Characteristics and description of Nobo heaters

Convector electric heaters Nobo are reliable and efficient heating devices. They quickly heat the room, perfectly maintain the required temperature, economically use electricity, thanks to built-in thermostats.

The principle of operation of Nobo heaters

Nobo heaters work on the principle of convection of hot and cold streams

The device is based on the laws of physics - the laws of heat exchange and circulation in a medium containing gas. Since warm air is lighter than cold air, it collects in the upper part of the room. During heating, the air flows rise, after cooling, they go down. Thus, natural air convection occurs.

Cold air is drawn in through the holes in the lower part of the case, in the upper there are the same ones for the heated outlet. TEN (heating element) is most often located at the bottom. It heats the volume of air that is inside the structure. With the help of thermoregulation, the set temperature is maintained in the house.


The size in height of Nobo heaters does not change and is 40 cm

Nobo heaters are distinguished by the following thermotechnical properties:

  • Silence. Since the device does not forcibly blow in air, there is no noise.
  • Possibility to place on the wall.
  • Safety. All connections and heating element are double insulated.
  • Moisture protection. Therefore, the device can be placed in the bathroom.
  • The ability to adjust and set the same temperature on several convectors at the same time.
  • The presence of an anti-freeze mode. If the latter is set, the heaters consume a minimum of electrical energy, maintain the temperature of + 5 ° C.

Warranty repairs apply to all Nobo products during the first 10 years of use. Heating devices can operate for up to 30 years in continuous operation.

Advantages and disadvantages

The floor-standing model is equipped with wheels for easy movement

Nobo electric convectors have the following advantages:

  • A variety of structures (mounted, floor).
  • Heaters are produced in different capacities - from 0.05 kW to 2 kW.
  • There is an opportunity to connect several devices in one circuit, and then control them using the Nobo Energy Control system.
  • Long service life.


  • Sometimes the temperature of the outer casing exceeds 45 degrees stated in the instructions.
  • High price.
  • Few designer models are produced.
  • The heating device will raise dust in the room.

The last negative characteristic is a disadvantage of all heaters, it does not depend on the manufacturer.

Choice of Nobo heaters

Model range and technical characteristics of Nobo radiators

When buying a convector, it is recommended to pay attention to the following criteria:

  • dimensions;
  • power;
  • noise level;
  • the presence of a control panel.

For home use, heating devices of the Bali or Viking series, whose power is 600 watts, are perfect. If you need to heat a larger area (from 12 to 19 m2), you should pay attention to more powerful models.

The choice of power is based on:

  • 70 W per 1 m², if the room has normal thermal insulation;
  • 100 W per 1 m², if there is no other source of heat.

The total space heating capacity is calculated using standard tables. The difference in values ​​is explained by the unequal thermal conductivity of the walls of different types of structures.

Heater installation

Mounting the heater on the wall

There is a mounting frame on the back of the device. It can be removed, attached to the wall with four screws, taking into account the installation dimensions.

It is necessary to maintain a distance from the front panel of the heater to a nearby object of at least 5 cm. Dimensions are measured from the body itself, and not from the mounting frame.

Causes and elimination of breakdowns

Nobo convector heaters can malfunction during operation. Most of them occur through the fault of users due to violation of the rules of operation.

  • The most common faults in the operation of convectors and preventive measures to prevent them:
  • After switching on, the heater does not heat up, the thermostat lamps do not light up. Actions: check the correct installation of the thermostat, if it is removable, test the contact of the plug of the electric wire of the heater.
  • Independent transition from one mode to another. Connection with a voltage stabilizer will help to correct the situation.
  • Frequent shutdowns due to overheating. May occur due to improper selection and installation of the heater. Action: Ensure free air flow at the bottom of the convector and unobstructed outflow of hot flow at the top.
  • Different temperatures in the room. Observed in case of an incorrectly selected installation location. Ideally, it is recommended to install several convectors so that they can be placed in colder places.

If the Nobo heater breaks down through no fault of the user, you should contact the service center for warranty repair.

Service and safety rules

The heater must not be covered, as hot streams will not be able to escape and a fire will occur

Main requirements:

  • twice a year, you need to clean the lower and upper grilles from dirt with a brush or vacuum cleaner;
  • wipe the heater body with a cloth (dry or damp) without the use of aggressive detergents.

Safety rules prohibit:

  • closing (full or partial) of the upper or lower grilles;
  • placing flammable objects on the heater;
  • squeezing the front panel of the convector;
  • setting the maximum temperature unnecessarily;
  • self-service.

It is strictly forbidden to leave the Nobo heater running in case of prolonged absence of users.

Before buying a convector heater, it is recommended to consult a specialist who will help you choose the right model for you.
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