Types of decorative elements for heating: description of types of screens, panels and overlays

The main function of the heating system is to maintain a comfortable temperature level. But besides this, during the design, you need to take into account the aesthetic side. The appearance of pipes and batteries should be in harmony with the overall interior of the room. This requires special decorative elements for heating: screens, panels, overlays.

Functional qualities

Steel decorative screen
Steel decorative screen

Decorative radiators are necessary to create a uniform style in the room. An alternative to them can be special screens and overlays installed on radiators and pipes. But how to choose the right model and what should you pay attention to first of all?

Modern decorative finishes for heating radiators have several functions. They are installed on open heating elements and partially or completely hide the structure. At the same time, a number of tasks are solved:

  • Harmonious combination of heating elements with the general interior of the room;
  • Protection of residents from severe heat radiation. Relevant for systems with high-temperature operation;
  • Reducing the amount of dust and dirt. Timely installed decorative fencing of heating radiators will preserve the appearance of the battery much longer;
  • Some metal panels contribute to a more even distribution of heat energy. Their uniform heating from a heating radiator improves the natural air circulation around the heater.

How to choose the right decorative rings for heating pipes or a battery screen? First of all, you need to find out the required characteristics of the structure and the material of its manufacture.

The installed decorative panels for heating radiators should not affect the heat transfer.

Construction requirements

Hinged box
Hinged box

When choosing a decorative element of the heating system, certain criteria should be followed. It is important to remember that in addition to the aesthetic side, it should not worsen the heat supply parameters, as well as negatively affect the health of those living in the house.

The most common mistake is installing structures that are not designed for high temperatures. Plastic decorative boxes for heating pipes must withstand constant thermal exposure without the release of chemical compounds or changes in color and shape. In addition, the following required qualities of the system overhead elements should be noted:

  1. A slight increase in the total volume of the radiator or pipe. Ideally, the distance between the pad and the battery should be 5-7 mm.
  2. Reliability of fastening. Possible mechanical influences cannot affect the location of the decor.
  3. Strength.

In addition, simple assembly and disassembly should be noted. The latter is important when performing repair or maintenance work, i.e. if necessary, decorative overlays for heating batteries can be quickly removed.

After installing the decorative element, there should be free access to the radiator or pipe piping devices - shutoff valves and thermostats.

Decorative elements for pipes

Boxes for pipes
Boxes for pipes

Transport routes take up most of the heating system.They are designed to transport the coolant to radiators and pipes. Another feature is the location of the pipelines in the house. Often, the line is installed in an open way - along the wall.

In this regard, problems arise not only with appearance, but also with safety. You are more likely to get burned by touching the hot water pipe. You can prevent this in the following ways:

  • Decorative linings for heating pipes with good thermal insulation;
  • Hiding the highway behind false walls. This is a time consuming but most effective way to isolate the pipeline from possible external influences.

Each of these methods has a number of advantages and disadvantages. To choose, you should familiarize yourself with the features of the decorative structure, the materials of their manufacture and the method of installation.

The best way to insulate pipes is to install them in grooves. However, according to the norms, this cannot be done in load-bearing walls.

Decorative boxes and rings

Pipe rings
Pipe rings

The easiest way to hide the heating main is to install a box on it. It consists of an assembly part and a surface-mounted part, which are interconnected by means of a locking mechanism. Such decorative panels for heating pipes are convenient for installation in an already installed system.

However, it is difficult to find a ready-made model, since the location of the pipes relative to the wall and floor is always different. Therefore, they prefer to make the design on their own. To make a plastic decorative box for heating pipes, you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Measure the distance between the line, floor and wall.
  2. Draw up a panel installation scheme according to the data received. When using plastic pads, the minimum distance should be 12-15 mm.
  3. Install the frame made of galvanized profile.
  4. Install plastic panels and decorative elements - corners, end caps, etc.
Types of decorative rings for pipes
Types of decorative rings for pipes

The service life of decorative linings for heating pipes of this type depends on the quality of the plastic panels. During the drawing up of the diagram, it is important to think over the access to the valves and the joints of the highways. In these areas, there is always a high probability of a leak or a rupture.

If the appearance of the system only partially needs modernization, it is recommended to install decorative rings for heating pipes. Initially, they were intended to hide the uneven undercut of the stretch ceiling. However, their ease of installation and good looks have made them popular for decorating heating.

Along with them, other types of decorative overlays for heating batteries are used:

  • Pipes are wrapped with jute or hemp rope... These materials have good thermal insulation, which reduces heat losses in the lines;
  • Heat resistant fabric... However, you should be careful about the choice of material;
  • Painting... The traditional method, often used before the appearance of decorative panels for heating pipes.

The choice of this or that method directly depends on personal preferences and characteristics of the heating system. For pipe painting, a special heat-resistant compound should be chosen.

Decorative false walls

False wall
False wall

If the installation of heat supply is done simultaneously with the repair, it is possible not to make decorative boxes for heating pipes. The best alternative would be to equip a false wall.

