Stove heating in private houses is a traditional way of keeping warm and cozy, proven over the years. In places where there is no gas line nearby, people use stoves to heat the premises. They are also often used as an auxiliary or backup heat source.
Types of ovens for home
There are several types of stove heating according to the heating method:
- With a water circuit. A characteristic feature is that a heat exchanger connected to a water heating is installed in the firebox of the stove. The house will be heated thanks to the surface of the stove, as well as radiators, which are installed in all rooms. This approach allows you to heat houses with a large area, their efficiency is 20-30% higher than that of other varieties.
- No hot water heating is a traditional option. The room is heated by the very design of the furnace as a result of air convection and heat radiation. Equipment of various sizes and shapes is made, but to heat rooms with a large area, several such ovens need to be installed, which is costly and inconvenient.
According to the material of manufacture, furnaces are brick and metal.
The latter take up less space, warm up faster, but cool down just as quickly. The body is made of cast iron or steel. To increase the heat transfer time, they are often lined with refractory material from the outside or from the inside.
Brick structures are larger in size, but they are characterized by greater inertness - they warm up longer and give off heat longer. In addition, brick ovens can be of various sizes and shapes. An added benefit is that they can be disassembled and then folded elsewhere using the same material.
By the duration of burning, structures are:
- long burning;
- intermittent or short-term burning.
By functional features:
- fireplace stoves;
- heating and cooking;
- heating.
Each modification has advantages and disadvantages. You definitely need to familiarize yourself with them before choosing a model.
Heating with air system
The main disadvantage is the limited heated space, which can be eliminated thanks to the air or water system based on brickwork.
Features of the functioning of heating using an air system are in the transfer of a warm air flow to a boiler or heat exchanger. Warm air enters the room through air ducts or directly. Due to the short "path", it does not have time to cool down, due to which a uniform and optimal temperature is achieved in the house.
This method does not require power, but problems may arise if the camera is not moving fast enough due to overheating of the camera.
The advantages of air heating in comparison with water heating:
- there is no need to install radiators, which saves space and finances;
- trouble-free;
- high efficiency.
The device of the contour with forced movement eliminates the need for additional construction of the air duct system.
Furnace-based hot water heating device
If the house has more than three rooms and all of them need to be heated, it is better to give preference to a brick stove with water heating. Such a design is additionally equipped with a circuit where water will be heated, from there it flows through pipes to radiators.
For wiring, it is preferable to use pipes made of metal-plastic or polypropylene.
The contours have a different structure, but the task is the same for all - to heat the liquid. To speed up the movement of water, a water pump is additionally installed. As the water heats up, the pressure in the system increases. So that it does not fail, a membrane tank is attached to the circuit. It controls the surges in water pressure in the pipes: when it rises, excess water penetrates into the tank, and when it cools down it returns to the system again.
When designing and installing a heating system, one of the main tasks is to choose the right heat exchanger. If the wall thickness of metal pipes is less than 5 mm, they will wear out quickly.
In places where chimneys pass through the ceiling, thickening of the masonry is performed with a gradual overlap. In construction, this approach is called fluffing or cutting.
If a country house has a large area and the owners want to install several stoves, it is forbidden to connect them to one chimney, especially if they are erected at different levels. This is due to the fact that when they are simultaneously fired, there are problems with traction.
In the place where the chimney passes, the protection of the junction from the penetration of moisture from the atmosphere is mounted through the roof. The design features and the method of abutment depend on the material from which the roof is made. When it comes to slate, asbestos cord can be used in combination with galvanized roofing iron or cement mortar. If the roof is made of corrugated board or metal tiles, use special abutment strips. Above the chimney head, in most cases, a head or cap is installed to prevent atmospheric precipitation from entering the chimney. They come in various sizes and shapes.
If it is difficult to decide which stove to choose for heating a house, it is better to consult with a specialist who understands these issues.