Characteristics and features of GSM heating control system

Manual heating control is not always effective for its operation. Even automatic thermostats are only able to maintain the required temperature regime, and the programmers will perform only the functions laid down in them. But what if you need to receive data on the heating operation remotely and also change its parameters? For the practical implementation of this, you need GSM heating control: modules for boilers, system control and other additional features.

Heating remote control principle

General connection diagram of the remote control module
General connection diagram of the remote control module

In essence, a GSM controller for heating is a universal control element. Usually it is part of the so-called "smart home", where most of the usual functions are automated.

What is the main purpose of this control module? First of all - transmission of objective user information via GSM communication and adjustment of heating parameters in the same mode. For this, it is not enough to have only a GSM controller for heating control. In addition to this device, all other equipment must be adapted to connect to the controller. As a result, after installation, the following options will appear to control the heating system in the house:

  • Remote receipt of reports on the state of the system in automatic mode or upon request;
  • GSM heating control - the ability to change the parameters of the boiler or regulate the degree of heating of the radiators;
  • Connection to additional control systems - fire extinguishing, security, etc.

The latter function allows you to be "in the know" even at a distance of hundreds of kiloliters. In fact, the user receives a universal remote control. However, do not place too high hopes on the GSM heating control module. Only expensive models can signal a leak in pipes. You also need to take care of the correctness of the preliminary settings - notifications can be received only under the influence of certain factors. The GSM alarm system for heating will give a signal only when the system parameters go beyond the set limits.

In most cases, it is possible to configure the frequency of the GSM alarms about the heating status. This can be done directly in the module settings.

Feasibility of installing GSM heating control

Control unit design
Control unit design

It should be borne in mind that remote control of GSM heating is an expensive pleasure. The average cost of such a complex can range from 18 to 32 thousand rubles. Therefore, before purchasing, you need to analyze - is such a control system needed?

Most often, it is installed in private houses, industrial and commercial premises with a fickle presence of people. In this case, the heating system must maintain the desired temperature level. Those. the user must be able to change the current values ​​of the heating medium at any time. Also, heating control via GSM should promptly send a message about possible malfunctions or unexpected deviations of the water temperature from the norm.

In practice, the installation of a GSM controller for heating is relevant in the following cases:

  • The need to change the system parameters using SMS messages or installed mobile software;
  • Remote control of the state of heating.

For a private house, such functions are not basic or in demand. Therefore, the installation of a GSM controller for heating control can be replaced by the installation of a similar device - a programmer. In fact, it is also an electronic control unit with heating parameters, but without the GSM function.

When traveling abroad, for remote control of heating via GSM, you need to turn on roaming. Otherwise, SMS will not be received. A way out of this situation is to entrust the control of heating to friends or relatives by adding their mobile phone number to the module's mailing list.

Functionality and equipment of remote control systems

Example of GSM layout for heating control
Example of GSM layout for heating control

For the consumer, two main characteristics of remote heating control systems are important - cost and capabilities. They are interconnected. Often, the broader the functionality of the device, the more expensive it costs. To analyze a particular model designed for GSM heating control, you need to find out its characteristics.

The system for remote adjustment of parameters consists of several units - electronic control and a GSM transmitter. They can be in the same housing or connected to each other through loops. The latter is preferable, since in this way you can subsequently install a perfect model of the control unit, leaving the old transmitter.

The choice of the type of GSM heating control module should be based on an analysis of its capabilities. The minimum set should include the following features:

  • Connection to external temperature and pressure sensors. The number of points must be at least 5, and one of them is located on the street;
  • Connection with the boiler control unit to control its operating modes and measure the current parameters of the system;
  • Setting of alarms depending on the heating readings. The minimum set includes maintaining the temperature of the coolant at the desired level, the value of which is set via SMS, and alarm about excess (decrease) in the degree of water heating.

The extended functionality of the GSM alarm system for heating includes connection to an auxiliary relay. With their help, it is possible to regulate the operation of not only the boiler, but also the system of a water-heated floor, as well as heating radiators. In addition, it is desirable that the notification system duplicate messages on several mobile phones. This is relevant for a long-term absence from the house and the transfer of remote heating control to third parties. Most often this is used when traveling abroad.

Please check the warranty conditions before installing the remote control module. They can only be valid when installed by the company's specialists or their representatives.

Installation of GSM heating modules

detailed wiring diagram of the GSM module
detailed wiring diagram of the GSM module

For the correct installation of remote heating control with a GSM module, it is best to invite specialists. But if you have even small skills in working with electronic devices and reading the simplest electrical circuits, you can do it yourself.

The specificity of the installation consists in the correct connection of the control circuits to the boiler, sensors and other elements of the heating system. The instructions from the manufacturer always indicate the requirements for the equipment and the switching parameters. For correct heating control via GSM, the following general requirements must be met:

  • Choose a place for installing the module. It should be a heated room with optimal humidity;
  • The signal from the GSM transmitter should not decrease due to reinforced concrete floors. Therefore, it is best not to install the module in the basement;
  • Provide an emergency power supply. If the power supply is cut off, the GSM controller will not be able to monitor the heating status. Most often, for this they purchase an uninterruptible power supply unit of medium power;
  • Connection to a separate power line through an RCD.This will protect the controller with GSM transmission for heating control from overloads.

An important factor is the convenient and functional software for GSM control over the heating operation. Most often, manufacturers offer their versions adapted for smartphone operating systems. For the best performance, it is recommended to keep an eye on the updates constantly.

Is it possible to do GSM heating control with your own hands - from a module for boilers to control of the entire system? With due diligence, this is possible. But the quality of the device will most likely not meet the standards. Therefore, it is best to purchase factory models.

As an example, you can see the capabilities of the GSM module for controlling the heating system Kostrzewa:
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