Modern faucets for heating radiators are an irreplaceable part, without which normal battery operation is impossible. A large number of different models from Russian and foreign manufacturers are presented on the market, so it is not so easy to make a choice. It is worthwhile to know in advance the principle of operation of a standard crane, to study the available varieties and models, to understand their functionality and mechanism.
Radiator faucet function
Most modern radiators are capable of performing their basic functions without the use of additional elements. But there are situations in which a tap on a radiator for heating is simply irreplaceable. This happens when you need to install, remove or replace the battery, check its performance, test it after installation, or carry out other work. The regulating mixer helps to partially cut off the heat supply during flushing or preventive diagnostics of various elements of the system. This allows you to significantly reduce the time spent on repair work, since you do not need to completely drain the water in the entire heating system.
The tap also makes it possible to shut down the battery in one room if that room does not need to be heated for a certain period. With the help of the device, you can regulate the supply of heat in automatic or manual mode, remove air locks from the batteries, due to which the system will not function normally. Standard and ball valves for heating are needed to adjust the temperature in the room. For example, if the heating has not yet been turned off in the central system in the spring, it will be impossible to change the temperature of the radiator without the help of a valve.
Varieties of valves
Taps for a battery for heating are divided into several types, depending on the structure and principle of operation. They can be installed on radiators in private and apartment buildings, focusing on the type of specific batteries and the heating system as a whole. On sale you can find angle and straight valves with a ball or semi-turn mechanism, made of brass, bronze or polypropylene with metal inserts. Specialists most often use balancing valves, manual or automatic venting devices, and simple standard valves.
Air valves or Mayevsky taps are used to eliminate air from the heating system, which enters there with water and reduces the heating efficiency. Since air usually accumulates at the highest point, the valve is installed on the top of the battery. Such devices have low bandwidth, so they are usually mounted on modern radiators of the latest generation, made of steel or aluminum. Products of this type are easy to install and open using a screwdriver or special keys. The most convenient mechanisms are those that require a screwdriver.
A good air valve should turn easily counterclockwise as the system must be vented periodically. The presence of air inside the pipes can be determined by the characteristic hiss. When it stops, the tap is closed.When connecting the pump, it must be turned off before releasing air.
The angle valve for radiators is of the balancing type. It closes and opens with one turn, moving a few millimeters, making it easy to lock in position.
Angle type shut-off valve is installed at the outlet of the radiator, suitable for two-pipe and one-pipe heating systems. Made taking into account the design features of standard radiators and helps to carry out various operations during installation and repair work. When installing such cranes, it is imperative to use American women and other necessary tools.
Adjustable valves help control the flow of water and change the temperature in the room, keeping it at the optimal level. The thermostatic valve is a simple siphon, inside which there is a container with gas or liquid. When the temperature rises, the gas or liquid begins to expand and press on the stem. Then it goes down and blocks the access of water inside the radiator. When the temperature drops, the stem will begin to rise, which will provoke an increase in the flow of water in the battery. Gas-type models respond to temperature changes faster, while they do not differ much in cost from standard water valves.
The ball-type radiator valve got this name due to its mechanism, which is a small ball with a hole. The valve can be in two positions: closed and open. When the device is turned 90 degrees, the heat supply through the pipes stops. Ball valves are considered the most popular and are made from various materials, most often brass, bronze, steel or polypropylene. They have an angular or straight design, differ in capacity - it can be standard or semi-bore. To increase the efficiency of work, they choose semi-through control valves and mount them on radiators using a nut or an American.
Valve locking mechanism
The valve for the heating system has a standard locking mechanism, the structure of which depends on its type. The operation of the device is controlled using a special handle or handle on the valve itself. The handle activates the crane and helps to move it around its axis. If you turn the valve towards the branch pipes or inlet of the pipeline, the flow of the heating medium will be stopped. Typically, the valve is opened to provide maximum fluid flow to provide warmth to the room. The tap can be adjusted and set to the desired level by turning counterclockwise. For convenience, the device has special protrusions that indicate the level of restriction when it is opened.
