Characteristics of Danko gas boilers and operating instructions

Among the samples of boiler equipment operating on gas presented on the domestic market, there are units under the brand name Danko (Ukraine). To get a complete picture of this model, the interested user will need to familiarize himself with the main characteristics and design features. It is also important to understand the existing types of units, which fully characterize the Danko gas boiler as a universal device.

Pros and cons of Danko gas boilers

Danko solid fuel boiler runs on wood, coke, coal

The advantages of these units include:

  • use of advanced technologies and high quality components;
  • long service life of equipment;
  • economical fuel consumption and quiet operation;
  • relatively low cost of the product.

The advantage of boilers of this series is also considered their compactness and attractive appearance. Like most natural gas heating units, Danko products have inherent disadvantages.

  • It is necessary to periodically service the unit, be sure to clean the chimney.
  • During operation, the flame can be extinguished due to external factors.
  • Danko's wall-mounted models have power limitations, while the floor-standing ones are distinguished by an increased level of noise.

The listed disadvantages do not have a serious impact on the overall assessment of the purchased equipment. Technical indicators are usually used as criteria for selecting the desired model. Among them, the following factors stand out:

  • average gas consumption for the allocated period of time;
  • method of placement;
  • energy efficiency;
  • functionality and warranty period.

Often, an assessment of the equipment in terms of the heated area is added to the listed criteria.


Gas floor boiler Danko Ukrainian manufacturer

The technical characteristics of Danko boilers include:

  • combustion chamber type - turbocharged or atmospheric;
  • average fuel consumption does not exceed 1.9-2.7 m3 / hour;
  • Efficiency - 92%;
  • heating area - from 70 to 300 meters;
  • supply network 220 Volt 50 Hertz.

These indicators also include a set of additional functions available for each specific model.

Boiler device

Gas boilers "Danko" are manufactured according to standard schemes, according to which its main units are a heat exchanger and a burner, combined into a common unit. Also, the design of the device provides for the following modules and working units:

  • circulation pump;
  • plate heat exchanger of the second level;
  • turbofan in models with forced air supply;
  • three-way valve;
  • control electronic module.

When the boiler is operating, water first enters the main heat exchanger and is heated there, and then moves to the plate exchange module, which heats it to the required temperature. After that, the coolant enters the three-way valve, where it continues to heat up, and then is discharged into the heating circuit in order to go to the next loop of circulation.

The operation of the system is controlled by a control module, which is installed in volatile boilers. In parapet non-volatile models, this function is performed by mechanical sensors and special valves.The pump built into the system is responsible for the circulation of the liquid; air is supplied to it due to natural draft or forcibly - through a turbofan.

Varieties of boilers Danko

Wall-hung boilers with a steel heat exchanger have power limitations

Danko boilers on the heating equipment market are represented by a large assortment of models that differ in the following features:

  • according to the type of installation within the premises, they are floor, wall or parapet versions;
  • in terms of functionality, they are divided into single-circuit and double-circuit systems;
  • by the type of combustion chambers are open or atmospheric and closed (turbocharged) type.

Danko floor-standing gas boilers for heating a private house are installed on a special stand made of non-combustible material or directly on the floor. For their wall-mounted counterparts, a hinged installation is provided with the use of metal support structures (ramps) fixed to the load-bearing walls. Parapet samples of boilers refer to products with a hinged type of installation. They differ from wall models in the way they are connected to the chimney. In addition, this difference is caused by the need to create a slope of the heating system pipelines, which ensures the natural circulation of the coolant.

Single-circuit units are intended only for heating the liquid and transferring it to the heating network. Dual-circuit systems simultaneously heat the heating medium and prepare hot water used for domestic needs. There are the following differences in the design of the combustion chamber:

  • In open (atmospheric) models, in order to obtain normal combustion, air is taken directly from the room in which the boiler is mounted. Combustion wastes together with smoke are discharged in a natural way, due to the thrust generated by the pressure drop.
  • In closed units, air enters the system and smoke is removed from it by means of a powerful turbocharger fan.

Turbocharged units are much more stable in operation than conventional ones. The reason is the high pressure under which the fuel is supplied to the burner. The flame in it is more stable and does not fade out due to drafts or strong gusts of wind.

From the point of view of the reliability of the boiler unit, the user may be interested in models with a steel or cast iron heat exchanger. In addition, there is a choice of samples with different configurations of control systems.

Popular models

Danko Rivneterm model is heavy duty for heating rooms up to 900 sq. m

Floor-standing models of boilers of the Danko brand are presented in the following series:

  • Danko-10 with a capacity of 10 kW are intended for heating and domestic hot water, they need a chimney.
  • SR or HRV refer to single and double-circuit samples with a declared power from 8 to 24 kW. Equipped with metal heat exchangers with a wall thickness of 3 mm.
  • СН and ВСН are units with increased power from 30 to 48 kW with the same steel heat exchanger.
  • Rivneterm belongs to a series of ultra-high power units and is designed for heating large areas.

The latest models are represented by single and double-circuit boilers with a declared power of 30 to 96 kW, having a steel heat exchanger and capable of heating rooms with an area of ​​up to 900 m2.

The series of wall-mounted boilers from the same manufacturer includes products with the US and UVS indices - single and double-circuit boilers with a capacity from 7 to 18 kW. They have the same steel heat exchanger with 3mm walls. Floor standing boilers with a capacity of 16-50 kW, equipped with a cast-iron heat exchanger, are presented as a separate series. They have large dimensions and weight, which is explained by the other dimensions of individual components and assemblies.

Cost and completeness

Boiler automation is produced in Italy, Poland, USA

The cost of Danko boilers is determined by the type of design, its functionality and ranges from 8 to 109 thousand rubles. The delivery set traditionally does not include a chimney and other components.Each series of products differs in its configuration, therefore, before purchasing, the user will need to clarify its composition and purchase missing items.

In the domestic market of components for such boilers, the following sets are common:

  • A set of parts from Kare (Poland), manufactured specifically for Danko: valves, thermostat, reducer and a set of pressure and draft sensors.
  • A selection of components from Honeywell (USA): electromechanical feed control units installed in especially "advanced" models.
  • Components from Sit (Italy): automatic units used in models of European-made gas boilers.

The assortment of the products themselves and their components is very wide. The user can always choose the best option, taking into account the specific conditions of their operation.

Features of operation and setting

An annual chimney cleaning is recommended to ensure that the quality of work is not compromised.

The requirements are set out in the user's manual, which should be carefully read before starting work with the unit. During the operation of boilers, the following unforeseen situations are possible:

  • The product does not turn on.
  • The boiler starts to shut down randomly.
  • In case of strong drafts, the burner can be extinguished.
  • Draft is noticeably reduced (for products with natural ventilation).

To eliminate the first two faults, you should invite specialists. During operation, it is important to remember the need for periodic cleaning of the chimney, which is clogged with combustion waste over time.

The need to adjust the functionality of the boiler may be required when it is necessary to increase the efficiency and stability of its operation. To do this, you will have to invite a service center specialist or representatives of the warranty workshop. Self-tuning can lead to complete equipment failure.
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