungus and mold;
  • biological inertness - rodents and insects do not settle in cotton;
  • environmental Safety;
  • long service life;
  • elasticity and flexibility;
  • fire resistance, the ability to block the spread of fire;
  • ease of installation;
  • vapor permeability.

Since the material absorbs moisture well, it requires reliable sealing or closing with membrane films that remove steam. You have to pay for good quality - mineral wool has a high cost.

Expanded polystyrene

Wall insulation with foam

Polyfoam and its modifications are produced in the form of plates having a size of 1x1 m, with a thickness of 2, 5, 10 and 20 cm. Consists of a set of pressed balls with a porous structure.


  • low specific gravity;
  • waterproofness;
  • ease of installation;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • durability;
  • affordable cost;
  • resistance to pathological microorganisms.

Expanded polystyrene also has disadvantages. Rodents and insects can grow in the coating. Plates are fragile, crumbling even under low mechanical stress. The material absorbs moisture, which leads to its destruction. Also, the foam decomposes from ultraviolet radiation, its surface must be protected from direct sunlight.

Polyurethane foam

Work with polyurethane foam is carried out in a protective suit

PPU belongs to the category of sprayed insulation. After application to the surface, the liquid increases in volume, solidifies and forms a dense porous substance with open cells. Special equipment is required to handle large-area objects. Today, this material is considered the best in almost all respects.

Pros of polyurethane foam:

  • high speed of application;
  • the lowest thermal conductivity among analogs;
  • excellent adhesion to any surface;
  • filling all cavities, voids and cracks;
  • creation of a continuous monolithic coating, devoid of cold bridges;
  • long service life;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • waterproofness;
  • fire resistance in some models.

The disadvantages are the high cost of technology and damage to the coating from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. After hardening, the foam should be closed from solar radiation with siding, corrugated board or other dense material as soon as possible.

Examples of roll insulation for walls

Laying roll insulation

When arranging smooth, curved and complex surfaces indoors, roll insulation is in demand.

The most popular materials are:

  • soundproof polyurethane foil backing.
  • natural linen mats 5 cm thick;
  • foamed polyethylene;
  • foamed rubber;
  • compacted fiberglass;
  • felt ribbons.

It is recommended to pay attention to liquid heaters for summer cottages. These include facade plaster and ceramic paint. These materials are well suited for the arrangement of buildings made of concrete, gas silicate blocks and bricks.

Bulk materials - expanded clay and sawdust can also be used for floor insulation in ID. Before using them, you need to ceiling so that the composition is heterogeneous and does not give strong shrinkage.

Insulation technology

Plastering of walls is carried out after leveling the surface

To carry out the installation of insulation for walls inside the house in the country, you can use one of the technologies developed to date. The choice depends on the architecture and the size of the premises. Following the step-by-step instructions will allow you to achieve a high-quality result without much effort.

The step-by-step procedure for internal thermal insulation begins with the design and preparation of the surface. You need to do the following:

  • take out of the premises all things that will interfere with the work or may suffer during it;
  • remove sockets and switches, insulate wires;
  • remove all objects protruding from the walls;
  • clean off the old finish;
  • level the bearing surface with mortar;
  • carry out a consistent treatment of the walls with an antiseptic, fire retardant and hydrophobic agent.

After that, you can start the main stage of work.


This method involves minimal costs, but requires the necessary skills.

Sequence of work:

  1. The mixture is prepared in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. If necessary, pigment or foam beads are added to it.
  2. The mortar is applied with a wide spatula with sweeping movements from bottom to top. Depending on the brand of the mixture, the thickness of the finished layer is 2-5 cm.
  3. After complete drying, the surface is sanded first with a float and then with sandpaper.
  4. The wall is sequentially primed, painted or pasted over with wallpaper.

If desired, you can get a textured surface in the form of masonry or tree bark. For this, special tools and solid additives are used.

Wet facade

This technology is equally well suited for interior and exterior decoration. The difference can only be in the water resistance and vapor permeability of the materials used. For sealed concrete walls, it is better to use standard PPT-25 foam. It is advisable to insulate wooden, foam concrete and panel buildings with extruded polystyrene foam.

Stages of work:

  1. Marking. Lines are drawn along which the plates will be glued.
  2. A damper tape is glued to the floor and ceiling. It will eliminate the stress in the material that occurs when the building shrinks.
  3. The glue is mixed. A mixture based on gypsum or cement is taken.
  4. Starting from the corner of the room, the bottom row of slabs is laid. The adhesive is applied in dots or completely, evenly spreading over the surface with a notched trowel.
  5. To close the masonry, the last fragment is trimmed to size.
  6. All subsequent rows are applied with an offset of half a square. The top of the masonry is brought under the ceiling.
  7. Sealing of cracks is being carried out. Glue, pieces of boards or polyurethane foam are used.
  8. The surface is reinforced with a mounting plastic mesh.
  9. A thin layer of plaster is applied, after drying it is treated with a primer.

The final stage is the finishing of the insulated wall. Cork, cloth, wallpaper, paint or ceramic tiles can be used.

Frame method

Frame for insulation with mineral wool or foam

This technology is used when mineral wool or polyurethane foam is used for insulation. It should be borne in mind that with this method, the useful area of ​​the room decreases by 8-10 cm on each side. Choosing a frame method is advisable for large rooms.

Arrangement sequence:

  1. Fastening the first layer of membrane fabric to the wall.
  2. Vertical installation of pre-finished boards. The distance between them is adjusted to the width of the mineral wool.
  3. Plates are inserted between the boards or foam is applied.
  4. The second layer of membrane is nailed to the frame with a stapler.
  5. The lathing is sheathed with plywood, drywall, slats or clapboard.

The final step is finishing. As in previous cases, the most suitable material for the interior is selected.

Materials and tools

Tools and materials for wall insulation

To insulate a country house, you need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • level, tape measure;
  • electric drill;
  • hacksaw, hammer, scissors;
  • ladder;
  • marker, stationery knife;
  • smooth and notched trowels, paint brush;
  • screwdrivers, pliers, household stapler;
  • screws, nails;
  • primer, antiseptic, fire retardant;
  • membrane tissue;
  • goggles and gloves, respirator.

Depending on the selected technology, the list can be expanded or reduced.
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