Filling the heating system with water in private houses

The heating circuit in an apartment building or private house runs on water or other liquid with improved characteristics. When installing a new system, the initial filling of the coolant is carried out by specialists. They check the tightness, correct connection and operation of the equipment. Subsequent filling of liquid can be done independently. To do this, you must comply with all conditions for the system to function properly.

Open heating system

Filling a closed heating system with antifreeze

There are two types of heating systems - open and closed. They work on a different principle, water is poured into them in its own way. With open heating, the water in the circuit does not circulate under pressure, but naturally. An expansion tank is located at the top point, in which the heat carrier comes into contact with air. Excess liquid gets into it, which expands when heated, and air is released from the system. Water is poured into this particular tank.

Algorithm for pouring water into an open heating system:

  1. Removing the lid from the tank.
  2. Pouring water into the tank. This can be done with a hose or bucket. The coolant level can be determined by a special indicator on the device body.
  3. Surplus liquid is discharged through a drain pipe, which is led to the sewer.

The coolant should be filled in gradually in small portions so that air bubbles escape. When the remaining liquid stops draining into the pipe, the system is full. It remains only to release the remaining air from the radiator by opening Mayevsky's taps. A container is pre-installed under them. When water flows into it, the tap must be closed. After descent, the required volume must be poured into the tank.

After finishing the work, you can turn on the boiler to heat the house in winter.

Closed heating system

After filling, the remaining air is released through the Mayevsky tap

In systems of this type, the liquid does not interact with the air outside the heating circuit, it circulates due to the pump. The design includes an expansion tank with a membrane. It is a sealed container, which is divided into two parts using a rubber partition. The lower compartment contains the coolant, and the upper compartment contains air at a constant pressure of 1.5 atmospheres.

It is better to do the work of filling water together. One person monitors the release of air from the pipes, and the other adds a coolant. If it is not possible to work together, the liquid is poured gradually under a slight pressure.

Algorithm for pouring water into the heating system in a private house with a closed type:

  1. Opening the valve and placing a container under it for draining water. The remaining liquid will fill the tank, after which they must be drained.
  2. The pipe has a slight slope down to the bottom. In this place, a tap is installed, thanks to which excess water is removed. There is also a branch pipe with a check valve for filling the coolant. If a pipe from the water supply is connected to it, open the tap. Otherwise, the liquid is filled with a hose. The pressure should be slightly higher than in the heating system.
  3. The taps are closed when pipes and radiators are completely filled with coolant. The water shuts off when the pressure on the pressure gauge reaches 1.5 atmospheres. The value may be different, it can be found in the instrument passport.
  4. Bleeding air through the Mayevsky cock.
A valve for pumping water into a double-circuit boiler - the system is filled automatically

The houses are also equipped with double-circuit boilers. They contain a valve for pumping water, so there will be no problems with the set of coolant. The user just needs to open the tap at the bottom of the case. The heating system of the house will be filled through it. To remove the remaining air, a valve is placed in the upper part. Moreover, many models have an automated system for dumping air masses.

If a gas boiler AOGV is installed in the house, in order to fill the closed-type heating system, the front cover must be removed from the heating device. Inside you need to find a cylindrical pump, in the central part of which there is a removable cover. The boiler is turned on, the required temperature is set. During the process, a gurgling sound can be heard in the pump, which must be eliminated. To do this, the lid is not completely unscrewed with a screwdriver, until water begins to drip from the inside. After that, the lid can be screwed on, wait 2-3 minutes and repeat the process a couple more times. When the operation is silent, the electric ignition is switched on. The boiler will begin to supply heat to the house in operating mode. If necessary, you can periodically open and close the make-up valve.

It is necessary to make additional debugging of the water supply equipment. To do this, using the control valves on the water radiators, the heat supply to the devices near the boiler is reduced and the heat supplied to the batteries, which are located at a considerable distance, is increased.

Other types of coolant

Propylene glycol has lubricating properties, therefore prolongs the life of the system

Water is not the only heat carrier that can be used to fill a heating circuit in a house or apartment. To improve the performance properties, other liquids are used, for example, antifreeze. It does not freeze at low temperatures, so pipes and batteries do not burst in the cold. For pouring antifreeze, pipes with a small diameter and panel radiators are installed. This will reduce the amount of coolant and save money.

Filling the system with other fluids is more difficult than filling with water. It cannot be pumped from the water pipe, so the algorithm will be different.

  1. To pump liquid into the heating circuit, a manual (pressurized) pump is required. Electric models are not suitable as a special mechanism is required. The manual device helps to create the rated pressure of the antifreeze.
  2. A hose is fixed to the check valve at the bottom of the system. A large-volume container is installed next to it. The second end rises to a height (second floor, attic) to create increased pressure.
  3. When the priming is complete, fluid is drained from the attached hose.

After filling, the heating devices can be checked and used.

In addition to antifreeze, propylene glycol can be used. This substance differs from other heat transfer fluids in its positive properties. The main advantages include:

  • Safety for humans. For this reason, many manufacturers advise using it in double-circuit and single-circuit boilers.
  • Retention of fluidity in all conditions. Does not freeze even at low temperatures.
  • The presence of lubricating properties. Allows to reduce the load on the pump.
  • High inertia.
  • Safety for all materials. Will not damage the flooring if it leaks.

The main disadvantage of propylene glycol is its high cost. In addition, the liquid can react with metal pipes. When the maximum permissible temperature is exceeded, it decomposes and releases toxic poisons. Despite the disadvantages, the coolant is the best option for use in the heating circuit in the house and apartment.

System make-up

Pressure control is carried out using a sensor

For efficient operation of a closed heating system, it is necessary to constantly maintain the operating pressure.It directly depends on the amount of liquid to be poured that circulates in pipes and radiators. Coolant leaks are also possible, regardless of the tightness of the connecting nodes. To maintain the pressure, the system is charged. It is carried out through valves that are mounted in a place with a minimum water pressure. Usually the make-up is placed in front of the pump.

On sale you can find devices with manual and automatic heat carrier supply. For a small house with a low-power system, mechanical valves are usually chosen. They are simple and easy to use, and practically do not break. Pressure drops are absorbed by a rubber membrane in the tank. The disadvantages include the need for constant pressure monitoring. If an automatic system is installed, control is not needed. It will be performed by sensors. These valves are more expensive, but they are safer to use.

So that filling the heating circuit with water does not cause constant hassle for the residents of the house and does not take time, it is recommended to install a two-pipe system. Then the process is simplified, the room will always have a comfortable temperature for life.
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  1. Unname

    "Safety for humans"

    What kind of safety can we talk about if propylene glycol “decomposes when the maximum permissible temperature is exceeded and releases toxic poisons”?