After closing the tap, the circulation of the coolant stops completely. It is closed when it is required to lower the temperature of the radiator to a minimum level, for example, during the summer season. In the closed position, the valve handle should form an angle of 90 degrees between the axis and the pipeline. In this case, the movement of the handle goes clockwise in accordance with the protrusions so that the circulation of the liquid does not stop immediately and evenly. If the valve is stuck, you will need to remove the retaining nut and handle with a stem adjustment wrench. To put it in the desired position, the clamping sleeve under the hexagon is designed and fixed more freely.
The stem is developed with slow movements using an adjustable wrench. In this case, you should not apply increased efforts so as not to deform the crane or the entire mechanism as a whole.
Battery Valve Tips
To choose a standard or air valve for radiators, first of all, they pay attention to the conditions in which the radiators will be used. If we are talking about a room with central water supply, brass or steel valves are installed. In the presence of low-quality water, simple taps quickly clog up and fail, and their use causes many problems. In private houses with autonomous heating, it is better to install thermostatic valves, they help to significantly save costs on thermal energy.
For apartment buildings with individual boiler rooms, it is worth choosing high-quality ball-type taps that can withstand temperatures up to 200 degrees and a pressure in the range of 16-40 bar. The best option would be valves from trusted manufacturers - Bugatti, Oventrop, Danfoss and Far - resistant to various damage and corrosion. You can find out what a certain type of crane should be called from a specialist. It must be borne in mind that all taps are capable of reducing the flow of water, this can lead to a decrease in the heating temperature. In the absence of sufficient heat energy, the flow is turned off using a valve.
Ball valves are divided into several types. Depending on the bandwidth, they can be full bore, standard and partial bore. In the first case, the valves pass 90-100% of the total flow of the heat carrier, in the second no more than 70-80%, in the third - 40-50%. Full bore options will be an ideal option for installation, since the coolant circulates in them as freely as possible. By type and method of installation, cranes are divided into coupling, welded, combined and flanged. Coupling options are suitable for gas and water pipelines, and are also used for the installation of heating systems.
They can be installed in residential and industrial buildings. These are standard and compact devices, simple and reliable in operation. Flanged options are more suitable for large pipe diameters. When installing them, sealing gaskets are used, which improve the tightness and strength of the joints of the pipeline and the valve. Welded structures are installed by welding; for combined ones, several installation options are used. Combined cranes are divided into straight-through, angle and multi-way, their type is selected taking into account a specific system.
To avoid problems during operation, taps must be installed on each radiator. Their choice and installation are approached as responsibly as possible, only in this case they will last a long time.
Before starting work, it is necessary to remove the heat carrier from the heating system. Owners of private houses can do this without much effort; in the apartment, the procedure will have to be coordinated with the management company. The tap must be placed in front of the battery and behind a special jumper connecting the inlet and outlet of the coolant, so as not to interrupt the circulation process. When installing, remember that there are no obstacles for the adjustment knob, which should rotate freely in any position, as well as free access to the crane for any user.
Before installation you will need:
- choose a suitable site for installation;
- apply a sealant to the tap thread, for example, FUM tape;
- screw on the tap;
- check all areas of the connection for leaks.
Before buying a crane, you need to check that its diameter matches the diameter of the pipe, and the type of thread is additionally specified. If the tap is placed on a pipe with an open thread, the tape is wound clockwise. If there is enough tape to tighten the threads, force must be applied. After the end of the work, small sections of the seal may remain at the joints; this is a normal state characteristic of high-quality sealing.
If the tap turns too easily, the seal is too thin. In such a situation, an additional amount of FUM tape is added and the valve is tightly screwed onto the tube.
After completing the work, be sure to check the connection and fill the system with water in the presence of high pressure. If this rule is not followed, improper sealing can provoke flooding of the room. This occurs most often in apartment buildings where heating systems are filled with water without warning and usually on weekdays.
The number of taps depends on the type of radiator and the needs of the owners of the premises. A separate valve must be installed on each battery to control its operation.
The crane helps to carry out quick installation and maintenance of the radiator, change its temperature and carry out other manipulations, spending much less time on them. This is an irreplaceable detail, without which a full-fledged operation of a modern radiator battery is impossible.