Height and width of various types of heating batteries

The appropriate dimensions of heating radiators are primarily determined not by their appearance, but by the effect of dimensions on heat transfer. Also, these parameters and the location of the heating elements in the space of the room determine how evenly the heat will be distributed.

Requirements for the selection of radiators

Before buying, you need to make all the calculations, then select the size of the radiator

When choosing the dimensions of the radiators for placement under the window, it is supposed to start from the values ​​of the width of the window opening and the estimated distance of the edges of the elements to the window sill and the floor surface. Before going to the store, you should make all the necessary measurements and focus on them when considering options. The standard opening width is 110-120 cm. The size of the purchased battery must be at least 70-75% of this value. If we are talking about a sectional device made of aluminum, a radiator of 10-12 elements is required (the width of one is usually about 8 cm).

When choosing the size of radiators, the height of the window sill must be taken into account. There should be a distance of 6-12 cm between it and the upper edge of the radiator elements. The height of installation of heating devices above the floor should be at least 8 cm. In this case, a heat transfer is achieved that is as close as possible to that declared by the manufacturer.

Also in the private sector, the volume of the liquid placed in the section is of great importance. If this parameter does not play a role in apartment buildings whose residents use centralized heating, then when using your own system, it is needed to calculate the volume when you need to find out the efficiency of a pump or boiler.

The most important indicator when choosing heating equipment is heat output. It is far from always advisable to choose high-power options. In dwellings with high-quality thermal insulation, a model with an average value of this parameter is sufficient.

Since the surface area of ​​the radiator affects the uniformity of heat transfer, it is better to choose more sections with medium power than less with high power. This will ensure that there are no cold zones and condensation settling on the window glass.


The main selection parameters are the width and height of the radiator

The documentation regarding the dimensions of heating radiators often refers to the center-to-center distance. This parameter denotes the length of the gap from the center point of one connection hole to the same place in another. Sometimes this value is called the center-to-center or nipple distance. If the pipelines supplying the radiator are in working condition and it is not planned to change them, the purchased new heater must have the same center-to-center ratio as the old one so that no changes to the piping have to be made. Sometimes the names of models, both Russian and foreign, contain three-digit numbers. They indicate this parameter in millimeters (for example, Modern 500).

Linear dimensions include:

  • mounting height of the radiator - it must be selected so as to provide the required distances to the window sill and floor;
  • depth;
  • width - for models with a sectional design, like the previous parameter, it also refers to the dimensions of the elements, but if the depth of the radiator and its individual sections are the same, to calculate the total width, you need to multiply the indicator of the individual unit by their number and add about 1-2 cm, falling on the sealing gaskets.

Knowing the linear parameters of the radiator, you can purchase a protective screen for it. When installing floor-mounted flat options, dimensions are important for the selection of suitable components of the heating system.

Radiator standard heights

When replacing cast-iron batteries, take into account the height of the inlet above the floor level

When the height of a typical radiator is considered, a center-to-center indicator of 50 cm is meant. Such models can be recognized by the number 500 in the name. They are taken as a reference point, because Soviet accordion radiators made of cast iron possessed such a height value. Thick-walled products made from this material are very durable - in many houses they successfully perform their functions to this day. To avoid reworking the existing system, consumers try to find batteries with identical significant dimensions. Models suitable for center-to-center distance are produced from different materials.

Cast iron

Cast iron models on the market are available in a wide range of parameters. An accordion of 50 cm is recognized by the letters MC and a two- or three-digit number, which denotes here not the center-to-center length, but the depth of the product. It varies from 85 to 140 mm. The width varies from one model to another and takes on different values ​​for the manufacturers of the same model: for example, the MC-140 is produced in 108 and 93 mm versions.

In addition to the accordion, inter-axial 50 cm are also found in other products, for example, a sectional structure. Some of them are equipped with legs. There are models for which the depth is not indicated due to the shape extended downward.


The thinnest radiators, 5 cm deep, are manufactured by Thermal

The dimensions of aluminum radiators are more standardized. Here you can indicate the average values. If we are talking about the dimensions of aluminum heating radiators with an inter-axis parameter of 50 cm, the typical section height will vary in the range of 57-58.5 cm. The width is usually 8 cm. The depth is more variable - there are flattened options (for example, the domestic "Thermal" with indicator of 5.2 cm), but for the majority it is within the interval from 8 to 10 cm.

