Characteristics and features of a dead-end heating system

Various options for a dead-end heating system involve the use of a two-pipe circuit for laying the circuit. If necessary, you can make a single-pipe system gasket. To do this, you will need to correctly calculate the diameter of the pipes and arrange the radiators, which will complicate the installation. The use of a one-pipe system makes home heating less efficient.

Types of dead-end systems

In both schemes, the cooled coolant flows in the opposite direction relative to the hot

Depending on the features of the structure, a dead-end heating system can be mounted horizontally or vertically.


This type of dead-end system assumes a horizontal arrangement of radiators, united by a supply line and a return line in a common scheme. The entire line consists of pipes of the same diameter, so the wiring is easy to install and more economical, especially for houses of a small area, where it successfully works with the natural circulation of the coolant. In houses with an area of ​​100 m2 or more, the use of horizontal wiring requires the organization of forced movement of the coolant through the system. Dead-end heating of horizontal type allows installation of wiring into the floor, which successfully hides it from sight. In this case, it is better to choose reinforced polymer pipes and connect them with sliding sleeves.


Vertical type dead-end heating includes two or three horizontal circuits connected to a vertical riser. Such a wiring diagram is used in two or three-story houses to create pressure in the pipeline and accelerate the movement of the coolant. Each of its circuits is responsible for heating one floor of the house. Such a wiring scheme has limitations on the number of radiators that make up one branch. For efficient space heating, the number of appliances on a floor should not exceed 10 pieces. For a larger number of them, the installation of automatic pressure regulators will be required to balance the supply of the heated coolant.

Dead-end heating with vertical wiring cannot be laid without the use of various fittings, which complicates the installation of the system.

Advantages and disadvantages

The two-pipe system consumes more materials, more work

The advantages of a dead-end heating system for a private house include:

  • simple installation and operation;
  • the versatility of the system, since it is used to heat one-story and two-story buildings;
  • the ability to replace the battery while the system is running;
  • vertical and horizontal heating types are attractive in terms of cost, which is why they are popular among cottage owners.

The disadvantages of a dead-end system include prolonged heating of the radiators, the need to lay the line length and a large amount of installation work.

Scheme of operation of a dead-end heating system

In most cases, a dead-end heating scheme assumes that the supply of the coolant to the radiators and its removal is carried out through separate lines.

Work cycle:

  1. Hot water is supplied from the boiler through the supply pipe to the expansion tank.
  2. The heated coolant is directed along the pipeline outgoing from the tank through pipes connected to the upper branch pipe of each radiator.
  3. Hot water, passing through the heater and giving off heat to it, flows through the lower pipe to the return line.
  4. The cooled coolant collected from all radiators is returned to the boiler through the return pipeline.

After heating the water, the working cycle is repeated.

Installation recommendations

Shut-off valves for radiators for easy repair, maintenance or replacement

When installing dead-end heating with your own hands, you should take into account the recommendations of experienced craftsmen.

  • When calculating the throughput of the pipeline, the inner diameter of the pipes is taken. The correct choice will reduce the number of fittings required to connect the pipeline elements. The fewer connections, the better the heating functions.
  • When distributing vertical-type dead-end heating, shut-off and control valves should be installed on each branch. This will reduce the supply of coolant to the upper floors when no one lives there.
  • Horizontal pipelines are laid with a slope. If natural circulation of the coolant is assumed, a slope of 5 mm is made per meter of pipe. If it is planned to organize the forced movement of water, the pipeline is installed with a slope of no more than 2 mm per meter.
  • When choosing temperature sensors, it is necessary to take into account the intended method of circulation of the coolant. Since a thermal sensor of a certain design is suitable for each of the methods. Appliances for gravity systems have more capacity.
  • When installing the pipeline, it must be remembered that the last radiator, unlike other devices in the circuit, is connected with a pipe of a smaller diameter.

If you follow all the recommendations, you can avoid mistakes and speed up your work.

Features of the dead-end heating device

Boiler piping for each radiator branch separately

Installation of the heating system is carried out taking into account the following features:

  • Installing a large number of radiators slows down their heating. This problem is solved by dividing them into several branches. One such branch should have no more than five to six batteries.
  • The line is mounted with a slope towards the riser. Reverse slopes, as well as U-shaped bypasses, are not allowed.
  • To compensate for the temperature difference between floors, pipelines are mounted from pipes of different cross-sections.
  • According to the scheme, the last battery is mounted above the rest.
  • If the length of the heating system is long, it is better to install several circulation pumps of lower power. Installing a pump with a power reserve will only increase energy consumption.

If you know in advance about the aforementioned features, you will not have to waste time on reworking ineffective heating.

Hydraulics and balancing

If the heated area of ​​the building does not exceed 200 square meters, the flow rate of the heat carrier is distributed in a natural way. In the hydraulic calculation for a two-pipe dead-end heating system, the pressure loss in each of the branches is calculated.

Balancing is necessary to connect the branches to each other in such a way that the pressure loss in all branches is the same. Installation of balancing valves in the branch lines simplifies the process. This avoids situations when the coolant, moving along the path of least resistance, will only circulate along the branch with low pressure.
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  1. Alexander

    the most reliable 2-pipe heating system with a passing movement of the coolant and works without failure and the circulation ring can be made longer ... ..



