Types and features of wood-burning stoves

Alternative heat sources can be found to reduce the cost of paying for gas and electricity. The compact wood-burning stove is distinguished by effective heat transfer, is suitable for installation in a private house and in the country, combined with hot water supply systems. Manufacturers produce reliable, economical models with various types of fireboxes and external finishes.

Varieties of wood stoves

A wood-burning stove is a universal device that can work to heat a small house, be connected to a heating system and water supply. Before buying, you need to study the features of the classification of heaters.

By body material

Metal wood burning stove for home heating

Depending on the material of manufacture, a wood-burning stove is:

  • Cast iron. The heat capacity of the housing and its ability to accumulate thermal energy ensure the operation of the device as an auxiliary heating. A corrugated chimney or hose is intended for the removal of combustion products. The cast iron unit is equipped with a blower system for long-term temperature maintenance.
  • Metallic. Stainless metal shortens the time for heating the air in the room. When buying, you should focus on the thickness of the walls - thin ones cool very quickly. Structures with thick seams are less prone to cracking.
  • Brick. It is built as the main heat source, equipped with a serpentine chimney. Despite the long heating time, the brick can retain heat energy for several hours.

The cast iron unit is suitable for installation anywhere, the brick unit can be used for cooking.

Depending on the chimney design

External chimney for the stove

The chimney removes combustion products and, according to the installation method, it can be internal and external. In the first case, it is outdoors and has good traction. External systems are not led out through the roof and are used for aesthetic purposes.

By the type of construction, several types of chimneys can be distinguished:

  • Wall. The lower part is aligned with the wall foundation. The chimney is made of bricks.
  • Root. Set up on a separate base near the outer wall, equipped with a brick or ceramic insert.
  • Sandwich. The single-layer pipe looks like a nozzle and can be quickly mounted on a fireplace or stove.
  • Coaxial system Schindel. Two-pipe design that in a counter-current manner blows air and removes combustion products.

The chimney should rise 5 m above the grate and 1 m above the roof.

By construction type

Brick oven with a stove bench

Deck reliable stoves are wood-fired and are designed to heat a house of any size. By design, several types of devices are distinguished.

Stove with closed heater suitable for installation in saunas or baths, if it has a special compartment for laying stones. The stove is heated by convection or with an open flame. The water circuit is represented by a reservoir with branch pipes.

Russian stoves made of bricks, equipped with a berth - a couch. The combustion compartment is located under the stove bench, the stove is next to the firebox.Heating intensity control is carried out through the blower. The Russian stove runs on a large amount of fuel and heats up a room of more than 40 m2 with high quality.

Depending on the location in the room, you can choose fireplaces:

  • Corner. Models with built-in or attached chimney are moved to the outer corner. Rectangular or square features a wide chimney podium with a fuel niche.
  • Wall mounted. The back of the structure is near the wall. The size of the base is on average 75x125 cm, which is suitable for living rooms in a small house.
  • Island. They are built on a separate foundation in large rooms. They perform the functions of zoning and heating.

By functional purpose, you can choose a fireplace stove for a wood-fired bath or a structure with a hob.

Swedish oven for home heating and cooking

Swedish ovens differ in the rear exhaust of the chimney, are classified according to the type of section into several types:

  • Vertical. Flue duct with 2-3 bends and a cleaning door.
  • Horizontal. Displayed horizontally, has from 2 bends and warms up evenly.
  • Bell-type. Warm air masses are retained in 2-3 chambers, the flap heats up evenly.

Bell caps are the most difficult to operate and maintain.

Duration of fuel combustion

A stove or fireplace with a long burning system functions according to the method of afterburning pyrolysis gases, but wood-fired models are also divided into several types:

  • With a water circuit. Large rooms are heated qualitatively, since the water type of the circuit is connected to heating radiators.
  • No outline. Equipped with an afterburner and a plate deflector. Primary air masses ignite fuel, secondary air is supplied to the afterburner.

The long burning system allows the furnace to be operated with one setting for 3-8 hours.

