Comparison of a hydrogen heating boiler with other devices

Against the background of the constantly growing cost of utilities, an increasing number of citizens are paying attention to alternative energy. This is also facilitated by interruptions in the supply of services, which are increasingly occurring due to wear and tear of communication lines. Hydrogen heating is one of the analogues of traditional gas, electricity and solid fuels. This is one of the most promising areas for not depending on utilities. The market is gradually being saturated with factory-made devices, but if you have the skills to handle household tools, you can design and assemble a hydrogen generator for heating with your own hands.

The principle of operation of a hydrogen boiler

A hydrogen boiler needs electricity to run

The hydrogen heating boiler works on the principle of heating the liquid in the heat exchanger with the fire of the fuel burning in the chamber. The source of energy is pure H2. Gas has a high heat transfer, which is 3 times higher than that of propane. The only difficulty in obtaining it is the high activity of the element, which is why it binds to other substances. Separation is required, which requires electricity.

The general scheme of the hydrogen heating system is as follows:

  1. Gas production. Distilled water is used as raw material. It is poured into the tank where the electrodes are placed. Under the influence of the current, water molecules decompose into oxygen and hydrogen.
  2. Allocation of H2. The mixture is passed through a chemical separator that separates hydrogen and directs it to the burner, where it is ignited and burned. A valve installed on the pipeline prevents the gas from flowing in the opposite direction. The combustion level is regulated by opening or blocking special channels through which hydrogen is supplied.
  3. A catalyst is supplied to the burner, which reduces the flame temperature from 2000 degrees to a safe 600 degrees, which makes it possible to use budget metals for the manufacture of the chamber. The steam formed during the combustion process enters the water tank through the coil, where it condenses and replenishes the consumed liquid.
  4. The oxygen released during electrolysis is discharged into a separate chamber, where it mixes with air and enters the room through a valve.

Provided that there is an electric generator in case of loss of light, the system can be considered autonomous, since the reserves of water in nature are unlimited.

Advantages and disadvantages

One of the advantages is the absence of toxic substances during fuel combustion

Like any heating equipment, a hydrogen boiler has its pros and cons.

Advantages of devices:

  • absence of toxic emissions during fuel combustion;
  • almost free fuel - clean water has a symbolic value;
  • high efficiency, reaching 0.96;
  • saving minerals through the use of renewable energy sources;
  • low cost - hydrogen heating at home consumes a small amount of electricity, which can be obtained from solar panels, a battery or a generator, in the absence of an industrial network.

Has home heating with hydrogen and its disadvantages:

  • high cost of equipment;
  • the need for regular maintenance and replacement of consumables (electrodes, communications);
  • dependence on constant replenishment of the catalyst;
  • shortage of hydrogen cylinders for direct connection devices;
  • a small selection of boilers in the retail network;
  • difficulty in finding qualified specialists for installation and maintenance of equipment.

The technology in this industry is rapidly evolving. Hydrogen heating is getting better, more economical and safer. You can also heat a house with pure hydrogen, since it is much more economical than propane.

Hydrogen plant equipment set

Equipment set

A hydrogen generator for heating a private house is distinguished by the simplicity and thoughtfulness of the device.

The equipment consists of the following parts and mechanisms:

  • Boiler. Made of heat-resistant steel. Serves to place parts and protect them from external influences.
  • Eletrolyzer. It is a sealed plastic tank with electrodes. Serves for the decomposition of water into hydrogen and oxygen molecules.
  • Burner valve. It is arranged in such a way that only H2 in its pure form passes through it. The released steam and oxygen enter another, harder valve.
  • Burner. The product is in the combustion chamber, ignited automatically or manually. Serves to give the gas jet an optimal configuration.
  • Pipeline. Trim from pipes supplying coolant to radiators and a storage tank. Today, reinforced plastic pipes with a diameter of 25 mm and 32 mm are used.