The structure is a frame made of steel profiles or wooden slats. Plasterboard panels are installed on top of it. Heating pipes will be located between them and the main wall. This method will completely hide the lines and at the same time improve the thermal insulation in the room.

But even in this case, it is recommended to install decorative covers on the heating pipes. They will be necessary for air circulation - hot streams will be replaced by cooled ones.To do this, you can use simple ventilation grilles that are installed on the door.

The construction of a false wall is carried out using standard technology Additionally, to improve heat transfer, a layer of foil-clad foam is mounted on the load-bearing wall. The general scheme for the construction of a structure with decorative panels for heating pipes consists of the following stages:

  1. Drawing up a plan for the construction of a structure. It is built only after the final laying of the pipeline and checking the entire heating system for operability.
  2. Installation of the supporting frame.
  3. Installation of plasterboard panels. They are equipped with inspection hatches and ventilation grilles.

In the same way, decorative fencing of heating radiators is made. However, due to the specifics of operation, other requirements are imposed on the structure.

The steel profile of the false wall must not come into contact with heating pipes. This can lead to heat loss and heating of the drywall surface.

Decorative elements for radiators

Hinged screens for batteries
Hinged screens for batteries

A feature of the decorative finishing of heating radiators is the mandatory air exchange. This is why the batteries must not be completely covered.

The best way to adapt the appearance of heating elements is to install decorative screens for heating radiators. It can be a hinged structure or with a battery-independent mount. For already installed systems, the first option is most often chosen, since it is less laborious. But if the heat supply is done simultaneously with the repair, they make decorative screens for heating batteries with their own hands.

In order to choose the optimal design and material for its manufacture, one should be guided by the rules:

  • Decorative finishing of heating radiators is made only of non-combustible materials. The exception is wood and plastic panels. Moreover, the first must be treated with a special composition;
  • Hinged decorative overlays for heating radiators must have special mounting sites;
  • The material of manufacture is in harmony with all interior items of the room.

The most important criterion when choosing decorative panels for heating radiators is the material of manufacture. The service life of the element depends on it, as well as visual adaptation to other components of the room.

Installing decorative screens for heating radiators is mandatory for schools, hospitals and some public buildings.

Metal decorative panels

Steel boxes
Steel boxes

For the manufacture of steel panels, stainless or galvanized steel is used. Often, the structure consists of a frame on which a metal mesh is welded.

Depending on the design of the battery, there are several types of decorative panels for heating:

  • Facial... Protects only the front of the radiator;
  • With side panels... The best option for remote mounting of the heating element.

The main advantage of installing decorative steel fences for heating radiators is the ability to evenly distribute heat fluxes. They also promote better air circulation.

Wooden decorative screens

Wooden decorative strip
Wooden decorative strip

When using natural wood, preference is given to oak or beech. They are least prone to thermal deformation. Decorative screens for MDF radiators can be considered as a budget option.

The tree is in perfect harmony with almost all types of room design. The advantage is the ability to make decorative screens for heating batteries with your own hands. In this case, it is not necessary to use special types of wood. It is enough to purchase a moisture resistant substitute. The appearance of decorative screens for MDF radiators is practically indistinguishable from natural wood.

MDF panel
MDF panel

Step-by-step instructions for making panels yourself:

  1. The side and front panels are made of MDF sheets.
  2. Ventilation holes are drilled on their plane, or plastic grilles are installed.
  3. With the help of milled wooden slats, the panels are connected into a single structure.

It should be remembered that decorative MDF screens should not touch the batteries. Therefore, they are attached to a wall or other supporting structure.

Before self-production, decorative wood screens for batteries should be dried to reduce moisture. The normal rate is 10-15%.

Decorative radiators

Cast iron designer radiators
Cast iron designer radiators

In some cases, decorative finishing of heating radiators is not possible. Then it is recommended to purchase designer models that differ from the standard individual form.

There are several types of decorative radiators. They can be made from the same materials as standard models. The main difference is the form and the possible presence of decorative design elements.

To choose the best option for decorative radiators, you must first calculate the required power characteristics. Then you need to decide on the material of manufacture:

  • A cast iron decorative heating radiator is perfect for a classic style room. Preference is given to floor models;
  • Steel batteries. They can be both vertical and the usual horizontal;
  • Aluminum and bimetallic. They have a small assortment, which makes it difficult to choose.

In addition, it is important to know the battery connection options. So, some models of cast-iron decorative heating radiators have only lower side pipes. Metal tubular batteries have more connectivity.

Of no small importance is the cost of decorative heating batteries. Alas, their cost is an order of magnitude higher than that of conventional models. Therefore, the choice should be approached especially carefully.

ModelManufacturing materialPower, WCost, rub.
Carisa briccoSteel620121800
Escape 07550Tubular steel48424760
Carron Verona SectionCast iron1435413
Demrad retroCast iron1324765

Despite the relatively affordable cost, not every cast-iron radiator is suitable for a room's interior. The best option is to install decorative screens on standard battery models.

The video material shows an example of self-manufacturing of a decorative screen for a radiator:

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