The design and principle of operation of the wood-burning stove

Structural elements of a wood-burning stove

The modern type of wood-burning heaters consists of a chamber for storing fuel, cast-iron grates, an ash pan for collecting wood residues, a chimney for removing residual gases. The lumber is placed in the fuel compartment and ignited. The combustion reaction promotes the formation of high temperature gases. They, heading along the pipe, heat the walls of the device, which give off heat to the room. The heating rate depends on the body material.

To support the fire in the combustion compartment, a blower flap and a smoke damper are used. They are opened to a greater or lesser extent. With the access of excess air, the heat transfer of the structure decreases, and soot quickly appears in the chimney.

With a standard stove, a house or cottage will be heated on average in 5 hours.


The technical parameters of wood-burning heaters depend on the material and manufacturer. Since brick structures are most often built in private houses, it is advisable to consider their parameters:

  • comfortable room temperature - +23 degrees;
  • convection screen thickness (if available) - 30-40 mm;
  • scope of operation - heating, cooking, additional heating;
  • weight - from 250 kg without metal parts;
  • type of foundation - solid, strip;
  • the size of the metal sheet in front of the firebox is at least 30x40 cm;
  • chimney section - from 140x140 mm to 200x270 mm;
  • thermal power - from 3.5 to 14 kW.
Small sauna stove with open stove

For a bath, you can build a mini wood-burning stove with the following characteristics:

  • heat transfer - 12.1 kW;
  • width - 50.5 cm;
  • height to the pipe - 72.5 cm;
  • furnace compartment depth - 73.7 cm;
  • weight - 360-370 kg.

The efficiency of the finished unit will be 70-75%.

Pros and cons

Wood-burning stove with hob

The advantages of operating wood-burning stoves include:

  • versatility - suitable for cooking and heating;
  • ease of adjusting the intensity of fuel combustion;
  • the ability to create a comfortable temperature in a large house;
  • ease of installation of finished devices and brick construction;
  • the minimum amount of emissions of harmful substances;
  • durability of the structure;
  • high efficiency - for models with long-term combustion systems it reaches 82%.

The disadvantage of units is the use of only one type of fuel and the complexity of building brick modifications for beginners.

The nuances of choosing a heater

When choosing a wood stove, it is necessary to take into account the working conditions, the specifics of the material, financial costs and personal preferences. Before buying a unit, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Brick structures are distinguished by high heat transfer, but they require financial investments in construction. Cast iron ones warm up the room well and are installed without a foundation.
  • Functional heating and cooking models are equipped with several burners and an oven.
  • Pyrolysis devices ensure complete combustion of the fuel.
  • The optimum wall thickness of the furnace with a water circuit is from 75 mm.
  • Disc lumber 10-15 cm thick is laid in the unit with autoloading fuel.
  • Due to their low efficiency, cooking and heating facilities are suitable for rooms up to 25 m2.
  • If you have a sauna or steam bath, stop at the heater.
  • The safest type of firebox is closed.
  • For versions with an oven, it is easier to connect an expansion vessel and heat exchangers.

Wood stoves require careful maintenance and adherence to operating conditions.

Installation recommendations

For a heavy brick oven, it is necessary to equip the foundation

In the process of installing a heating device, several rules must be observed:

  • Do not place rapidly flammable objects and explosive liquids near the heated area.
  • It is better to clean the collapsible type of chimney from soot.
  • A suitable flue pipe diameter is approximately 15 cm, length is 5 cm.
  • The chimney is equipped with a control damper.
  • To protect against burns, it is better to use brick shielding. The masonry will also prevent the walls from overheating and accumulate heat.
  • The floor surface made of combustible materials is protected by a foundation.

The complete instructions contain a detailed installation procedure.

Operating rules

A fireplace, a small sauna stove or a wood-fired model with a steam generator should not create fire situations. The operation of wood-burning heaters includes:

  1. Installation next to the combustion chamber of a metal sheet 2 mm thick. The length of the protective product is 30 cm, the exit outside the brick structure is 15 cm.
  2. Installation of flue systems for metal structures made of acid-resistant materials.
  3. Use for heating dry firewood stored indoors.
  4. Fill dense fuel - thick lumber is on top.
  5. Use for lighting thin dry twigs.
  6. Laying firewood with a gap of 1/5 of the height of the furnace to the arch.

