Facade heaters for exterior decoration of the house under plaster

In exterior finishing work, much attention is paid to the technique of warming facades for plastering. Various thermal insulation materials traditionally used in construction are suitable for these purposes. It is useful for an interested user to familiarize himself with the main types of insulation for facades under plaster, as well as find out how they are mounted on the walls of the house.

Facade materials

Penoplex is the most popular insulation under plaster

The most common insulation for facade plastering is expanded polystyrene (penoplex). Its benefits include:

  • lightness of the material;
  • good heat capacity;
  • relative cheapness.

The technology of facade insulation with expanded polystyrene for plastering has one drawback. This material is characterized by low permeability for steam penetrating from the premises, which has to be compensated for by artificial ventilation of the facades of the house. Mineral wool heat insulators are a good alternative to such heaters, the classic representative of which is ordinary stone or environmentally friendly wool. This material has increased hygroscopicity, which makes it necessary to use waterproofing elements in the form of membranes of various classes during its installation. In addition, polyurethane foam is used as a facade insulation under plaster, which is only slightly inferior to mineral wool and foam.

Installation methods

Ventilated facade

Facade insulation for exterior decoration of a house under plaster can be equipped in the following types:

  • The ventilated façade, which consists of a frame and external cladding, as well as layers of steam and wind insulation.
  • Wet facade, during the arrangement of which the insulation is fixed directly on the wall of the house. A reinforcing layer is attached to it, which is used as a steel or synthetic mesh, on top of which a layer of plaster is applied.

Which of the presented methods to choose depends on the preferences of the owner of the house and the material chosen for plastering the facade with insulation.

A convenient option is to use modern thermal panels. But their cost is significantly higher than that of other materials.

Calculation of the thickness of the insulation

Calculation of the thickness of the insulation

To calculate the required thickness of the insulation, you need to determine the thermal resistance of the outer wall (facade). It is found by the following formula:

R pr. = (1 / α int.) + R1 + R2 + R3 + (1 / α ext.)

  • R1, R2, R3 represent the values ​​of the resistance to thermal transfer of all protective layers (it is considered that there are three of them, but in practice this number can be any),
  • α (internal) and α (external) - the absolute values ​​of the heat transfer of the inner and outer surfaces.

Following this, the minimum thermal resistance is calculated using the formula:

R min = δ / λ

  • δ - thickness of the insulation layer,
  • λ - thermal conductivity of a particular material.

Both indicators are compared in absolute terms. If a Rmin slightly less or approximately equal Rpr, there is no need to insulate the wall. Otherwise, the difference between these two values ​​is found ΔR, which is the initial parameter for determining the thickness of the insulation (δS). The latter is found by the following formula:

δS = ΔR x λwhere λ corresponds to the thermal conductivity of the insulation.

The considered method is rather complicated for an unprepared person, calculations on it rarely do without serious errors.

It is easier to use a typical online calculator that allows you to quickly get the desired result. For this, the data of the wall material and the selected type of insulation material are entered into the graphs offered by the program.

Sequence of working steps

It is better to mount insulation for the walls of the house outside under the plaster in dry weather at an air temperature of + 5 ° to + 30 °. The selected range is most suitable for the adhesives used and for the insulation material itself. When buying it, special attention is paid to the presence of marking by parameters. Mineral wool, for example, must have a density of 150, and PPS - the designation "F" (facade).

The most suitable insulation options are polystyrene or basalt wool in slabs. In terms of their characteristics, both materials are very similar. Therefore, the sequence of their installation is almost the same:

  1. All attachments are dismantled from the facades of the building: slopes, external lights and downpipes.
  2. Old paint and residues of other coatings are removed from them.
  3. Small cracks and dents on the walls are puttyed.
  4. In the presence of significant flaws in size, leveling plastering is applied.

The maximum unevenness of the treated surface is no more than 1 cm per 1 meter of length. If areas with crumbling surface are found, they should be treated with a deep penetration primer.

Immediately before installing the insulation in the lower part of the wall, it is recommended to fix the profile that serves as a support for the first row of slabs. Thanks to him, it is possible to facilitate the fixation of workpieces and strictly maintain a horizontal line. For their fastening, a special glue is used, which, after being applied to the wall, is immediately leveled with a notched trowel. Following this, the plate is pressed against the plane and fixed with special dowels, called "mushrooms".

Insulation plates for walls outside under the plaster are placed as tightly as possible to one another, so that the gaps or gaps are minimal. All subsequent rows are stacked with overlap, which ensures the displacement of the joints in adjacent rows. To facilitate the installation of heat-insulating blanks, metal profiles are used that function as guides. Plates are closely stacked between them and fixed on an adhesive composition, and the gaps between them are sealed with the same glue. Subsequently, the same guides are used as supports for the plastering rule, through which a flat surface of the coating is formed.

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