Monthly receipts are issued either in the name of the tenant, if the apartment is municipal, or in the name of the owner. It is the owner who tries to divide the burden of the financial content between all those prescribed in the room equally. But different rights imply corresponding responsibilities, so just registered ones do not have to pay some fees.
You are not the owner
The owner of the apartment has much more rights in relation to property (to sell, to donate), and, accordingly, more responsibilities. A registered family member is not obliged to maintain someone else's property.
He is exempt from paying contributions for major repairs, maintenance and repair costs of common house property, property tax.
A registered and resident person is obliged to pay the rest of the utility bills.
Went on vacation
If residents have gone on vacation or moved to the summer cottage for more than 5 days, charges for utilities will not be made, but this must be documented.
If the move was carried out to the dacha, you can prove something if there are meters.
This is done before leaving so that the officers of the Criminal Code take evidence. You can contact the administration of the garden partnership. The certificate is taken on the day of arrival and on the day of departure back to the city. In the case of a vacation, it is enough to present tickets or a document confirming registration in a hotel or hostel.
This can be done within 30 days after arrival.
Poor quality services provided
Utilities must comply with regulations.
Among the poorly rendered:
- rusty water;
- cold water instead of hot;
- voltage drops;
- little or no heating;
- long disconnection of water, light, gas.
You don't need to pay for this, but you have to prove it. To do this, it is enough to contact the Housing Inspectorate. In response, they will send a specialist, he will draw up an appropriate act.
The limitation period has expired
If utility bills are not paid regularly, the relevant services can apply for their collection, but not earlier than 3 years.
This period is valid for cases if the debtor has not voluntarily recognized the debt.
The fact of recognition of the debt will be considered partial payment, the signing of an agreement on its restructuring, filing an application for a deferral.
In this case, the limitation period may be interrupted or started anew.
Live elsewhere
If a person is registered in an apartment, but lives in a different place, it is enough to provide the management company with a certificate of being at a different address and calculating payments there.
Cancellation of payments will be made only for some services. Heating costs and rent will be charged regularly.