To maintain the optimal temperature regime in the main rooms of the bath, as well as to provide households with hot water, it is important to properly organize the heating system. There are a large number of varieties, some of which the owner of the bath can implement on his own, without resorting to outside help.
The need for additional heating
For bathing procedures, a metal heater or made of bricks is considered a classic heating option. To maintain the required temperature in the steam room and other rooms, additional equipment is used.
It is impossible to evenly and quickly warm up the dressing room and other rooms from the sauna stove. If in the summer this problem is not acute, with the arrival of cold weather it can negatively affect the quality of rest. In this case, all the heat is accumulated in the steam room, while other rooms and the dressing room will remain cold.
The installation of an additional heating system will allow maintaining a comfortable temperature regime in the premises of the bath.
Types of heating in the bath
Heating in the bath can be of several types. Each has advantages, disadvantages, as well as its own installation and operation features. To avoid surprises, even at the design stage of the heating system, you need to study all the points.
Electric heating
One of the cleanest fuels in the world is electricity. With its help, it is possible to heat up and maintain a comfortable temperature regime for a long time. The heating is equipped with an autonomous heating system, its capacity is sufficient to maintain the temperature.
For the operation of an electric boiler, chimneys, supply and ventilation ducts are not needed. In places where electricity is installed and supply lines operate without interruption, the only argument against the use of electric heating is the high cost.
Gas equipment
A gas heating system is considered more rational than an electric one. It will also make healthy competition for the wood-fired variety.
The advantages of this type of heating in a bath:
- acceptable cost;
- ease of use and maintenance;
- environmental friendliness;
- safety.
With the help of this type of equipment, it is possible to warm up the room in 4-5 hours. The equipment is equipped with fuses, housing and thermostat. The gas is burnt in a special gas chamber located under the stones.
Water heating
This type of heating is reliable and quite simple. The fuel for the operation of the system can be kerosene, wood, coal or natural gas. When implementing water heating in a bath, it is important to pay special attention to the choice of a boiler.
A cast-iron boiler is considered to be a win-win option. Hot water flows through pipes to appliances, which distribute heat throughout the room. The heated liquid, having given off heat to warm up the radiators, returns back, but through other pipes to the heat generator. This system has shown high efficiency even at abnormally low temperatures.
Circuit heating
An effective and economical option for heating a bath is connecting the pipeline to the heating main. This requires the installation of an additional heating circuit. The installation process is not easy. It is advisable to implement such a project only if the connection will be carried out from a building located nearby.
Direct connection is possible if a heating main passes nearby. To do this, you first need to draw up a project taking into account all the requirements and certify it with the relevant authorities. If you correctly develop, install and use heating, you will be able to save your family budget on a monthly basis.
Warm floor
From an economic point of view, this option cannot be called profitable, but the efficiency is very high. In implementation, the technology is not easy, therefore, all installation work must be performed by a specialist.
Warm floors are divided into electric and water. The latter requires huge financial investments. The use itself is economical, but there is one significant drawback - non-repairability.
The primary construction of electric underfloor heating is cheaper than its counterpart, but repairs are expensive. The installation diagram looks like this:
- A solution is prepared from sand and cement, applied to a waterproofing layer.
- Thermal insulation is carried out using special building materials - halfpan, extradited polystyrene foam, mineral wool mats.
- A cable is laid along the heat-insulating layer, which will evenly warm the floors in the bath.
Pipes for electric heating systems are made of special polyethylene, steel and copper. Polyethylene is in great demand due to its long service life and reasonable cost.
Alternative and mixed heating options
Alternative methods of heating in a bath are gaining popularity:
- ceiling and baseboard heaters;
- infrared and / or ceramic heaters;
- long-burning boilers, as well as diesel, pellet and pyrolysis boilers.
If the steam room is rarely used, the best option for arranging a mixed system would be a pellet boiler in combination with electric convectors or a wood-burning heater with electric heating. In this case, one equipment will provide homeowners with hot water and heat some rooms, while the other will provide the desired temperature in the steam room.
Combined heating system for baths and houses
With a competent approach at home, you can implement an autonomous heating system with a stove for a bath and home heating. To install it, you will need to allocate a small separate room. It must comply with all safety regulations. To heat the bathhouse and the house, it is recommended to connect the heating of these structures using a heating main. It will be possible to save a considerable amount if all installation work is carried out independently.
- It is imperative to insulate the pipeline, put pipes with a large diameter on top of the heat-insulating material. This will protect the building material from the harmful effects of groundwater, as well as reduce heat loss.
- The pipes must be laid in such a way that the material is not in the water.
The effectiveness of a universal heating system will depend on how close the structures are to each other. If the bathhouse is located far from the house, it is better not to use this option, since the water will cool down before it reaches the steam room.