Installing a fireplace in a wooden house requires careful preparation. A competent design of the hearth will make it possible to neutralize all the negative aspects of an open structure in a log house.
Difficulties in using a fireplace in a wooden house
Along with the positive characteristics, wooden cottages have their disadvantages. They make installation difficult.
The disadvantages include:
- High degree of wood flammability. The use of flame retardants increases safety, but the likelihood of fire is not excluded.
- Deformation of log cabins caused by shrinkage of the material within a year after the end of construction. As a rule, indoor and outdoor humidity act as provoking factors.
There are also disadvantages to the fireplaces themselves:
- Low level of efficiency. Classic designs have an indicator of 20%.
- Functioning in exhaust mode. To prevent this effect, the chimney is tightly closed. During operation, the thrust increases so much that, in addition to combustion products, a large volume of heated air is discharged outside the room. If the inflow of a fresh stream is not ensured, a rarefaction threat arises: smoke begins to be drawn into the room.
When installing a fireplace in a house from a bar, all negative aspects are taken into account. The configuration of the heating system must be well thought out. Under this condition, it will have a high degree of efficiency.
Installation requirements and types of fireplaces
With a high risk of fire in wooden buildings, special technical requirements are imposed on the installation of fireplaces and stoves. The condition does not restrict the choice of hearth models. Each stage of installation is checked against the rules of PB and SNiP.
When installing fireplaces, the distance between the hearth and the wall increases. It also takes into account the insulation of the chimney along the entire length, the configuration of the ventilation system and the air conditioning.
It is recommended to install a closed hearth model with a cast iron heat exchanger. The room becomes protected from an accidentally dropped spark. The panoramic design gives the heater an attractive appearance.
By location
Subject to the rules of insulation of materials prone to fire, it is allowed to place the fireplace at random. The ban on installation in one place or another is associated with the rationality of the use of space.
In a massive building, the fireplace should be installed at a distance of 1 m from the wooden surface. Installation in the passage is prohibited, as the hearth can cause burns. The firebox door should open easily.
Corner models are mounted to save space. They are installed at the junction of the walls, which causes a visual increase in the room.
Built-in models are also installed in wooden buildings. For the purpose of zoning the premises, a brick wall with a niche for the hearth is being built. Its thickness is identical to the dimensions of the firebox. There is a chimney inside. The walls of the hearth and the wood flooring have no elements in common.
Wall-mounted models require a portal. It is made of different materials depending on the functionality of the hearth. If the fireplace is a decorative structure, the basis of the portal is drywall.If the hearth is used to heat the room, the element is laid out of refractory bricks.
Island or insulated structures have no common boundaries with the walls of the house. The only difficult component during installation is the suspended chimney model. It is difficult to install it, since it requires compliance with safety rules.
By type of fuel
When installing a structure with an open-type firebox, it is prohibited to use some types of fuel. The rule does not apply to modern models, since their doors are hermetically closed.
Classic types of foci are established under the following conditions:
- the pouring of a solid foundation is provided;
- the chimney is carried out in accordance with the norms;
- the installation rules are followed.
The material for such fireplaces is brick. It is designed to burn wood, briquettes or coal.
Electric fireplaces are considered the safest. In wooden rooms, they are used without restrictions, since they use a simulated system instead of a living flame. But do not forget about the operating rules.
Another best option for a room made of wood is a biofireplace. The models of this series do not have a chimney, but the flame in the firebox is real. The role of fuel is alcohol or fuel based on it.
By material of manufacture
Gas pockets are distinguished by a unified design, since they include a small number of constituent elements. This variety is characterized by many restrictions on installation in log cabins.
The basis of solid fuel models is refractory bricks. The firebox is also lined with this material. Laying is done by ordering. The method assumes a strict algorithm for the formation of each segment. The chimney must also have a brick base to ensure safety.
Fireplaces based on metal or cast iron are built into a special niche. Portals are made of brick, plasterboard, stone and wood. The hearth base does not affect the choice of the chimney material. If it is made of metal, the firebox is decorated with a frame.
Fireplace installation steps
Installation of devices requires compliance with technical rules and the sequence of work. This ensures the safety of using the fireplace. First of all, a plan is developed:
- foundation preparation;
- installation of a cast iron firebox;
- chimney installation;
- fastening the portal;
- front facing.
If the manufacturer has not carried out the lining, installation begins with it. This element is not required for a cast iron fireplace, but it can extend the life of the product. The basis of lining for steel products is fireclay bricks.
Foundation preparation involves digging a hole that is 15 cm wider and 60 cm deeper than the intended foundation. 20 cm of crushed stone is poured into the pit, which is poured with concrete. The foundation must be able to support the load of the fireplace. Therefore, the calculation of the depth is extremely important.
Fireplace masonry
Before installing the hearth, a mixture based on water and clay is prepared, through which bricks and blocks will be held together. Kneading is carried out 3 days before the start of work. Bricks should be even and smooth. Their color is also important.
When laying the first row, cement is used. Further, clay, sand and water are applied. The brick sinks into the water: it must release the air from itself.
When laying the stove, symmetry is important: the fireplace walls should not slide in different directions. Cement is used at the point where the pipe and roof meet. The opening of the pipe at the outlet is insulated by means of iron blanks. The walls are wiped from excess solution. The floor around the hearth is covered with tiles or metal sheets.
Chimney installation
In a wooden house, it is important to comply with the standard distance between the chimney and the combustible material. The connector from the beam to the brick pipe should be 13 cm. Basalt wool is laid between them. For ceramic pipes, the distance indicator increases to 25 cm. The latter model is considered improved, since it is distinguished by its low weight and ease of installation.