Modern equipment is equipped with a control unit for setting the parameters of its operation.

Selection criteria for a hydrogen boiler

When choosing a device for heating a house with hydrogen, you should focus on the following criteria:

  • power;
  • dimensions;
  • weight;
  • volume of consumed water;
  • number of contours;
  • consumed electricity;
  • fuel (from cylinders or water by electrolysis).

It is recommended to purchase products equipped with safety blocks that minimize the risk of breakage and explosion.

Operating tips

There must be no flammable liquids near the boiler

Considering that hydrogen is extremely explosive, handling the boiler requires increased safety measures.

When operating heating equipment, the following recommendations must be observed:

  • do not use open fire near the boiler;
  • install the boiler away from heating devices;
  • set the power correctly in order to prevent overheating of the device;
  • timely clean the water tank and change the electrodes.

It is advisable to equip the equipment with flame detectors, water temperature detectors and a standardized cooling device. This will make the boiler work absolutely safe.

DIY hydrogen boiler creation

Homemade generator

The beginning of work is drawing up a drawing, on the basis of which the calculation of materials and the need for tools is carried out.

A do-it-yourself hydrogen boiler is made in the following sequence:

  1. Creation of a housing with stops for installing heater parts.
  2. Electrolyzer manufacturing. Installation and connection of electrodes to the wires.
  3. Burner installation. Better to use a factory-made part.
  4. Securing the catalyst container.
  5. Laying of communications, installation of valves for the separation of a mixture of gases.

It is better to perform a test run of the boiler before connecting it to the piping, in order to leave an opportunity to eliminate the shortcomings.


Today, the most popular among consumers are products from such manufacturers:

  • H2ydroGEM;
  • MegaTank100;
  • STAR-2000;
  • H2-2;
  • Free Energy.

The cost of products varies between 20-100 thousand rubles, depending on the capacity and other characteristics. The goods should be purchased only in specialized outlets after checking the quality certificate.
Add a comment

  1. Anatoly

    The bullshit is full! Any competent engineer knows that the energy received is less than the cost of electrolysis decomposition of water.Even if the efficiency is 100%, that is, the cost of electricity is equal to the energy obtained by burning the produced hydrogen, then, in fact, you heat your facility with electricity. And heating el. energy - not optimal, much more expensive than gas. Why write nonsense? Well, they will buy from you a certain amount of these wonderful electrolyzers, they will swindle, having figured it out ... Is this a business?

  2. Novel

    Commendable. that hydrogen combustion devices are at least penetrating the heating appliance market and regaining their niche there. It is a pity that the device does not use a progressive method of producing fuel hydrogen - a multiplied Meyer cell or other low-cost types of water electrolysis.

  3. Maxim

    Everything is correct. It is easier to install an electric boiler, and it will cost less and less worries than a hydrogen boiler.

  4. Vladimir

    Nobody has yet canceled the law of conservation of energy. With the combustion of H2 and O2, you will get as much energy as you later spend on obtaining them, into how many stages you would not break this production + efficiency. Otherwise, the VD would have been working for a long time. And yours is like a joke: vodka was stolen, sold, and the money was spent on drink.

  5. Evgeny

    Well, not if he generates gas at night (at night the tariff is cheaper) and burns during the day?

  6. The answer to the clowns

    People who do not understand any heresy write. The boiler was purchased from Sweden, it has been working for more than 10 years, the only and very dangerous leak has clapped 3 times but added 4 more sensors for leakage and for the last 3 years without problems to our house 450 sq m bathhouse 110 sq m and in winter time a greenhouse about 50 m per month 150 180 to wat and after an electric boiler, we can say that it is free and coal dust does not really want to breathe. I also forgot 3.5 kW solar panels on the roof, but they are not suitable for generating hydrogen, not a stable voltage. We bought exactly hydrogen because I worked for 16 years at a plant where furnaces run on hydrogen and I know the whole process because I myself was personally involved in the maintenance



