Expanded polystyrene is a popular insulating material used to insulate the internal and external surfaces of residential, technical, and industrial structures. However, reviews about him are not always positive. It is necessary to figure out what harm to polystyrene foam is possible for a person, and whether it is worth using it to insulate a home.
Styrene in polystyrene
The composition of the foam contains fire retardants (increase the resistance of the material to fire), plasticizers (with their help, the product becomes monolithic, resistant to deformation). Fillers give the polystyrene foam the required level of elasticity, resistance to moisture. Their number and composition depends on the purpose of the material. The extruded version of the product has more positive qualities than other types.
The main substance in the composition of the foam is styrene. It is he who is considered hazardous to health. The maximum concentration of this component in the product is 0.05%. However, manufacturers do not always comply with this standard and significantly exceed it.
Styrene is a toxic substance used in the production of polymers. With a direct impact on the human body, it causes blood diseases, functional disorders of the central and autonomic nervous system. But for such consequences a high concentration of the substance is required, although it is capable of accumulating in the body, into which it penetrates by inhalation.
Negative characteristics of polystyrene
The harm of expanded polystyrene to health is obvious, but with proper use of the material, it is minimized. This insulation has other negative characteristics.
Low vapor permeability
The ability to pass steam for insulating materials is an important quality, but polystyrene sheets practically do not have it. Zero vapor permeability of the extruded material. It has a dense structure and a smooth surface. This leads to poor air exchange, mold and mildew on the walls. In this case, the risk of developing pathologies of the respiratory system, migraines, indigestion or dysfunction of internal organs increases.
Styrofoam, although slowly, absorbs moisture, so it is better not to use it to insulate damp rooms. When immersed in water, the leaf will absorb up to 4% of it. Over time, unprotected material begins to lose its properties.
High degree of flammability
Despite the fact that the material contains flame retardants, the risk of its ignition is high. After ignition, the foam practically does not fade, therefore it contributes to the further spread of fire. In terms of flammability, this product is considered the most dangerous and has a G3-G4 category.
The harm of polystyrene to humans also lies in the fact that when it burns, it is capable of releasing toxic substances. In this case, the flame is difficult to localize. In addition, the product melts, so you should not be near it in a dangerous situation. Hot drops of polystyrene, falling on other products, promote the spread of fire.For this reason, the material is rarely used in the manufacture of ventilated facades. However, when used under a concrete screed, the risk of ignition is reduced.
Other disadvantages of expanded polystyrene
This material is not always chemically inert. It deteriorates under the influence of turpentine with acetone, some paints and varnishes, drying oil. These substances dissolve polystyrene foam. The product quickly loses its properties under the influence of direct sunlight: it becomes less elastic and durable. Other disadvantages are:
- inability to protect the structure from external noise, as well as air waves;
- susceptibility to damage by rodents.
Expanded polystyrene is capable of breaking under the influence of mechanical stress.
The influence of polystyrene on the environment and human health
With proper installation, as well as with reliable protection from the influence of external negative factors, the molecular structure of the material does not change. Under normal conditions, the health hazard of expanded polystyrene is minimal.
The material is safe when used in the temperature range from -40 to +40 degrees. If it ignites, the person experiences the following health problems:
- irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, respiratory tract;
- dizziness and cough;
- fatal lung damage with high styrene concentration;
- the development of oncological pathologies;
- violation of the functionality of the liver and kidneys, the nervous system.
To reduce the health harm of expanded polystyrene, you should not use it for roof insulation. If the roof is metal, it gets very hot under the influence of sunlight. In this case, there is a risk of styrene release to the surrounding area.
If you use the product in a room with high humidity, after a while a fungus will grow in the walls. It destroys the foundation and negatively affects human health. A small child will be the first to react.
When choosing expanded polystyrene, environmental friendliness is the second issue that has been discussed for several years. Many experts say this material is harmful to the environment. The main danger lies in the following properties of the product:
- Poor moisture absorption. Since the disposal of used material is not always carried out according to the rules, a huge number of floating plastic “islands” can be found in the world's oceans.
- No oxidation. As a result, there are practically no decay processes in the insulation. Studies have shown that with the correct use of the product, it does not lend itself to destruction for at least 60 years. This is of great importance for the ecology, since the material accumulates in landfills and pollutes the environment.
- Resistant to most solvents. This material can lie in a landfill for decades. Resistance to biodegradation causes litter fields to grow, polluting the land.
Collecting and recycling material is expensive and difficult. The cost of producing polystyrene from insulation is high. It is cheaper to get it from raw materials. It is possible to reduce the negative impact of the product on nature by using it in the production of building blocks.
Rules for the safe use of polystyrene
When using expanded polystyrene, harm to health in an apartment can be reduced or eliminated altogether if the conditions for its installation and operation are observed:
- it is forbidden to use the material for insulating internal surfaces, especially in rooms with a high level of humidity;
- you should not use it when insulating metal or other types of roofs (it is possible when organizing ventilation);
- it is allowed to mount the material in places where there are no open sources of fire or the risk of ignition of the product is completely absent;
- do not use damaged sheets.
Despite the fact that expanded polystyrene is susceptible to inflammation and is capable of emitting toxic substances into the environment, it continues to be a popular material that retains heat in rooms. It can be used to insulate not only residential premises, but also industrial buildings and offices.
The main rule for the safe operation of the material is protection from the influence of external negative factors: wind, water, direct sunlight, some solvents. In this case, it will serve for a long time and will not cause harm.