Flat models are not found among bimetallic radiators. The linear parameters of these products also do not have great variability in values. The width of one section of the bimetallic radiator is 8-8.7 cm, the height is 56.5-57.5 cm, the depth is 8-9.5 cm. Low bimetal models are a rare case. The minimum height is 20 cm.


Steel products are less often than others produced with an axial parameter corresponding to a standard accordion. However, such products are found on the market even from foreign manufacturers. The Kermi brand has designed a steel model of a panel building specifically to be used as a replacement for old cast iron radiators. The domestic firm "Konrad" also produces batteries for this task - RSV-1. Samples of suitable sizes with a tubular structure are available. But usually, as a key parameter, they indicate the total mounting height based on the connection from below.

Tall and narrow radiators

The tallest batteries with a height of 2 m are produced by Verteo Plan.

Heating units of this type attract consumers by introducing an element of originality into the interior. Although in most cases a high-rise model cannot be placed under a window sill, in itself it looks non-standard and provides room for design decisions. The radiator can be painted, combined with a shelf or cabinet. The main thing is not to place materials near it that emit toxic fumes when heated, and to take a responsible approach to the choice of the coloring composition.

Elongated batteries are practically not produced from some metals. Here we should mention cast iron, models of which do not exceed a meter in height. Even lower are bimetallic goods - here the peak value is approximately 86 cm. Most of the common tall units are made from steel. These can be tubular designs and panel designs. Some of them may have a height of more than 2 meters (for example, Verteo Plan). These models are designed to be connected from the bottom. Panel options have both a flat and profiled surface. Many manufacturers of this type of equipment provide services for the manufacture of radiators on a private order.

Low and flat radiators

Cast iron model with less than 40 cm center distance

Models that have an center-to-center ratio of less than 40 cm are considered to be low. This segment is distinguished by a wide variety of products, since miniature batteries are made from different materials. They are not in such great demand among Russian buyers, since the radiator cannot be substituted for the accordion without making costly modifications to the design of the heating system.

There are no subminiature models among cast iron products. The extreme option is a Bolton radiator with a center-to-center measurement of 220 mm and an installation height of 33 cm. For other small cast iron devices, these parameters are in the region of 300-350 mm and 35-40 cm, respectively.

For devices made of aluminum, the minimum center-to-center value is 200 mm. There are many options of this size on the market. We can recall the firms Global, Sira and the domestic Rifar. The same firms produce low bimetal models (with a height of around 25 cm). Somewhat larger aluminum models (300-400 mm) are found in any manufacturer that produces heating devices. Miniature, but powerful and expensive batteries made of copper or its alloy with aluminum usually have a height of 20-22 cm, but there are instances that go beyond the low category.

Miniature non-flat radiators are made of steel by Purmo. This includes two panel models with a center distance of 15 cm. The same or slightly larger (by 1-3 cm) indicator for a number of tubular products. And yet, for most steel batteries, this value exceeds 25 cm. On the market you can find low, but long structures (up to 2 meters in length).

Lowest aluminum radiators

In some conditions, placing even a miniature radiator indoors is impractical and contrary to safety standards. As an example, we can cite the corridors of escape routes - they are not supposed to install devices that extend beyond the surface of the wall at a height of less than 2 meters. For such cases, as well as to save space in the room, the outlet will be a convector that is built into the floor structure. Such a device can be called the lowest radiator. They are available in a wide range of power ratings. They are used as the only source of heating or in addition to another method. Also, convectors are installed to heat solid glazing.

There are cases when the critical (in terms of minimization) parameter becomes depth, not height. Then it is supposed to consider the segment of flat models. In this case, bimetallic and cast iron samples are not suitable due to their great depth. The Russian version of aluminum is a product of the Zlatoust firm with an indicator of 52 mm. Models are produced for replacing the accordion and low ones with a center distance of 30 cm. They have a high thermal power. Panel batteries 6 cm deep are also suitable.

The choice of a model with suitable dimensions is made taking into account the internal layout and purpose of the room and the configuration of the existing heating system. There are times when it is advisable to choose a radiator with the smallest height or depth.

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