What is the peculiarity of a horizontal heating system: two-pipe, one-pipe and how to make the correct wiring

The efficiency of heating is largely determined by correctly selected components - a boiler, pipes with an appropriate diameter, radiators and valves. However, in addition to this, the location of the highway must be taken into account. What is the difference between a horizontal heating system: two-pipe, one-pipe, wiring and connection of heating devices? In order to determine the feasibility of design and installation according to a similar scheme, you must first consider its specifics.

Feature of the horizontal pipe laying scheme

Horizontal heating scheme in a two-story house
Horizontal heating scheme in a two-story house

In the overwhelming majority, a horizontal two-pipe heating system with a bottom wiring is installed in one or two-story private houses. But, besides this, it can be used to connect to centralized heating. A feature of such a system is the horizontal arrangement of the main and return (for two-pipe) mains.

When choosing this piping system, it is necessary to take into account the nuances of connecting to various types of heating.

Central horizontal heating

To draw up an engineering scheme, one should be guided by the norms of SNiP 41-01-2003. It says that the horizontal wiring of the heating system should not only ensure proper circulation of the coolant, but also ensure its metering. To do this, two risers are equipped in apartment buildings - with hot water and for receiving cooled liquid. The calculation of a horizontal two-pipe heating system, which includes the installation of a heat meter, is mandatory. It is installed on the inlet pipe immediately after connecting the pipe to the riser.

In addition, the hydraulic resistance in certain sections of the line is taken into account. This is important, since the horizontal distribution of the heating system will work effectively only if the appropriate pressure of the coolant is maintained.

In most cases, a single-pipe horizontal heating system with bottom wiring is installed for apartment buildings. Therefore, when choosing the number of sections in radiators, it is necessary to take into account their distance from the central distribution riser. The further the battery is located, the larger its area should be.

Autonomous horizontal heating

Natural circulation heating
Natural circulation heating

In a private house or in an apartment without a connection to central heating, a horizontal heating system with a bottom wiring is most often chosen. However, it is necessary to take into account the mode of operation - with natural circulation or forced under pressure. In the first case, a vertical riser is mounted immediately from the boiler to which horizontal sections are connected.

The advantages of this arrangement for maintaining a comfortable temperature level include the following:

  • The minimum cost of purchasing consumables. In particular, a horizontal one-pipe heating system with natural circulation does not include a circulation pump, a membrane expansion tank and protective fittings - air vents;
  • Reliability of work.Since the pressure in the pipes is equal to atmospheric, the excess of the temperature regime is compensated for by means of an expansion tank.

But also disadvantages should be noted. The main one is the inertia of the system. Even a well-designed horizontal one-pipe heating system of a two-story house with natural circulation will not be able to provide quick heating of the premises. This is due to the fact that the heating network begins to move only after reaching a certain temperature. For houses with a large area (from 150 sq. M.) And in the presence of two floors or more, a horizontal heating system with lower wiring and forced circulation of liquid is recommended.

Forced circulation heating with horizontal pipes
Forced circulation heating with horizontal pipes

In contrast to the above-described scheme, a riser does not need to be made for forced circulation. The coolant pressure in a horizontal two-pipe heating system with bottom wiring is created using a circulation pump. This is reflected in improved performance:

  • Fast distribution of hot water along the entire line;
  • The ability to regulate the volume of the coolant for each radiator (only for a two-pipe system);
  • The installation requires less floor space as there is no distribution riser.

In turn, the horizontal distribution of the heating system can be combined with the collector. This is true for long pipelines. In this way, you can achieve an even distribution of hot water in all rooms of the house.

When calculating a horizontal two-pipe heating system, it is necessary to take into account the rotary nodes, it is in these places that the greatest hydraulic head losses.

One-pipe horizontal heating system

Ways to connect radiators
Ways to connect radiators

What is horizontal heating distribution in combination with a one-pipe system, in what cases can it be installed? Among experts, it is considered the easiest to install and the most affordable. The principle of its design is that the radiators are connected to the pipeline in series. Depending on the selected configuration, the connection of the nozzles can be top or bottom.

