Characteristics of Izovol basalt insulation

Thermal insulation is one of the mandatory stages in the construction of a residential, industrial or technical building. It extends the life of the building. Izovol insulation stands out among the wide variety of materials. It has a different density and shape, but it always performs its functions with high quality.

Features of production technology

The assortment of the Izovol company includes basalt insulation - slabs, rolls, foil mats

Insulation Izovol is made from rock basalt rocks. For production, modern equipment is used that meets the state standard. First, the rock is melted to a liquid state in gas-smelting furnaces, which ensures the high quality of the material obtained.

The fibers are centrifuged and blown, which allows you to achieve the correct shape of the insulation and its uniform density over the entire area. Air layers remain between them, so the appearance of cold bridges is excluded. Mineral wool is soft, hard or semi-hard to the touch. The material production process is fully automated.

Advantages and disadvantages

The popularity of Izovol mineral wool is dictated by a large number of product advantages.

  • Environmental friendliness: the insulation is made from natural raw materials, so it will not harm your health. Even when melted, it does not emit harmful substances into the atmosphere, since it does not contain them.
  • Low level of thermal conductivity, due to which a favorable atmosphere is created in the room both in winter and in summer.
  • Resistance to biological factors: the material is not spoiled by rodents, insects, fungus or mold does not appear on it.
  • Good soundproofing.
  • Ease of installation. Thanks to the good flexibility of the mats, they are easy to use even in hard-to-reach places.
  • Retention of properties and shape even under long-term heavy load.
  • High level of vapor permeability. Condensation will not accumulate on the walls.

If the installation rules are followed, the material will retain its shape for a long time. The service life declared by the manufacturer is more than 50 years. However, the product has disadvantages: high cost, the need to use protective clothing and devices when cutting plates, since its small particles can enter the respiratory tract, on the skin, causing an allergic reaction.


Technical characteristics of insulation Izovol

Insulation for walls Izovol has a good level of sound insulation. It dampens sounds of any frequency. Even loud noise in the room will not be heard, and instead a slight vibration will be felt. This property is ensured by the high density of the material.

Product Specifications:

  • Density: 50-200 kg / cubic meter This quality can be obtained by using sealing additives in the manufacturing process. They are organic in origin. The value of the indicator is influenced by the number of air layers.
  • Melting point: 1200 degrees. The material does not burn or smolder. This quality allows Izovol to be used to isolate saunas, baths, industrial workshops, garages.
  • Moisture absorption: 1% when the leaf is immersed in water for a day. The high density of the product does not allow it to absorb moisture. The sheets push her away.
  • Water vapor permeability: 0.35-0.5 mg / mhPa. Steam can freely migrate inside the insulation boards, so moisture does not accumulate in it or on the walls.The material is allowed to be used for the production of facade sandwiches.
  • Resistant to acids and alkaline substances.
  • Compressive strength: 30-85 kPa. The product is resistant to mechanical damage, vertical loads of a temporary or permanent nature. The material does not deform over time.

Thanks to these characteristics, the insulation has a wide range of applications. However, so that the material does not lose its functions even before installation, it must be transported to its destination in a closed transport, while the height of the stacks should not be more than 2 m.

Density and dimensions

Materials of lower density are used for walls

The market offers materials of various densities, thicknesses and sizes. These parameters directly affect the price of the product. The product is sold in the form of plates or rolls. The density of different types of insulation ranges from 20-200 kg / m3. As for the dimensions of the sheet, the thickness is from 5 to 10 cm, although, if necessary, the manufacturer produces material with other parameters. The standard dimensions of the slabs are 1 * 0.6 m.


When using insulation Izovol, technical characteristics play a key role, as they determine the scope of the material. It is popular in private and industrial construction:

  • insulation of the outer surfaces of the walls of private houses and multi-storey buildings (even under wet plaster);
  • laying on a log floor, or under a concrete screed, if the sheets are characterized by high density;
  • insulation of attics, balconies of loggias from the outside and inside;
  • roof insulation, regardless of its type, structure and roofing material;
  • interior decoration of ceilings, walls;
  • insulation of premises for agricultural or technical purposes, verandas, terraces.

In addition to insulating structures, the product is suitable for insulating ventilation ducts, heating pipes or outdoor water supply.

Izovol range of heaters

Izovol ST must withstand high loads under a layer of concrete or plaster

Recently, the Isobel product is gaining popularity. The insulation is produced in several modifications: Izovol L-25 and Isobel P-75. They have a relatively low cost, but good technical performance. The material is used to insulate interior walls, partitions, ceilings, roofs of various sizes and shapes, ventilation shafts, water pipes and heating mains. Isobel has high density values, therefore it is not afraid of mechanical damage, the influence of biological or chemical factors.

It is allowed to use the material as the main or additional insulation. It is suitable for finishing panel structures, frame houses. If the surface will not be loaded, a lightweight version of the product with a density of 20 kg / m3 is used.

Izovol ST

The material is suitable for insulation of external and internal surfaces of walls, as well as thin or multi-layer partitions. Often used in the manufacture of ventilated facades, sandwich panels. A common option is the C-50 product. The thickness of the plates is 5 cm, 8 cm, 10 cm, but if necessary, the manufacturer can change this value up to 25 cm. Insulation is sold in packs of 4-8 pieces. Its dimensions are standard - 1 * 0.6 m. The density of the mats varies from 60 to 90 kg / m3.

These slabs are made from thin basalt fibers, so they do not weigh down the structure. The lightweight version is acceptable for partitions for which a large load is not provided.

Izovol K

Izovol K and KV grades of increased strength are intended for roof insulation

This stone wool is intended for roof insulation where fire-resistant composite materials are required. It is suitable for insulating flat roofs. The product is convenient to use, since it has small dimensions: 1 * 1.2 m. Thanks to such dimensions, the insulation process is accelerated, a significant area is processed in a short time.Roofing material cannot damage the mats, since their density ranges from 100-175 kg / cubic meter. Sheets do not deform or bend.

Izovol KV

This material is characterized by a higher level of density and is used in single or multi-layer insulating roof cakes. Moreover, Izovol is laid on top of other materials. It can withstand strong mechanical stress without losing its original qualities and shape. In addition to insulation, mats perform an additional function of protecting the roof structure from ignition and fire spread. It is allowed to use sheets for roofs without using a cement screed.

Izovol B

Izovol brands F and P are designed for high static loads when insulating the floor under the screed

This type of Izovol is laminated with fiberglass, which makes it possible to equip the insulation of ventilation ducts. These mats are used as additional wind protection for wall panels. The product is used for the manufacture of ventilated facades. The density of the slabs is 50, 70 or 90 kg / m3. The rest of the characteristics are similar to the qualities of the wall mats.

Izovol F

This brand is characterized by a very high density: 100-150 kg / m3. The thickness of the material is 4-25 cm. The product provides excellent sound and heat insulating qualities. Izovol of this type, like its other varieties, is resistant to inflammation and moisture. It is intended for insulating facades that will be covered with plaster.

Izovol P

Among the advantages of this variety of Izovol, the maximum level of rigidity stands out. The material is used for warming basements and floors. Sheets withstand static and dynamic loads well. It is allowed to lay any floor covering on them, since their density is 175 kg / m3.
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