Characteristics of household boilers and pumps for heating: description of the types and features of operation

The selection of heating system components is a key design task. Their operational parameters should correspond to the calculated ones, and the control should be simple enough and as automated as possible. How to choose household boilers and pumps for heating: gas, diesel, electric boilers? First you need to find out their purpose and features of work.

Key heating components

Simplified scheme of autonomous heating
Simplified scheme of autonomous heating

The principle of operation of any autonomous heating system is to heat water to the required level and transport it to radiators and batteries. The first task should be performed by household gas burners for heating or similar devices. To increase the speed of movement of the coolant, circulating pumps are installed.

This scheme should ensure the normal operation of the heat supply. In practice, it is necessary to choose the right domestic heating pumps and boilers, based on the actual parameters of the future system. For this, the following factors are taken into account:

  • Estimated heating power. Depends on the heat losses of the building, its volume and climatic characteristics of a particular region;
  • Coolant volume;
  • Characteristics of radiators and batteries - heat output;
  • System type - closed, forced circulation, gravitational, etc.

These data are estimates and are calculated first. According to the figures obtained, the optimal household gas heating boilers and other heat supply components are selected.

The characteristics of the system can change during its operation. Therefore, when calculating, you should lay a small margin for all parameters of 10-15%.

Household heating boilers

Types of boilers for heating
Types of boilers for heating

Without what the operation of any autonomous heating system is impossible? Its "heart" is the boilers, which provide heating of the coolant to the required level. Despite the structural differences, they all have one common element - the zone of increasing the temperature of the coolant.

The choice of a boiler begins with calculating its characteristics - power, required functionality. You also need to pay attention to quality and manufacturer. Each type of heating device has a certain service life. So, household diesel heating boilers need periodic cleaning of the nozzles. Otherwise, they become clogged and, as a result, deteriorate the parameters of fuel combustion.

The main characteristics of the boilers are:

  • Rated power;
  • The type of fuel used - gas, coal, wood, diesel or alternative options (solar collectors, geothermal systems);
  • Additional components - expansion tank, circulation pump, controls and safety elements.

If it is possible to connect to the gas transmission line, they choose household floor-standing gas heating boilers. In most cases, they satisfy all of the above requirements. An alternative to them are solid fuel, electric or diesel models.

Each type of heating boiler has specific installation requirements. They can be found in the instructions for a specific model.

Gas heating boilers

Gas floor boiler
Gas floor boiler

Despite the constant growth in the cost of gas, it is still the cheapest type of fuel.Any household gas heating boiler consists of a combustion chamber, a heat exchanger and additional components.

For the organization of autonomous heating, the best option is to purchase a gas boiler. Its parameters were calculated by professional engineers, and the material of manufacture in most cases meets modern requirements. However, there is a possibility of upgrading the old solid fuel boiler. This requires a household gas burner for heating.

It is a separate unit installed in the combustion chamber. During its operation, heat energy will be transferred from the combustion gas to the boiler heat exchanger. But at the same time, one should take into account the specifics - not all gas burners for domestic heating boilers can be installed in the old structure:

  • Gas-burner

    Mounting dimensions must match those of the camera;

  • The power of gas burners for domestic boilers is calculated for a specific model. Otherwise, the heat exchanger will burn out;
  • Depending on the type of gas (main or liquefied), select a set of adapters for the operation of the burner.

If any of these requirements are not met, you should think about purchasing household floor-standing gas heating boilers. They are adapted to work with both mains and liquefied gas. They are also distinguished by a high degree of reliability. But in addition to the technical parameters, one should pay attention to the cost of gas burners for domestic heating boilers. It is significantly lower than that of boilers.

Modelpower, kWtCost, rub.
ATON Atmo 10E1012340
Eurotherm KT 20 TB2017760
Ross Lux AOGV-242423240
Weishaupt WG 20 N / 1-C120202800

Also, household gas heating burners are used to modernize boilers. Modern models have multi-stage adjustment and reliable protection.

It is best to purchase a household gas boiler with the maximum configuration - a pump, an expansion tank and a security group. So you can optimize the costs of organizing autonomous heat supply.

Diesel heating boilers

Diesel Heating Boiler
Diesel Heating Boiler

This type of heating equipment is used if it is possible to purchase fuel at an acceptable cost. The principle of operation of household diesel heating boilers is in many ways similar to the operation of a similar power unit of a car.

The fuel is pre-heated to reduce the viscosity. Then it is fed to the nozzle, where air is injected with the help of a pump or turbine. The resulting mixture ignites and heats up the boiler heat exchanger. Thus, heat energy is transferred to hot water.

Unlike household floor gas heating boilers, diesel models have a number of features in operation:

  • The composition of the fuel must be carefully checked. The presence of essential oils or alcohol-containing components in it is not allowed. It is also recommended to pre-filter the fuel before supplying it to a household diesel heating boiler;
  • Special requirements apply to the place where fuel is stored. The containers must be airtight.

Diesel installations have analogues of gas burners for domestic heating boilers. They can be installed in an existing structure. The performance requirements for diesel burners are the same as for gas burners.

It is recommended to purchase diesel burners that are capable of using recycled oil.

Electric heating boilers

Electric boiler diagram
Electric boiler diagram

If the house does not have a gas main, and the organization of diesel heat supply is unprofitable, household electric heating boilers are installed. They are distinguished by the possibility of smooth power regulation, have a slight inertia of operation, and can also be part of a small heating system.

Currently, there are several types of household electric heating boilers on the market. The main difference between them is the way of heating the water:

  • Heating elements... They work due to the resistive effect, when a thermoelement with high resistance generates heat when current passes through it;
  • Electrode... Heating occurs due to the splitting of water molecules into electrons and ions. They move to the electrodes of reverse polarity, thereby increasing the temperature of the medium;
  • Induction... Use the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction. The field created between the core and the winding increases the temperature of the coolant.

Each of these types of household heating electric boilers has its own advantages and disadvantages. For small systems, the use of electrode models is recommended. However, they require a special composition of the coolant. Traditional models with heating elements have proven themselves well in heating houses of medium and large areas.

For a boiler with an open heating element, it is mandatory to descale it once every 2-3 years.

Household pumps for heating

Circulation pump design
Circulation pump design

To increase the flow rate of the coolant, household circulation pumps for heating are needed. Their parameters are calculated in advance for a specific heat supply system. Structurally, domestic heating pumps consist of a power unit and a rotating impeller.

To select a suitable model, you need to know the basic parameters of the circulation pump. The determining one is the power of its power unit. In fact, the performance of this heating element depends on it.

In addition, the following characteristics of a domestic circulation pump for heating should be calculated in advance:

  • Performance... The amount of heat carrier volume passing over a certain period of time - m³ / hour;
  • Pressure... Determines how high the water column can raise when the pump is running - m.

Recently, this heating element is found not only in closed, but also in open systems. Thanks to the circulation pump, the distribution of heat through radiators and radiators is normalized.

It is important to remember that both the pump and the heating boiler must form a single heating system for the house. Therefore, their parameters are calculated in advance.

The video shows an example of calculating a pump for heating:
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