But at the same time, the following disadvantages are inherent in a horizontal one-pipe heating system of a two-story house:

  • Uneven heat distribution across the batteries. The farther the radiator is from the boiler, the lower the water temperature in it will be;
  • Difficulties in performing repair and maintenance work. When the radiator is disconnected from the general network in a horizontal one-pipe heating system with natural circulation, the flow of the coolant further along the pipeline stops;
  • The inability to regulate the temperature in different areas of the house.

During the design of this system, it is imperative that a bypass be installed in front of each radiator. In combination with shut-off valves, it will allow for repair work or replacement of individual heating elements.

For effective heat transfer, the batteries must be 2/3 covered by a window sill. This will promote optimal air convection in the room.

A single-pipe horizontal heating system with a bottom wiring is installed only in houses with a small area - up to 150 sq. You also need to take care of additional thermal insulation of those rooms that are farthest from the boiler.

Two-pipe horizontal heating system

Schemes of the organization of a two-pipe horizontal heating system
Schemes of the organization of a two-pipe horizontal heating system

For a horizontal heating system with a bottom wiring, all of the above disadvantages are absent. This is possible due to a different scheme for connecting radiators to pipelines. Each device is connected in parallel. The hot coolant enters through the tee unit, and the cooled one goes directly into the return pipe.

Thus, you can adjust the volume and flow rate of the coolant for each radiator. In addition, in contrast to a single-pipe horizontal heating system with a bottom wiring, the improved circuit has the following advantages:

  • Installation of additional heating devices will not affect the system. The main thing is that the power of the boiler makes it possible to heat the increased volume of the coolant;
  • Repair and maintenance work can be carried out without turning off the heating. To do this, it is enough to shut off the coolant in the desired section of the network with the help of shut-off valves;
  • If distribution manifolds are installed together with a horizontal two-pipe heating system with wiring from below, efficiency can be increased, thereby minimizing energy costs.

The disadvantages of two-pipe heating with horizontal wiring include a high probability of air congestion. To avoid this, a Mayevsky crane is installed on each radiator. With a large branched network, a calculation is made for a horizontal two-pipe heating system. It should include the dimensions of the pressure drop at each site, as well as the change in water temperature. It is difficult to do this work on your own without the proper skills, so it is best to use a professional online calculator, or resort to the help of specialists.

After the last farthest radiator, the installation of a pressure gauge and an air vent is recommended. This set of measures will allow you to avoid sudden pressure surges in the system and will make it possible to visually control its parameters.

Features of the complete set

Correct piping of the radiator of a single-pipe horizontal heating system
Correct piping of the radiator of a single-pipe horizontal heating system

During installation of horizontal one-pipe heating with natural circulation, the angle of inclination of the pipes must be observed. It runs towards the radiators in the direction of water movement. The lowest point of the return line must not be below the boiler level. It should be remembered that any horizontal heating distribution is characterized by increased resistance - the larger the pipe diameter, the higher this indicator.

The two-pipe system must include a circulation pump and a diaphragm expansion tank. Without these elements, the safe operation of heating is impossible. Also installed are measuring instruments - manometers and thermometers.

So which horizontal heating system to choose - two-pipe or one-pipe? This is determined by the characteristics of the house. For buildings with a large area, it is recommended to install a two-pipe wiring with forced circulation. If the speed of heating the air in the rooms and the ability to control the temperature are not important, one-pipe heating can be installed.

An example of calculating one-pipe heating - hydraulic losses:

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  1. Nikolay

    At the very least, this article was not written by a heating and ventilation engineer. It is enough to look at the photo with the inscription "CORRECT radiator piping in a one-pipe horizontal heating system". 1. This is the piping of the heater of a vertical one-pipe heating system. 2. The thermostat (thermal head) is mounted in a horizontal plane, otherwise the thermostat must be equipped with a remote sensor. 3. It is strictly forbidden to install shut-off valves in the closing section. ... As the saying goes, you don't know anything, go teach.