The second batch of fuel can be put in at least 1 hour, for long-term combustion models - after 3-4 hours.

Popular models of wood-burning stoves

Model range of furnaces professor Butakov

In order not to waste time and money on the construction of a massive brick structure, you can purchase a ready-made potbelly stove, heating and cooking or bath modification. Several brands are popular on the domestic market.


Canadian device with air duct heating system. The powerful stove is suitable for installation in a home, utility room, workshop, garage. Works on all types of solid fuels, except coal. It heats up in 10-15 minutes, the second laying of firewood can be done in 8-10 hours.


The Russian brand that released the AOT-08 model. The floor-standing wood-burning unit is equipped with a long-term combustion system. Installed in residential buildings, workshops, workshops. A firebox with a volume of 50 liters, which is suitable for heating a space of 140 m2. Thermal power is 8 kW, the second loading of firewood is carried out in 10-12 hours.

Professor Butakov

Notable design features are a rectangular body, an internal firebox, a pyrolysis afterburner chamber and convection pipes. The intensity of the air supply is regulated by a damper. The line includes 4 devices:

  • Student with a power of 9 kW and a firebox of 60 liters.
  • Engineer - equipped with a 120-liter furnace, has a power of 15 kW.
  • Associate Professor - a stove with a thermal power of 25 kW and a firebox capacity of 250 liters.
  • Professor - the power is 40 kW, the firebox is 500 liters.

The hob is flat, suitable for heating food.


Furnaces Termofor domestic brand

Russian brand producing convection units of the Fire-Battery brand. The selection of the unit is carried out according to several parameters:

  • Fire-Battery 5 - with a width of 37 cm, a length of 55.5 cm and a height of 76 cm, has a power of 6 kW. Designed for heating rooms with a volume of 100 cubic meters and an area of ​​60-70 square meters.
  • Fire-Battery 7 - differs from the previous model in length (68 cm), power (10 kW). Heats a house of 100-110 m2 with high quality and a room with a volume of 150 m3.
  • Fire-Battery 9 - power is 13 kW. The length of the device is 80.5 cm. It is installed in houses with 130-10 square meters and rooms with a volume of 200 cubic meters.
  • Fire-Battery 11 - modification 93 cm long. Designed for heating a space of 250 m3 in volume and an area of ​​160-170 squares.

The digital index in the name of the Fire-Battery ovens indicates the number of convection pairs.


Sauna stoves Vira

Heaters made of heat-resistant steel with an upwardly elongated body and convection shielding. The firebox is trapezoidal, the chimney is 115mm in diameter in the center or near the front. The line includes models:

  • Nika 10. Displacement of the chimney to the front wall improves heat transfer. The sauna stove is designed for a steam room of 10 m3 in volume. The weight of the stones is 28 kg.
  • Vira 12. The classic device for a sauna with a volume of 12 cubic meters. The sash, depending on the configuration, is made of metal or panoramic glass. The weight of the stones for laying is from 41 to 50 kg, the length of the logs is from 40 to 50 cm.
  • Castle 18. The complex shape of the flue tooth increases the efficiency of the furnace by 4-5%. The back and front walls are split, the firebox is of a remote type. Designed for a steam room of 18 cubic meters. Stones weighing 48 kg and firewood 50 cm long are placed in the stove.
  • Nova 12. Equipped with a stove without sharp corners, connected to the front wall. Suitable for steam rooms for 8-12 m3. The maximum weight of stones is 37 kg.

The manufacturer also produces devices with steam generators equipped with a closed heater.

The variety of modern wood-burning stoves allows you to choose an option for heating and cooking, installation in a bath or sauna. Devices differ in body materials, power indicators and fuel combustion duration. Popular auxiliary functions include a stove bench, hob, water circuit and oven.

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