How to choose the optimal distribution of heating pipes? First of all, you should analyze the operational characteristics of the system and the features of its functioning. In some cases, the best option would be heating with top distribution and filling: systems and circuits for it should be selected with great care.
Features of the upper heating distribution
What is such a highway scheme? A typical top filling of a heating system differs from a bottom one in the location of the supply pipe. It is located under the ceiling of the room or in the attic (for a one-story house).
Its application can be relevant in several cases. First of all - problems with the installation of the lower horizontal pipes. This is due to the impossibility of laying the highway. Another option, when a two-pipe heating system with top wiring will be optimal, is the installation of a gravitational circuit. In this case, the water pressure from the supply riser will be evenly distributed over the connected heating radiators.
Experts highlight the following advantages of a heating system with top wiring:
- Minimal heat loss... The temperature is always higher in the upper part of the room than in the lower one. Therefore, the heat transfer from the surface of the pipes will be compensated by the increased heating of the air. As a result, most of the heat energy will go to the radiators;
- Simplified installation... It is noteworthy that the one-pipe vertical heating system with top wiring can be installed directly under the ceiling or in the attic. But at the same time, you need to take into account the location of the furniture - it is undesirable for it to close the supply pipes;
- Improved system hydrodynamic performance... A properly designed top-pour heating system has a minimum of branching and cornering.
However, you need to know the disadvantages of such a scheme. The piping will require more material than a bottom piping system. As a result, the total volume of the coolant increases, it will be necessary to install a boiler with increased power characteristics.
For a one-pipe vertical heating system with top piping installed, the main problem may be the appearance of air pockets. Therefore, Mayevsky taps must be installed on each radiator.
One-pipe heating system with top piping
In what cases is it relevant to install a two-pipe vertical heating system with top wiring? Most often, this scheme is applicable for small houses up to 100 m². Consider an example of organization for the most common system with natural circulation of the coolant.
Depending on the method of connecting the radiators, the heating scheme with the upper filling of natural circulation is divided into two types - with a passing and counter movement of the coolant.
Counter scheme
It is characterized by a series connection of radiators and a different direction of water flow in the main and return pipes. In this case, the heating system is one-pipe with top wiring, the scheme of which has a number of features, differs in the following parameters:
- Inability to adjust the degree of heating in each radiator;
- The dependence of heating the coolant on the length of the line. The further the radiator is installed from the boiler, the lower the temperature of the water entering it. To normalize the temperature regime in all rooms, batteries with a different number of sections should be installed;
- Compliance with the angle of inclination of the upper supply line. On average, 1 lm the slope in the direction of fluid movement should be 5-7 mm.
An expansion tank must be provided for the top filling in the heating system. It is located at the highest point and performs several functions. The main one is pressure stabilization when heating water in pipes. If an open-type tank is installed, the coolant can be topped up through it.
It is possible to increase the water pressure with the help of a booster manifold - a vertical pipe installed immediately after the boiler. However, the minimum height of this element must be 3 m, which makes it impossible to install it in apartments.
Concurrent movement of water
In this case, the direction of movement of the hot and frozen coolant is the same. To improve the performance characteristics for the upper and lower heating distribution, experts recommend installing a bypass for each radiator. This is a straight piece of pipe connecting the radiator inlet and outlet. The bypass package includes shut-off valves. A thermostat can be installed as an additional control element. In this case, the battery may not get the entire volume of the coolant. The adjustment is carried out using shut-off valves. For such a single-pipe heating scheme with an upper wiring, the following positive qualities are inherent:
- The ability to carry out repair work without stopping the system. For this, the entire water flow is directed through a bypass;
- The installation of a thermostat together with a three-way valve forms a system for automatic regulation of the degree of heating of the radiator.
However, a heating system with top wiring and installed basses is more expensive than an ordinary flow-through one. This is due to the installation of additional materials and components.
The diameter of the bypass pipe should be 1 size smaller than the main line. In this way, a situation can be avoided when the entire volume of the coolant will flow through the reserve circuit.
Top-piped two-pipe heating system
Installing a two-pipe top-wired heating system minimizes or eliminates many of the above disadvantages. In this case, the radiators are connected in parallel.
For its installation, much more materials are needed, since two parallel lines are installed. A hot coolant flows through one of them, and a cooled one through the other. Why is this top-drawer heating system preferred for private homes? One of the significant advantages is the relatively large area of the room. The two-pipe system can effectively maintain a comfortable temperature level in houses with a total area of up to 400 m².
In addition to this factor, for a heating scheme with top filling, such important performance characteristics are noted:
- Uniform distribution of hot coolant over all installed radiators;
- The ability to install control valves not only on the piping of batteries, but also on separate heating circuits;
- Installation of a water-heated floor system. The hot water distribution manifold is only possible with two-pipe heating.
Installation features differ depending on the type of water circulation - natural or forced. For the first scheme of the upper filling in the heating system, the installation of an expansion tank is provided.It should be located at the highest point of the piping. Most often this is the attic of the house. Therefore, for the heating to work efficiently, it is necessary to insulate, if not the entire attic, then the tank body is mandatory.
The optimum capacity of an open expansion vessel is 5% of the total water volume in the system. Moreover, it should only be 1/3 full.
For the organization of forced top filling in the heating system, it is necessary to install additional units - a circulation pump and a membrane expansion tank. The latter will replace an open expansion tank. But the place of its installation will be different. Diaphragm sealed models are mounted on the return line and always in a straight section.
The advantage of such a scheme is the optional observance of the slope of the pipelines, which is characteristic of the upper and lower distribution of heating with natural circulation. The required head will be generated by a circulation pump.
But does a two-pipe forced heating system with an overhead wiring have any drawbacks? Yes, and one of them is dependence on electricity. During a power outage, the circulation pump stops working. With a large hydrodynamic resistance, the natural circulation of the coolant will be difficult. Therefore, when designing a single-pipe heating system with an upper wiring, all the required calculations must be performed.
You should also take into account the following features of installation and operation:
- When the pump stops, the reverse movement of the coolant is possible. Therefore, in critical areas, it is necessary to install a check valve;
- Excessive heating of the coolant can cause the critical pressure to be exceeded. In addition to the expansion tank, air vents are installed as an additional measure of protection;
- To increase the efficiency of the heating system with an upper pipe distribution, it is necessary to provide for automatic replenishment of the coolant. Even a slight decrease in pressure below normal can lead to a decrease in the heating of the radiators.
Regardless of the chosen scheme of the heating system with top filling, it is necessary to provide for two types of adjusting the degree of water heating - quantitative (using shut-off valves) and qualitative (changing the boiler power). Then the heating operation will be not only efficient, but also safe.
The video will help you to clearly see the difference for different heating schemes: