Independent heating is actively used in private houses and dachas where there is no way to connect to the heating network. When designing an autonomous gas heating, you need to take into account all the technical nuances and needs of residents. A double-circuit boiler running on gas fuel is the main heating element, so you need to decide in advance on its type and characteristics. For the correct choice of the device, you should follow the recommendations of professionals.
Criterias of choice
Owners of apartments and small private houses often choose double-circuit boilers. This is due to the desire to get several engineering and technical solutions at once in one device. Thanks to such models, a heating system and hot water appear in the house.
In order to choose the right installation for an autonomous heating system, you should find out all the requirements in advance:
- the area of the house or apartment where the boiler will be installed;
- climatic conditions in which the device will be used;
- heating season period;
- the minimum required number of cycles of switching on and off the device;
- the number of inhabitants of the house;
- the level of household comfort (insulation, heating intensity).
It is better to purchase a highly rated product from a popular manufacturer.
Technical conditions
When choosing a boiler, first of all, you need to pay attention to its compatibility with the water supply system. Malfunctions can cause damage to heaters.
The main area of application of double-circuit boilers is heating of small areas in which hot water supply is not associated with a long length of pipelines. The number of permanent residents of the house is also taken into account. If it is necessary to operate several hot water taps, there may be a lack of volume.
Description of a double-circuit gas boiler
A double-circuit gas boiler is a small boiler room that has the necessary functions for domestic use. Due to the presence of automation, the devices are safe. There are different types of boilers, which differ in the way they are installed.
Wall-mounted models are practical, inexpensive and convenient, so they are more common than other types. They are often installed in city apartments. Wall-hung boilers are lightweight due to the use of light stainless steel and bimetallic materials. Water heating is instantaneous, therefore no storage tank is needed. One or two pumps create pressure. Sensors, automation system and other elements have minimal dimensions, therefore the boiler itself is compact and diminutive.
Floor standing units weigh more and are more powerful. They include a storage tank. The construction uses cast iron and steel. The model is installed in a special place or in a separate room with a solid floor. The room where the boiler is located must have an exhaust hood and a chimney system. Suitable for heating large houses.
Products with natural and forced draft are distinguished. The former are cheaper, but they require a chimney to work. Devices with a closed firebox are more expensive and more massive, but they are reliable and practical.
If hot water is used intensively in the house, you can additionally put a storage tank for 50-60 liters.The boiler will ensure that the required temperature is maintained for a long time.
Automation and power
The key technical characteristic by which a double-circuit gas boiler is selected for heating a private house is its capacity. It directly depends on the number of hot water intake points. Also, the required load is influenced by the area of the room and the presence of high-quality thermal insulation. The worse the insulation, the more powerful the boiler will be required.
For a house with an area of 200 square meters, a boiler with a capacity of 24 kW is enough. But if the house has two bathrooms, this capacity will not be enough for an optimal water supply. In this case, it is recommended to take a model with at least 40 kW.
Of the entire boiler load, about a third is spent on heating, this is about 10 kW. All other power is required to heat the water.
When the required amount of power has been calculated, 10-20% of the margin must be added to the obtained value. Part of the energy is spent on heat loss, so they need to be taken into account. To reduce losses, it is important that the house has good thermal insulation.
Heat exchanger selection
Modern double-circuit boilers are manufactured with two types of heat exchangers. These include separate and bithermic devices.
Separate boilers are products with two heat exchangers. The main one plays the role of heating the heating system, the second heats the water. Such devices are more expensive due to the large number of additional functions and elements. The main advantage is that there is no scale from indirect heating. Also, with such a system, the water does not boil.
The wall-mounted double-circuit boiler with a bithermal heat exchanger has double parts. At the same time, the water is heated and the room is heated. Cons - scale formation, deterioration of the permeability of the carrier and water in the pipe. Pros - low cost.
Rating of the best manufacturers
Many popular world companies are engaged in the production of gas-fired boilers. In particular, these are the Russian Neva, Ariston, as well as foreign Viessmann, Vitopend, Bosch and others. All of them offer proven products with appropriate guarantees. Each model must come with instructions for use and installation, clamps and other elements, as well as a passport and warranty card.
Buderus gas boilers are very popular. They are designed for a power of 24 W, which is enough to heat an apartment and a small house. Advantages include long life, small wall mount dimensions and build quality. They are more expensive than analogs.
If you need a powerful floor-standing boiler, you can purchase the Westen Quasar from the Italian company Baxi. Russian boilers Navien de Lux are also distinguished by their good characteristics and price / quality ratio.
You need to buy the device in a professional store. Since boilers are put on for many years, they must meet all the characteristics and not lose them over time. Models of unknown production will last less and may not support all the criteria stated in the documentation.
In order for the heater to work throughout the entire period without difficulties and problems, the operating conditions must be observed. You can find out what requirements for the installation site and the microclimate the device imposes in the passport of the device.