Choosing a temperature mode for heating: a description of the main parameters and examples of calculation

Each heating system has certain characteristics. These include power, heat transfer and operating temperature. They determine the efficiency of work, directly affecting the comfort of living in the house. How to choose the right temperature schedule and heating mode, its calculation?

Drawing up a temperature schedule

Room temperature distribution
Room temperature distribution

The temperature schedule of the heating system is calculated according to several parameters. The selected mode determines not only the degree of heating of the premises, but also the flow rate of the coolant. This also affects the running costs of heating maintenance.

The compiled graph of the temperature regime of heating depends on several parameters. The main one is the level of water heating in the mains. It, in turn, consists of the following characteristics:

  • Supply and return temperature. Measurements are carried out in the corresponding boiler nozzles;
  • Characteristics of the degree of heating of air indoors and outdoors.

Correct calculation of the heating temperature graph begins with calculating the difference between the temperature of hot water in the direct and inlet nozzles. This value has the following designation:

∆T = Tin-Tob

Where Tin - the temperature of the water in the supply line,Tob - the degree of water heating in the return pipe.

To increase the heat transfer of the heating system, it is necessary to increase the first value. To reduce the flow rate of the heating medium, ∆t must be minimal. This is precisely the main difficulty, since the temperature schedule of the boiler heating directly depends on external factors - heat losses in the building, air outside.

To optimize the heating power, it is necessary to insulate the outer walls of the house. This will reduce heat losses and energy consumption.

Calculation of temperature conditions

Uneven heat distribution in the radiator
Uneven heat distribution in the radiator

To determine the optimal temperature regime, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of heating components - radiators and batteries. In particular, the specific power (W / cm²). This will directly affect the heat transfer of heated water to the air in the room.

It is also necessary to make a number of preliminary calculations. This takes into account the characteristics of the house and heating devices:

  • Heat transfer resistance coefficient of external walls and window structures. It should be at least 3.35 m² * C / W. Depends on the climatic characteristics of the region;
  • Surface power of radiators.

The temperature graph of the heating system is directly dependent on these parameters. To calculate the heat loss of a house, you need to know the thickness of the outer walls and the material of the building. The calculation of the surface power of the batteries is carried out according to the following formula:

Ore = P / Fact

Where R - maximum power, W,Fact - radiator area, cm².

Dependence of heat output on outdoor temperature
Dependence of heat output on outdoor temperature

According to the data obtained, a temperature regime for heating and a heat transfer schedule are compiled depending on the temperature outside.

To change the heating parameters in a timely manner, a heating temperature controller is installed. This device connects to outdoor and indoor thermometers. Depending on the current indicators, the operation of the boiler or the volume of the coolant inflow into the radiators is adjusted.

The weekly programmer is the optimal temperature controller for heating.With its help, you can automate the work of the entire system as much as possible.

District heating

For district heating, the temperature of the heating system depends on the characteristics of the system. Currently, there are several types of parameters of the coolant supplied to consumers:

  • 150 ° C / 70 ° C... To normalize the temperature of the water with the help of the elevator unit, it is mixed with the cooled flow. In this case, you can draw up an individual temperature schedule for a heating boiler room for a specific house;
  • 90 ° C / 70 ° C... Typical for small private heating systems designed for heating several apartment buildings. In this case, it is possible not to install the mixing unit.
Heating temperature schedule
Heating temperature schedule

It is the responsibility of utilities to calculate the temperature heating schedule and control its parameters. At the same time, the degree of air heating in residential premises should be at the level of + 22 ° С. For non-residential, this figure is slightly lower - + 16 ° С.

For a centralized system, drawing up the correct temperature schedule for boiler heating is required to ensure the optimal comfortable temperature in the apartments. The main problem is the lack of feedback - it is impossible to adjust the parameters of the coolant depending on the degree of air heating in each apartment. That is why the temperature schedule of the heating system is drawn up.

A copy of the heating schedule can be requested from the Management Company. With its help, you can control the quality of the services provided.

Heating system


It is often not necessary to make similar calculations for autonomous heating systems in a private house. If the circuit provides room and outdoor temperature sensors, information about them will be sent to the boiler control unit.

Therefore, in order to reduce the consumption of energy carriers, the low-temperature mode of heating is most often chosen. It is characterized by a relatively low heating of water (up to + 70 ° C) and a high degree of its circulation. This is necessary to evenly distribute heat across all heating devices.

To implement such a temperature regime of the heating system, the following conditions must be met:

  • Minimal heat loss in the house. However, at the same time, one should not forget about the normal air exchange - the arrangement of ventilation is mandatory;
  • High thermal efficiency of radiators;
  • Installation of automatic temperature controllers in heating.

If there is a need to perform a correct calculation of the system operation, it is recommended to use special software systems. For self-calculation, there are too many factors to consider. But with their help, you can draw up approximate temperature graphs of heating modes.

However, it should be borne in mind that the exact calculation of the temperature schedule for heat supply is done for each system individually. The tables show the recommended values ​​for the degree of heating of the coolant in the supply and return pipes, depending on the outside temperature. The calculations did not take into account the characteristics of the building, the climatic features of the region. Even so, they can be used as a basis for creating a heating system temperature schedule.

The maximum system load should not affect the quality of the boiler. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase it with a power reserve of 15-20%.

Tips for optimizing heating performance

Even the most accurate temperature schedule of boiler heating will have deviations in the calculated and actual data during operation. This is due to the peculiarities of the system operation. What factors can affect the current temperature regime of heat supply?

  • Contamination of pipelines and radiators.To avoid this, periodic cleaning of the heating system should be carried out;
  • Incorrect operation of control and shut-off valves. It is imperative to check the performance of all components;
  • Violation of the boiler operation mode - sharp temperature jumps as a result - pressure.

Maintaining the optimal temperature regime of the system is possible only with the right choice of its components. For this, their operational and technical properties should be taken into account.

The battery heating can be adjusted using a thermostat, the principle of which can be found in the video:
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