Choosing the best mineral wool for insulating a stream in a private house

Mineral wool is popular as a heater due to its low cost, ease of use and durability. It is important to choose the right type of material and install the mineral wool on the ceiling. Otherwise, during the first months of operation, it will lose up to 40 percent of its thermal insulation qualities.

Pros and cons of mineral wool for ceiling insulation

The advantages of mineral wool include durability and ease of installation.

Minvata is considered the most environmentally friendly heat insulator. It differs from polystyrene in that it does not emit harmful substances even when heated. In addition, she has other advantages:

  • does not rot;
  • vapor permeable;
  • not afraid of mechanical stress;
  • not subject to damage by rodents and insects;
  • keeps warm well;
  • has soundproofing properties;
  • easy to install;
  • durable;
  • is relatively inexpensive.

An important plus is that cotton wool is fireproof, it does not support combustion and does not create smoke.

The main disadvantage is the absolute lack of moisture resistance. Upon contact with liquid, it quickly gets wet and deformed, loses its useful qualities.

How to choose mineral wool

The most commonly used universal stone mineral wool for ceiling insulation. But glass wool is sometimes chosen for thermal insulation of wooden houses. The disadvantage is that if the material is not carefully insulated, sharp particles can enter the skin and the respiratory tract, leading to irritation. There is also slag wool, but it is rarely used and exclusively for production facilities.


Mineral wool density table

To choose mineral wool for ceiling insulation, it is necessary to take into account its brand, depending on the density. This is indicated in the labeling in a numerical value in kg per cubic meter. m:

  • P-75. It is used for thermal protection of horizontal surfaces that do not experience serious loads, for insulation of oil, gas and heating pipelines.
  • P-125. It is used for thermal insulation of bulkheads, ceilings, floors and walls inside the premises, as well as for protection from extraneous sounds.
  • PZh-175. Dense material, which has a fairly high rigidity, is used as insulation for ceilings and walls, which are made of metal profiled sheets or reinforced concrete.
  • PPZh-200. Also has increased rigidity. The difference is that the PPZh-200 is the most fireproof.

Mineral wool for ceiling insulation is available in two types: in rolls and mats. There is no fundamental difference. But if you have a mansard roof ceiling, it is better to use mats for fastening convenience.

You need to pay attention to the storage location, which should be indicated on the package. Do not purchase wet or damp building materials.


Table for calculating the average thickness of the insulation layer for different cities of Russia

The thickness of mineral wool varies from 2 to 20 cm. The main thing to decide on is the number of layers of insulation and the climate of the area. You can calculate the required amount of mineral wool based on SNiP 23-02-2003. In a warm region, a layer of 10 cm will suffice. In a cold settlement, this parameter will need to be increased by 1.5–2 times.

It is also necessary to take into account the material that was used for the construction of the building. In the presence of concrete floors, it is better not to use mineral wool less than 10 cm thick.

The thickness of the insulation installed on a flat horizontal roof can be significantly less than for a pitched roof. For buildings with a heated attic, an 8 cm layer is sufficient.

Tools and materials

Waterproofing film

For installation work, in addition to the insulation itself, you will need:

  • waterproofing and vapor barrier film;
  • plastic dowels-umbrellas;
  • profile and suspensions for it;
  • wooden lath;
  • self-tapping screws.

From the tools you will need a sharp knife, metal scissors or a jigsaw, a stapler.

When working with mineral wool, you need to use personal protective equipment - glasses, clothing, a respirator and gloves.

Ceiling preparation

Reinforced vapor barrier

Mineral insulation can be laid not only on a flat, but also on a non-standard surface. But before insulating the roof, it is necessary to calculate the amount of cotton wool and other materials, prepare tools and personal protective equipment.

Roll-up vapor protection and waterproofing from the roof side are sutured at the very beginning. It protects the cotton layers from the negative effects of moisture and steam.

Unpack the cotton wool just before installation. After finishing the work, the room is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, and after that they take a warm shower.

DIY styling technology

Correct and incorrect laying of insulation

Overlappings between floors and attic are made of load-bearing beams or reinforced concrete slabs. In the first version, the insulation is usually placed in the space between the floor beams or on the created lathing, and in the second - on the surface of the slabs.

The interbeam installation method is used if the thickness of the plates or roll layer of material is comparable to the size of the beams themselves. If it is impossible to fulfill this condition, combined thermal insulation is carried out.

The technology of laying in the inter-rafter space involves performing installation operations in the following order:

  1. Using a level, determine where the bottom rafters are located. If deviations are detected, increase the "grooves".
  2. After the alignment has been carried out, cut the roll or slab insulation using a knife or hacksaw into blanks of the required size, taking into account the distance between the beams, and place them in the niches. The width of the cut tiles should be approximately 2–3 cm greater than the inter-rafter distance. If the heat-insulating material is installed in several layers, the blanks of the second and subsequent layers are placed with an offset of the joints.
  3. Fix the laid tiles from below with a lathing crate and close the heat insulator layer with a vapor barrier, securing it with a stapler.
A little free space is left between the roof and the waterproofing layer - about 2-3 centimeters

Next, the surface is sheathed with plasterboard or plywood. Completing the work with decorative trim.

Insulation of the ceiling above the rafters in a private house with your own hands with mineral wool:

  1. On the upper cut of the rafters, mount a sheathing of thin strips, on which then lay the blanks of mineral insulation.
  2. On the lower cut, fill another crate from the same battens onto which fix the vapor barrier film with a stapler.
  3. Lay and secure a layer of waterproofing material on top, and then sheathe with drywall or plywood.

In a similar way, mineral wool is attached to reinforced concrete slabs. This is how they create protection from the cold not only in private houses, but also in other buildings.

The use of mineral wool makes it possible to insulate the attic ceiling and to carry out high-quality thermal insulation of the bath.

Insulation cost

When making an estimate, in addition to the prices for mineral wool and installation work, you need to take into account the cost of steam and waterproofing - about 40 rubles per "square", and payment for the installation of a frame base - about 100 rubles per square meter. m. if you have your own material. If it is not there, the cost will rise to 170 rubles.

Installation of mineral wool 10 cm thick on average costs 100 rubles per "square".If the insulation is thicker, the price will increase by 1.5–2 times, since it is more difficult to install it.

But all these expenses will subsequently pay off on heating. If you insulate the ceiling with mineral wool, heat loss can be minimized even in cold regions.
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