Characteristics of the gas boiler BAXI Eco Four 24 F

For autonomous heating of a home, gas boilers are most often chosen. They are easy to use, run on the cheapest and most affordable fuel, and can be connected to any type of hot water heating. The gas boiler BAXI Eco Four 24 F from the Italian company BAXI is economical, compact and reliable.

Features of the gas boiler BAXI Eco Four 24 F

Double-circuit boiler Baksi is adapted for unstable gas flow and voltage drops in Russian networks

A two-circuit wall-mounted device with a capacity of 24 kW is designed for heating rooms with a total area of ​​200–220 sq. M. It is equipped with a pump and works on forced draft.

The boiler heats up water for heating and domestic needs. The heating circuit operates in two modes: when heating in the usual way - a system with radiators, the water heats up to + 30– + 85 C, and when connected to a warm floor, the temperature is set at + 30– + 45 C.

The device is adapted to work in Russian conditions - with unstable gas and current indicators. The boiler shuts down when overturning, changing position, burner damping. However, when the gas pressure drops, it does not turn off immediately - the pressure switch turns on and the heating in the house functions. When the pressure rises above the norm - at 3 bar - the gas is vented through the valve. The device is protected from freezing: when the temperature drops sharply, the pump is turned on, increasing the circulation of the coolant.

The Baksi Ekofar 24 boiler performs preventive maintenance: an energy-saving circulation pump is turned on once a day. This prevents blocking of the 3-way valve.

Under normal conditions, the main parameter for setting is the temperature of the coolant and air. However, the unit is equipped with a weather-compensated control unit. If you purchase and connect an outdoor sensor to it, the boiler automatically calculates the operating mode taking into account the temperature outside - when the temperature drops, the boiler increases the heating without waiting for the room to cool down.

Another important feature of the BAXI Eco Four 24 F boiler is the ability to operate on different fuels. It is connected to both the gas main and the LPG cylinder. When switching from one type of gas to another, it is necessary to change the gas injectors and indicate in the settings with which fuel the device works.


User parameters of the BAXI Eco Four 24 F boiler are presented in the table.

Power24 kWt
Area200-220 sq. m.
Dimensions (edit)730 * 400 * 299mm
Weight30 Kg
Efficiency92,9 %
Power consumption10.6 kW
Gas consumption2.73 cc m / hour
Gas pressure20 bar
Chimney typeCoaxial
Heating water temperatures+ 30– + 85 C
Hot water temperatures+ 30– + 60 C

Although the power of the device is 24 kW, it is connected to a single-phase network with a voltage of 230 V.

Boiler design

BAXI Eco Four 24 F boiler with atmospheric burner without front panel

The design of the device is not too different from its counterparts. Its advantages are a competent layout, not innovative technology, although some of the elements are specially designed.

Main components:

  • atmospheric burner Polidoro - takes air for combustion not from the room, but from the street;
  • 2 heat exchangers - copper for heating and made of stainless steel for hot water supply;
  • circulation pump Grundfos UP 15-50 with automatic air duct, operates in 2 modes;
  • three-way valve made of brass with electric drive;
  • expansion tank of membrane type, volume 6 l;
  • safety valves - relieve water pressure in the heating system or hot water supply;
  • electronic control unit with a sensor system.

The device is equipped with an LCD display, which reflects all the current information. Information about breakdowns also appears here.

All internal parts - gas part, supply pipes, hydraulic part - are made of brass and do not corrode.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are turbocharged models for apartments and for installation in a chimney in a private house

The pros and cons of the Italian device are due to its design and quality of parts. Advantages:

  • The BAXI Eco Four 24 F boiler is double-circuit - it can heat the house and heat water for the bathroom and kitchen.
  • The unit is automated. It is not difficult to set it up, the boiler develops the operating mode to ensure a comfortable temperature.
  • Adapted to work with very low pressures and at low temperatures.
  • The safety block is well developed, literally all situations are provided. Moreover, the boiler performs some actions to prevent them.
  • It has been working without interruptions for over 30 years.
  • The system is equipped with pumps, but the boiler operates almost silently.


  • the boiler is volatile - when the current is turned off, operation is impossible;
  • high price;
  • the volume of the tank is small;
  • expensive parts, but repairs are done quickly.

The device is not too sensitive to water quality according to European standards. If the water hardness exceeds 200 mg of calcium salts per 1 liter of liquid, a softening polyphosphate filter must be installed.

Errors gas boiler BAXI Eco Four 24 F

The error codes can be found in the operating instructions for the device.

Gas boiler Baksi Ekofor is equipped with a self-diagnosis system. If any breakdowns are detected, the device pauses and signals malfunctions. An error code appears on the display. This simplifies repairs.

The most common problems that occur are:

  • E01 - the burner has gone out. There are many reasons: ignition error, sensor failure, lack of gas.
  • E02 - overheating of the heat exchanger. Most often it occurs due to the accumulation of plaque on the pipes.
  • E03 - fan failure. The device needs to be replaced.
  • E05 - failure of the extract air temperature sensor.
  • E06 - failure of the DHW temperature sensor.
  • E10 - the pressure in the heating system has dropped. A possible reason is the leakage of the boiler itself or pipes.
  • E25-26 - pump failure. The same code may indicate a sensor malfunction.
  • E35 - mixing media. It occurs when moisture appears on the board, breakdown of the sensor, the occurrence of a parasitic flame.
  • E26 - the voltage in the network is insufficient for the operation of the device.

When the code appears on the screen, press the "R" button and hold it until the error is cleared. If the message then appears on the display again, the fault is real, and not caused by an accidental failure. It is necessary to call the master. Self-repair of the gas boiler is strictly prohibited.

You can use the restart option no more than 5 times, then the device is locked.

Management and security

The piping and connection are checked by a gas service specialist

The first start-up of the boiler is performed in the presence of a specialist. Then this procedure is carried out independently:

  • They turn on the device in the network, open the gas cock.
  • Press the start button and set the operating mode - summer or winter.
  • Indicate the temperature of heating the liquid by pressing the +/- buttons. When the boiler starts up, a fire symbol appears on the monitor.

At the first start-up, air locks are often found in the gas supply pipe. In this case, the burner does not ignite, an error message appears on the screen. The command is reset by pressing the "R" button and the launch is repeated.

4 operating modes are possible:

  • Summer - the boiler works only for heating water.
  • Winter - both liquid heating and heating are carried out. Both icons are lit on the screen.
  • Heating only is a more economical mode, as less gas is spent on heating the coolant.
  • Disabled - no symbols on the display.The appliance does not work, but the frost protection function remains active.

In order for the boiler to be idle, it is necessary to disconnect it from the mains.

Only a specialist can convert the device to another type of fuel: this requires replacing the injectors.

To extend the life of the device, you need to follow the instructions in the instructions. Once a year, a specialist should be invited for a preventive examination.
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